Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 489: Target: Tarn Mira Lake

Tanmira Lake is the place where the swallows broke through the boundless despair and broke through a path of hope to usher in the first glimmer of light.

In the Kingdom of Ebin, which was occupied by the Nilfgard Empire in the First Northern War, there was an area called Centrok. There, it was once called "Hundred Lakes".

As the name suggests, lakes are everywhere here.

From a bird's eye view, the dotted lakes form a variety of patterns, among them, there is a set of pictures resembling clover.

However, that set of pictures is not just composed of three lakes representing leaves. At the northern end, there is an oval but long and narrow lake from south to north, just like the petiole of a clover.

Over there is Tarn Mira Lake.

In the Second Northern War, after the Coup in Sunnet, the swallow, who was taken by her adoptive mother to the Erithusa School of Magic on Sunnet, used the island’s magical teleportation tower, Torlau, to take advantage of the chaos. Pull, that is, the Tower of Seagulls took out the clutches of the hunter.

After Lawton went to and fro, she escaped from the desert where she was teleported to, under the pseudonym Falja, and joined the local gang called the Mouse Gang.

There, she half-actively and half-passively had her first love, Mihir, a tall and slender blonde short-haired beauty.

But the good times didn't last long. Of course, it wasn't a good time to act in the style of mice helping to cause trouble everywhere. In short, a bounty hunter who received the task caught up and killed the mice all at once.

Not only the other six people, including Yan Zi's girlfriend, were all beheaded by the bounty hunter, even Yan Zi was caught by the pervert, not to mention all kinds of torture, and she dragged her sick body to a duel in the arena.

During that time, it can be said that Yanzi's darkest experience.

But later, a psychic or psychic who is proficient in spiritual magic, wanted to explore the memory of the swallow, but instead caused the instinctive counterattack of the ancient power in the swallow.

This awakened the swallow who refused the magic of fire in the desert and was unable to communicate with the magic. And escaped from the chaos.

After being taken care of by a kind hermit, the swallow, who was barely regaining his strength, led the following soldiers to Tarn Mira Lake.

Taking advantage of the heavy fog on the ice in winter, the swallows killed the Quartet for the first time and taught the pursuers severely. Finally, they escaped to the world of the alien spirits of Ain'el through Toljviel, the tower of Swift. .

That's right, the reason for going to Tarn Mill Lake is so simple, in order to find the magical teleportation tower that can lead to the world of Ain El, the Swift Tower.

However, unlike the Seagull Tower on the ruins of Willensnett Island, Tarn Mill Lake in the Kingdom of Ebin is quite far away from Novigrad.

If it is by land, everyone needs to go all the way south, through Willen and even the entire former Temalia, across the Yaluga River, passing through Sintra, the mother country of Swallows, and Nasser and Medina, which are also occupied by Nilfgaard. Finally, through most of the Aibin Kingdom, to reach the Baihu District.

If it is by water, it is much easier. Just follow the coastline all the way to the south and directly find a port to land in the Aybin Kingdom or the Aetolia province to the south.

However, with the current monsoons and ocean currents, the captains and sailors who have been distracted by wild hunting in the port area do not necessarily travel by water much faster than the insurgents who can reach 60 or 70 kilometers per hour. Even if you can't walk in a straight line by land, you need to bypass mountains and rivers.

The black witch Ye has mastered very skillful portal spells. But don't look at the long distance of the portal spells of the warlocks and they can lead people, but that is based on the good quality of the magic array they have built.

If there were only simple materials, after trying the alchemy materials bought by Swallow, the black witch confirmed that she could only take one person at a time, crossing the distance from Novigrad to the Yaruja River.

In this way, she needs to cast the spell at least four times in a row to reach the destination. It sounds like nothing, but considering that she needs to rest for a while to recover mana every time she casts a spell, this portal plan was temporarily put on hold by everyone.

Looking at the gaze that Yanzi cast from time to time on the conference table, especially seeing her stretched out her finger to the sky several times, Lu Yuan could only sigh and said, "Our aircraft can only sit on two people. But we have, you and me, Uncle and Auntie, Ella, there are five people in total, so there is not enough space."

"Boy, what uncle and aunt, don't call it easy, I haven't agreed yet!" Bai Lang grunted angrily. It can be seen that he still did not take advantage of the duel exercises in the last few days.

"Hiss~" He had to say something, but was pinched by the black witch beside him on the soft flesh of his waist, and quickly closed his mouth again.

The witch in black seemed to be okay, withdrawing her left hand gracefully and generously, showing a charming smile to everyone on the table, and said, "Doesn't the swallow have that kind of space where people can live? We can use that."

"Yeah, yes!" Yanzi nodded loudly when she heard the words, exulting at the fact that this event finally had an eyebrow.

However, Lu Yuan frowned, "You can try it, but I think this plan may not work."

"Why? Haven't you tried it yet? Just say no? Hiss~~ I'll shut up, can't I shut up!" Although the old father's question was pinched back by the witch, many people did hold the same view.

Lu Yuan didn't care too much, and signaled that Yanzi could give it a try now.

However, after letting the two parents into her living space, Yanzi found that she couldn't take back the space beacon of the living space, so she couldn't help but look towards Lu Yuan again.

The black-haired young man nodded and motioned for the two to come out first before explaining it to everyone.

Actually nothing special, this kind of thing happened many times. For example, Yanzi and Luyuan cannot use living space or work space to travel with each other.

This restriction exists among the transversal, and it also exists in another type of people, that is, the children of the plane, or the children of destiny. To put it bluntly, it is the protagonist of the plane story.

Who is the protagonist of the Demon Hunter? Swallow is naturally, but so is her old father, the demon hunter White Wolf, and even the black witch leaf, which is closely related to the two, is also treated as a son of the plane.

In fact, it is not absolutely impossible. For example, the swallow can completely unfold the living space on the outer wall of the drone and let a few people in.

Although the space beacon cannot be retracted, it can still move with the vehicle.

However, this plan was also abandoned by Yanzi under the hint of Lu Yuan who intended to show off.

In the end, the plan they gave was the bird helicopter that hadn't appeared in a long time.

Traveling with a reconnaissance helicopter that can take five people. Although there are some other problems, it seems that Lu Yuan wants to increase the relationship between his adoptive parents by flying, and Yanzi finally agreed.

Therefore, after staying for a week, everyone finally set foot on the itinerary again.

The first time I took a helicopter, the witch hunter, the sorcerer and even the goddess were quite fresh. In order to optimize the sightseeing location, apart from the pilot Luyuan occupying one window, the other three windows contributed to the three people.

At this time, Swallow discovered the disadvantage of this plan, because she could only sit in the back row between her foster mother and the Dryad Goddess, sullenly as the object of surprise and yelling from both sides.

What is poke finger?

For example, when flying over the battlefield, the witch in black stretched out her finger to poke the swallow's shoulder, and excitedly pointed to the camp on the ground below the window. Throw a fireball here, will the war be over?!"

On the other side, the Dryad Goddess saw the damaged black forest and poked her finger on the other side of the swallow’s shoulder. Are they killed?"

And the swallow sitting in the middle can only put his arms around his chest and pretend to sleep in sulking, while cursing Lu Yuan hundreds of times in his heart.

Maybe it was because he had a clear heart, or maybe Lu Yuan, who was the first to steal the pilot’s errand, was a guilty conscience. In short, he quickly discovered the predicament of the swallow, so he simply flew the helicopter a little higher and kept the route as far away as possible from places of interest to everyone. At last it was quite quiet.

In the end, after four refuelings, consuming nearly one ton of aviation kerosene, and crashing into at least six groups of magic flying beasts that were extremely curious, so that the fuselage was repaired three times, everyone finally arrived at Pereirat, Kingdom of Ebin. Near the swamp.

On the way, Yanzi faintly felt that some other problems did not bypass her, but eventually appeared. Because the helicopter is not fast enough, it is too easy to be attacked by the bold and demonized creatures in the magical world.

The dragon drone was not attacked the last time near the Whispering Hill. First, it was fast, and second, it was made of a whole dragon skeleton after all, so the demonized creatures would not dare to find fault easily.

Who has ever seen a giant dragon flying and a group of harpy or pterodactyl coming to provoke him?

Although it is different from the four-legged dragon with two legs and wings on the plane of Nin, the dragon native to the Demon Hunter world is a more classic six-legged dragon, that is, four legs and two wings. Dragon lizards like pterodactyl have two legs and two wings.

But the similarities and differences in appearance are due to different worldviews, but the concentration of magic power contained in the skeleton cannot be faked. Even if the pterodactyl does not regard the drone as a real dragon, it must be a rare behemoth of the clan, so naturally he dare not make a mistake.

But Bird Helicopter doesn't even have this kind of treatment.

However, after the first encounter with the enemy in the air, Lu Yuan still hung the external machine guns on both sides of the rear compartment, and under the firepower of the machine guns, he finally reduced the number of enchanted aerial creatures that were subsequently attacked to a controllable range.

Just to allow enough space for the three people in the back seat, the machine gun mounted this time is not a 12.7mm large-caliber heavy machine gun using .50BMG rounds, but a 7.62mm medium-caliber light machine gun improved by Luyuan.

So although it was lethal, it still couldn't completely stop the incoming enemy.

Even so, Lu Yuan would not have dared to hang up the machine gun in advance if it weren't for the demonized bird that came to look for things. Without it, just by looking at the stinky face of the swallow sitting in the center that was squeezed into pitch black because of the smaller space, one would know why Lu Yuan's worries were.

So when he retracted the helicopter and transferred to an off-road vehicle, Lu Yuan was very desperate to give up his driving position to Yanzi.

"Huh, this is almost the same!" Swallow's face finally improved a lot when he touched the steering wheel.

But the next moment, her face dimmed again.

Because, in fact, the Hundred Lakes area is in the northwest of Pereirat Marsh, which means that when people fly from north to south, they can actually fly there directly.

But Swallow still asked Lu Yuan to come to the swamp first, and the latter readily agreed, because she wanted to come here to mourn an old friend, the old hermit Visog, who reached out to help her when she was most desperate. tower.

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