Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 549: Machinist Training

Speaking of, the militia officer who led the crowd to the barracks yesterday, Jivi, was also one of the veterans of the Donbass militia.

However, he was not retired from Great Ross, but a veteran from Russin's regular army.

It is said that he had to leave the army early because he was not good at Russin and could only speak the Russian language.

That was already ten years ago.

After that, he worked as a truck driver, worker, and security guard.

Until the new NAZI bombing of residential areas in the Azov battalion before, the people who were still barely living a normal life finally couldn't sit still and resolutely joined the militia.

Because of the siege and bombing of Slavyansk by Russin government forces, the Donbass militia had at least half of the young and strong soldiers.

There was even a girl in her early twenties who was practicing sniper shooting with Robin because she saw the funeral of a five-year-old girl who died in that siege and resolutely joined the militia.

Although the current militia continues to shrink under the offensive of the government forces, all the militias in the training ground know that when they all learn, it will be the time for the Donbass to counterattack.

Unlike the others who taught the militia at the training ground, Lu Yuan sent Robin to Donbass intact and wanted to leave.

Only after seeing Jiviy and the Anastasia who was nicknamed Baixue, he felt that he was leaving at this time, which was a bit out of place.

After Yu Yanzi contacted, Lu Yuan decided to stay here for more time.

But the way he helps is much more unique.

Be a mechanic.

The legacy of the former Soviet Union is very rich. In the past, Kharkov, Odessa, and Nikolaev had a lot of arms stocks left. Donbass is no exception.

Moreover, unlike Kharkiv’s arsenal where most of the arsenals were sold short, and the money earned went to raise a lot of new NAZI militants, there are still quite a few arsenals in Donbass that have not been used. .

Even, there were a lot of Ruxin regular troops, and they sent the equipment they distributed to the militia.

Among them are many tanks and artillery.

Such as T64, such as 2S9, such as D74, D30.

It's just that their maintenance is worrying.

Therefore, it was time for Lu Yuan to show off his power. These things that have fallen into disrepair for decades, after being carefully taken care of by him, although they are not as good as the new ones that have just appeared on the market, they are not much worse.

For example, the T64, which itself comes from the arm of the design bureau in Luxin, has more stock in Luxin than the T72 that Lu Yuan had acquired before.

In fact, he is to blame. Apart from the old T72s, there must be more T64s in the arsenal he went to.

But in the first place, he believes that the 72 years must be better than the 64 years, and the T72 is less than the T64, so he chose the former.

Later, when he discovered that T64 and T72 are also high-low relationship such as F22 and F35, or F15 and F16, he has regretted it.

This time, taking advantage of the opportunity to repair the old equipment for the Donbass militia, he was able to see the inside and outside of the real T64 thoroughly, and only then did he understand the difference between the early technical verification type and the later practical mass production type.

Most of the auxiliary electronic systems on the T64, such as fire control, are more advanced than the T72 obtained by Lu Yuan, or in other words, have a higher degree of completion and greater combat effectiveness.

But there are many good things, and the problem of inadequate coordination between them is also more prominent.

On the other hand, T72 is simply keeping the T64 architecture only bones and minimal skin and flesh, and then relying on cost-effective and quantitative advantages to bully others.

As a result, the time has passed, and after many years when others catch up, they will soon be bullied back.

However, this time working on the T64 has provided Lu Yuan with a lot of ideas for improving his T72.

Of course, the clearest idea is to grab a T64 opposite to replace the thin-skinned mass production machine.

Anyway, he has always used the T72 as a self-propelled artillery, and now his large-caliber artillery is enough.

Compared with the T64 main battle tank, the 2S9 self-propelled mortar howitzer impressed Lu Yuan even more.

This multi-purpose 120mm caliber gun that can fight both mortar and ordinary grenade can indeed be regarded as a friend of infantry.

Although traditional mortars can be loaded with more anti-personnel drugs under the same caliber because of the advantages of the design structure, they have a very good effect on infantry. But because the speed of the shells is too low, and the curved trajectory is difficult to track high maneuvering targets, it is not very good for defenses and armored units.

But the mortar can be replaced with anti-armor grenades such as armor-piercing grenades in this case. Although the effect is certainly not as good as the special anti-tank gun, it is also much better than the unrelenting mortar.

If it wasn't for the long time between launch and hit, Lu Yuan was determined to add more firepower to himself.

It’s a pity that the first-generation mortars like 2S9 are still loaded manually, and mortars that use two sets of shells have different requirements for autoloaders than tanks and self-propelled artillery. If Lu Yuan wants to use this thing , You have to design a new loader yourself.

He has too much work now, and he really doesn't have time to do that kind of technical verification.

Compared with armored units, simple towed artillery such as D30 and D74 are much easier to make.

Unlike self-propelled guns, these old towed guns have almost no integrated fire control system. It can be said that the usage in the hands of the Donbass militia is not much different from that during World War II.

The problems of these old guns are mainly concentrated on various non-working or working failures caused by disrepair for a long time.

Such as misfire, such as blasting.

In this regard, there is no technical content.

Of course, there is no technical content for Lu Yuan. Because no matter what the problem is, it will be immediately marked under the all-round scan of the system.

Either a part is bent, or there is too much rust in some places. And so on.

If it is someone else, you may need to dismantle the gun to know where it is, or you may need metal flaw detection and the like. But Lu Yuan is just a problem that can be solved by 5 points.

The D30 is a 122mm howitzer between medium and heavy caliber. However, it is also used for cartridge split-loading like the 2S19's 152mm.

Lu Yuan had previously deliberately changed the conventional firepower to this, and only used the 152mm caliber when he encountered difficult bones.

However, his professional ethics is still sufficient, and he will certainly not guard himself in Donbass.

D74 is a cannon with the same caliber of 122MM. The cannon has a larger diameter, higher chamber pressure, and a higher muzzle velocity, so it is generally more lethal than a howitzer under the same caliber.

Of course, this lethality is not a real performance, but a theoretical value.

In fact, let alone howitzers, even mortars are sufficient for infantry damage. The choice between the two is just the one that best fits in the range, topography, and killing effect.

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