Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 550: Five Eyes Partnership Bullying Silver

The cannon’s high kill rate is generally used directly against armor. Therefore, the D74 cannon is actually an anti-tank gun. It deals with units such as tanks whose armor has a uniform steel plate performance of several hundred millimeters.

Of course, the fortifications made of reinforced concrete are also its design goals.

In fact, all the time, except for the time when Lu Yuan used the 2S19 howitzer performance when he threw the cloud bomb into the Willen Marsh, most of the other time, he used the cannon more often.

The actual positioning of modern artillery such as 2S19 is called the Cannon Howitzer. In fact, it means that both methods are available. It can be used as a cannon for direct shooting and a howitzer for curved shooting.

However, the reason why concepts such as cannon howitzers do not have a clear and fixed classification standard is also related to the different definitions given by countries.

For example, the cannon in the cannon has an etymology of Guanzi in English. If translated literally, it is probably a concept like a long-barreled gun.

The howitzer, the English howitzer, is derived from Old German and contains concepts such as attacking crowds and catapults or slingshots. It is roughly "a catapult slingshot weapon used to attack crowds."

It is precisely because the concepts in their respective cultures are not exactly the same, so when technology advances, the actual standards of each country are different, so slowly, the boundary between cannon and howitzer is becoming less and less clear.

Some people say that the former cannons and howitzers have now become howitzers and mortars. Although not necessarily 100% accurate, it can be used to illustrate some problems.

In any case, here in the Donbass militia, D74 is mainly used to deal with enemy armored units and fortifications, this matter is still very clear.

In addition to the above, the militia also has some BM-21 hail rockets. This thing is easier to trim. The biggest difficulty is actually the inspection of rockets.

If every rocket was checked by Lu Yuan using the system charging service, he would have to bleed once even if he didn't go bankrupt.

So in the end, instead, Lu Yuan did not take shortcuts in this inspection. It was really done with technology bit by bit.

As a result, while the militiamen were receiving regular militarization training, Luyuan's side was doing some useful heavy firepower for the militiamen.

As a result, although he was not well-known at the grassroots level, he became more and more popular at the top level of the militia.

Fortunately, their group of people came directly to the city of Donetsk, a base in the suburbs. This is the capital of the Donetsk region and the territory of the Donetsk People’s Militia. This is the largest force in the Donbass Resistance Army.

If not, I am afraid that Lu Yuan has been taken many times by other armed units that lack heavy firepower. Maybe they all left Donetsk and were forced to support the Lugansk armed forces in the northeast.

But it is difficult to say whether he will be dissatisfied with this. It doesn't matter where he works anyway. As long as it adds some strength to Donbass and at the same time allows him to hone his practical training experience, it is the same everywhere.

After doing this, it will last a month.

While he is busy, the situation is constantly changing.

The most important change should be the integration of various armed factions in the Donbass.

At the beginning of the uprising, the core armed forces of Donbass were the respective militias of Donetsk and Lugansk.

After that, for various reasons, many teams have joined them one after another.

So the two states followed the example of Crimea and established the People's Republic in the name of the state, and brought together the stragglers in the state.

But when the new Russin government defined the militia rebels as terrorists, they acted more in line with the definition of terrorists. After the bombing and massacre of Donbass residents, the number of people in Donbass who rose up rapidly increased. The structure of the two states before It's not enough.

So the two states simply cite the pieces of the New Great Ross Federation to unite themselves. However, it has been said before that the New Greater Ross region in history is far more than these two states, but a full eight states.

They raised this flag, and they also wanted other six states, including Kharkov and Odessa, to join them.

However, in Lu Yuan's view, this approach that runs counter to building a wall and accumulating grain and slowly claiming the king would only make him fall faster.

But in any case, at least cite one chess piece that can nominally unify the two sides, and it really allows the stragglers of the two states to slowly sort out together.

At least in terms of the large structure, it is divided into two branches, the Donetsk militia and the Lugansk militia. The sum of the two is the Donbass Militia. Although it is unified in name, the actual combat command is mainly in charge of internal warfare between the two states.

The overall structure has been reformed, and the command system of the government and the militia has also undergone new changes.

For example, the Donbass militia leader who had received Lu Yuan and others before was replaced by a militia leader who had participated in the resistance first.

This change, in the eyes of Sirusin and Europe and the United States, has become a proof of the intervention of Great Ross.

However, because the senior leaders before the integration were born in Greater Ross, Western media completely ignored that the former Soviet Union was born in the same country as a whole, and forcibly described that as a representative of the Greater Ross Central Committee.

But when the new native of Donetsk came to power, his birthplace was no longer the focus of Western media, and the keywords in various news became "as determined by the Big Rose."

Anyway, the facts are not important, but "Big Ross" must be mentioned.

While working in the factory, Lu Yuan, who was following the news of the current situation, almost didn't laugh at the tricks of the Western media.

In fact, similar methods have been used by Western media, but the world rarely cares.

Maybe only after being bullied by them with this method, the world can understand that this TM is a skillful routine.

For example, a painting painted by a painter for the prime minister of Australia. Originally, the artist only drew a satirical picture of the so-called peacekeeping of the Australian army in Afghanistan, but in fact they were killing civilians indiscriminately.

What happened was real, the painting was synthesized by computer, but the Australian Prime Minister insisted on saying that this is a fake photo, and China needs an apology.

So the artist drew the second painting altogether.

In the distant part of the painting, the Australian army is chasing and killing Afghan civilians in a military vehicle with the NAZI label. The Australian Prime Minister is covering the corpse on the side while pointing at a young painter who is painting and referring to the painter himself.

In front of the young painter, there is a densely packed three-layer and three-layer long gun and short cannon camera equipment, without exception, pointing at himself at close range.

These so-called journalists and media do not pay attention to the massacre in the distance or the cover-up of the prime minister. Instead, they all focus on the painter, as if only the painter is the center that needs the most attention.

This painting is called "To Morrison", and the content seems absurd at first glance, but people who are familiar with Western media routines are all admired, thinking that this painting directly presents the true appearance of Western media for many years to the world's eyes.

Moreover, in this whole incident, the word "fake photos" repeated in the mouths of Western public opinion is simply a textbook-style tactic of stealing concepts used by Western media.

To describe a manga as a fake photo is simply a master's point of view.

Of course, Lu Yuan did not know that this painting was born at this time, but his judgment of the Western media was the same as that of the painter.

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