"You know it won't be any different, right?" Lu Yuan said, "In fact, we have tried our best to send out the video data that interrogated the arms dealer. But it was still easily intercepted and cleared."

"That's not an opponent you can deal with, let alone your fault!"

"Maybe," Robin continued, "but I have to do something!"

Actually Robin didn't say anything, Lu Yuan knew that she came here just to do more.

However, she wants to do more for this, but what about her teammates?

"I also saw an old acquaintance among your people. It's not too familiar. I have worked together once. Julian, why did he come?" Lu Yuan continued to ask.

"Julian? Is it someone's real name? I don't know, we all use code names."

"It's the one who accompanied your hacker. Is the code name? The code name he used before was Dutch."

"Um, Dutchman, do you actually know him? Where is it? In Los Santos?" Robin immediately replied, "Is this guy running around the world?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

It turns out that Robin's team is mostly mercenaries who have cooperated before. And cooperation, mostly means that they have cooperated with the Dutchman Julian.

In other words, in fact, this team was built with him as the core, and most of them were his partners.

"So, when did you work with him? In Big Rose?"

"No, Luxin." Robin said, "That time in Kiev, he gave me the information."

"Looks at it, this guy really has a wide range of business!" Lu Yuan thoughtfully.

Get on the line with Robin, and the previous misunderstanding will naturally be eliminated. Unfortunately, these things can only be known to Robin himself.

Lu Yuan is not like letting himself be able to put on makeup at will, exposing it to other people who don't want to do it.

Especially the strange Julian.

Although things have passed for a long time, he still remembers how bad Julian, who came to the interview with him, felt when he first included Alex in the team.

Speaking of it, Lu Yuan was looking for someone to replace Robin's vacancy. A total of three people came, Alex, Nia, and the Dutchman Julian.

Unexpectedly, time passed, Alex and Swallow merged together, Nia lost consciousness and still worked as Xiafee's human-shaped broom in the work space, while Julian actually mingled with Robin.

The world is so mysterious.

Robin believes that Lu Yuan will not be from the Greater Ross side, so their so-called nomination is a bit too unreliable.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan is not without anything else.

Since he met Robin this time, he also wanted to send the Buddha to the west so that she could at least reach Donetsk smoothly. So along the way, Lu Yuan also revealed some news to these people from time to time, so that they could kill some new NAZI activists who were gathering.

The information that Lu Yuan did was actually collected from the Internet. Of course, he got it with his unique hacking ability.

As a result, when everyone arrived in Donetsk, they were already well-known. The militiamen here knew their name as the "road cleaners" and said that they had cleaned up Ruxin very much.

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally. After hearing this nickname, Robin and Lu Yuan looked at each other inexplicably. After all, Lu Yuan’s code name for "Sweeper" in Los Santos sounded a lot like them.

The commander of Donbass who greeted everyone seemed to value Robin and others so much that Lu Yuan once again reiterated that he was not a spy of Great Ross, and that he could not give everyone a higher courtesy, and the others did not say much.

Subsequently, under the guidance of a militia officer, the people were assigned to the camps of mercenaries or other types of support forces.

Looking at the militia officer with a sad face and two dark circles under his eyes, Lu Yuan couldn't help frowning, and asked in a low voice, "Why, it's not good?"

Hearing that Lu Yuan was speaking in the Russian language, the officer's expression looked better, but then he shook his head, his expression dimmed again, "Our people are just civilians. They were just miners, farmers, and drivers before. Although they touched I've used guns, but it's just hunting."

"Those **** outside are doing everything!"

"However," the officer looked at Lu Yuan, "I think there are more and more experienced fighters like you, and it should allow our guys to grow up as soon as possible! Right?"

"Of course." Lu Yuan nodded, seeing him look determined, and could not help reaching out to him, "Sergey, Sergey Matvev. But you can call me, uh, mechanic!"

Mechanic, a new code name given to himself by Lu Yuanlu. Because they came this way, no matter what type of vehicle or weapon they were, they could turn waste into treasure in Lu Yuan's hands.

So although the seven people traveled nearly 700 kilometers all the way, more than ten vehicles were replaced, and many weapons were scrapped, they finally watched an armored personnel carrier full of weapons ran to the assembly on the outskirts of Donetsk. land.

The senior officials in Donetsk were very courteous to several people, and there were more or less reasons why they came in a troop carrier.

The officer looked at Lu Yuan's eyes, and his right hand stretched out, and then he reached out and shook it firmly, "Mikhail, you can call me GIVI!"

As Jivi said, from the second day after the crowd arrived, these mercenaries with professional military experience became the trainers of the Donbass militia.

Of course, ordinary new mercenaries can't directly become instructors, but the record of those who can't stand them is really amazing.

In addition, the Dutchman Julian did make a lot of friends, and in the mercenary group that came here, two or three had actually dealt with him.

And the first team was obviously a team from Big Rose, who had a good evaluation of him, so the senior officials of Donetsk quickly recognized him.

Regarding the Great Ross veterans here in Donbass, the new Russin government, and the European and American sides, it firmly advocates that these people are directly sent by the Great Ross official.

But here, everyone thinks they are folks, or distant relatives and friends.

After all, it is an indisputable fact that they were citizens of the same country just over twenty years ago.

Although that country is disintegrated, the experience of living together is still there, the memory is still there, and the love is still there.

Watching the slaughter of former relatives and friends, what if you want to come back and help a group?

What's more, the majority of them are actually related to the Donbass area, and many of them are even locals who go out to discuss life.

On Russin's side, this is yet another evidence that can be used to promote the threat of Great Ross, as if it has found a reason to make ultra-nationalists even more unscrupulous.

But in Donbass, the morale of children who knew that they had travelled to go back home to defend their hometowns without hesitation and fear of hardships has boosted their morale even more.

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