Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 580: Who approve? Who opposes?

Under the guidance of Picello, Lu Yuan still took five minutes to walk into the briefing room deep in the facility.

Although they are all facilities that were abandoned by IAA and sold to special markets, the former underground military factory bunker of Lu Yuan, compared with this set of facilities, is like an old-fashioned bicycle to beat Maserati.

On the road, Lu Yuan couldn’t help but want to ask Picero, that is, Gonzalez, how much would it cost him to buy this set of facilities, but when he thought that he was still holding someone’s face, the words came to his lips. She retracted again.

Anyway, it's not an important thing, now forbearance, it doesn't matter if you gossip afterwards.

However, after entering, looking at the large LCD screen of hundreds of inches in the front of the hall, and a lecture platform in front of the screen, the overall layout of the briefing room resembles a private theater, Lu Yuan was almost possessed by Grandma Liu.

Fortunately, the people in the hall quickly attracted his attention, and he didn't look up and down here as if looking at the Grand View Garden.

In front of the lecture platform is a smartly dressed African-American female agent who is in her prime of life. In the front seat on her left side is Leicester, who is holding a laptop and is "incompetent and furious".

In a similar position to her right was Bogdan, smoking a cigarette with a sad face.

Helena, another mercenary huntress, sat in the middle and back seat and watched the three arguing helplessly.

Seeing Lu Yuan coming in behind Picello, Bogdan called him over immediately.

"Don't even think about it, you lack the manpower to figure out your own way! If you weren't so stupid to be fooled by that little bastard, I could have a platoon manpower available!" Bogdan cursed.

"Forget it, a platoon? Just a few dozen people? We two, among them a mercenary who was a young lady, killed dozens of people completely? What's the use? We are masters. Master!" Lester retorted, sneered.

"Also, your subordinate, although he looks six feet (about 1.83 meters) tall and his muscles seem to be quite strong, but is he a master? Does he know how to hold a gun?"

"Hey, you little **** is not too loud!" Bogdan, who had a headache in the center, couldn't bear the breath, and got up from the seat with a slap on his thigh, pulling Lu Yuan and shouting, " I dare not say how good our mechanic uses guns, but his guns are top-notch!"

"You weak Meka people, fighting either light weapons or missiles. Do you know that there is another weapon called artillery?"

"This is a first-rate gunner!"

"The gunner?" Lester frowned, looked at Lu Yuan up and down, very suspiciously, "Why is there a gunner on your submarine? Are you big Ross starting to retro again? Why, battle submarine ?"

"You fart!" Bogdan angrily said, "Fuck you X's battle submarine! Mine is a cruise missile nuclear submarine! Do you know how much that thing cost me? Just like that little **** killed it! This There is also half of your idiot's responsibility in it!"

"Enough! You two!" The black woman standing in the middle finally couldn't listen anymore. She raised the briefing book in her hand and threw it on the stage twice, pressing down the two before groaning.

"I don't care what you do, save the idiot 14 from Meriwether first! Otherwise, don't talk about everything!"

"Lester, don't even think about getting a cent of your money!"

"As for you, Bogdan, driving an offensive submarine close to the coast of Mika is a felony in itself. If there is no cover from our IAA, you will wait to squat to death in Mika prison!"

"I'm done! Who is for and who is against?"

Looking at the domineering side of the black auntie that Teacher Liang possessed, let alone other people, even Lu Yuan was a little sluggish.

Well, the main reason for his sluggishness is to try to control himself, don't raise your hand and ask, "Who are you?"

After being scanned several times by her, Lester was the first to speak, "Did you hear what Ms. Lachman said? Now we are grasshoppers on a rope, or we should think of a solution quickly and go to Meriwether. Save Agent 14’s problem!"

"Cut, it's just a prison, use this thing to scare me?" Bogdan snorted coldly. "Let me remind you that that little **** wants to cause a global nuclear war! Let him succeed, you might be able to hide here more. If you live for a year and a half, most of the people above will be dead!"

"I came here to save the world! Why, you Meka people who killed me indiscriminately bombed my ship, and now you have to give me life imprisonment?"

"Think about it now, am I dying of Our Lady's disease, and my brain is so stupid that I came here from Big Rose to save you?"

"Just your dilapidated and miniaturized typhoon-class? As for repeating it?" The black aunt called Ms. Lackman squinted. "Well, I know that a certain department still has a Delta-class nuclear submarine in hand."

"As long as you can manage that lunatic man successfully, I can figure out how to get this boat for you. Of course, you can get the basic cost. It is estimated that 10 million US dollars will be enough."

"Ten million dollars? A Delta class? It really is the one you captured before, isn't it? Isn't the old model shameless?" Bogdan said.

"No?" Lachman raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! Who doesn't want a grandson!" Bogdan said immediately, "I'll just ask one more question, the ballistic missile above?"

"Don't even think about it! Even if you give it to you, at best you can convert the launcher into a cruise missile launcher!" Luckman said.

"That's better, that's better, so I don't have to find someone to change it myself!" Bogdan breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you think anyone wants ballistic missiles? That thing is expensive and forbidden, it's more expensive to put at home than to display. It's better, I'm not interested in whoever wants it!"

Lu Yuanxin said I want it, don't you want to give it to me. I have eaten the cruise missile brothers of Big Ross. I just want to give my brothers some ballistic missiles to try. Isn’t that good?

But then I think about it, maybe the cruise missile that has been modified and installed by the US card is still the cruise missile of Great Ross?

No way?

It will probably be Sampson's old rival tomahawk, right?

Similar to the modification of the main plane of the United States, the Ohio class, which originally launched the UGM-133A Trident 2 submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missile, was modified to launch the BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile.

Originally, there were only 24 missile vertical launchers carrying 24 ballistic missiles. After the modification, 22 launchers were equipped with a honeycomb-like bomb bay device with 7 Tomahawks, so they could carry 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles that could be launched at any time.

Two sets of frogman underwater thrusters and other equipment can be placed in the remaining two launchers.

A strategic nuclear submarine instantly turned into a tactical ammunition depot, and 154 missiles were launched continuously. Lu Yuan felt pretty happy when he thought about the picture.

If one could steal such a ship back one day, that would be great!

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