Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 591: Small business is not easy

Although it could not directly blow an enemy plane into the air, it was not bad to let it become dizzy or panic, and temporarily lose its mobility.

With only one bird left, Lu Yuan is bolder.

So he simply called Agent 14 and asked him to turn the nose back. It's not difficult anyway, just lightly step on the pedal on one side.

"Steering the pedals?" Agent 14 yelled and tried, and found that it was not difficult as Lu Yuan said, and finally felt a little bit of joy in his anxiety.

"Hey, let go! You've all gone around!"

"Ah? Really? Uh, good."

"Don't stop! You turned back again!"

"Uh, know that..."

"Know a fart!"

Lu Yuan took Agent 14 to operate it, and he realized that he was really an idiot who underestimated the other party.

Obviously, it was a simple action like lightly stepping on one side of the pedal, and Agent 14 either stepped on it or missed it.

The result is that the helicopter, which just swayed back and forth, now began to volley in a circle.

That is to say, people like Lu Yuan with super spatial perception can persevere. If they change individuals, it is estimated that they have no energy to speak at this time, and they would have vomited a long time ago.

Seeing that Agent 14 really couldn't count on it, Lu Yuan stopped talking, and quickly seized the opportunity to fire a bullet at the second bird.

However, before the helicopter was only swinging horizontally and vertically, it was not too difficult for Lu Yuan to seize the opportunity. But now that an angular momentum is added, the movement in the scope is more complicated.

Not to mention the lack of timing, because of the rotation problem, even the recoil of the remote control machine gun was much greater. As a result, he was unable to kill the second one this time.

Seeing that the first helicopter had regained his sanity, he had to pounce again, and had even fired two rockets aimed here, Lu Yuan knew that it was time to test him.

After gritting his teeth, Lu Yuan was robbing Agent 14 of his driving rights and using other methods to counterattack. Finally, he chose the latter.

Now that it's decided, do it. He adjusted the flight helmet on his entire head, tightened the wind and bulletproof and gas mask on his mouth, and confirmed that his preparations were correct. He reached out and rubbed the cabin cover twice, directly raising the glass cover above the cabin.

In an instant, due to the relationship between air pressure and wind pressure, the air density in the cabin immediately dropped a lot, and many small things were rushed out in the air.

After adapting to the strong wind outside the cabin, Lu Yuan pulled on his harness and raised the previous six-pack MGL grenade launcher. He arched up on the cockpit, holding the launcher with both hands, and looked out of the cabin.

He actually wanted to use a grenade launcher to deal with a helicopter outside.

This is simply a fantasy.

Not to mention the propellant charge of 40mm low-speed grenade, it can't support this thing to fly far, just to say that the wind pressure created by the high-speed movement in the air can also make this thing inaccurate.

In this case, to hit a helicopter that is still flying is to hit several target areas with a diameter of ten meters on the ground. After these six grenade shots are hit, he is considered a good one if one can hit.

However, he is not an ordinary person after all.

Not much else, just say that the trajectory and range of a low-speed grenade is very close to the bow and arrow of the cold weapon era.

So, despite failing three consecutive rounds, the fourth grenade fired by Lu Yuan just passed through the glass front compartment of a bird helicopter he had smashed before. Of course, there was nothing but nothing left. shelf.

As a result, the grenade triggered invisibility on the top of the cabin directly above the pilot. The explosion fragments directly took away the two people in the main and co-pilot seats, and contributed hundreds of points to Lu Yuan.

"I'm going! Are you a man or a ghost? Grenades hit the helicopter? Or from another helicopter? If your big Ross gunners are so powerful, how did Mika survive to this day?"

Lu Yuan succeeded in getting one of them, just so that the two of Picello, who had solved the Valkyrie over there, looked upright, and immediately yelled in disbelief.

"A fluke, just a fluke."

"Fortunately, a claw!" Picello looked like you don't look like me, "You opened your cabin cover, and what a fluke! You want to open the internal bomb bay and use Hellfire as a rocket. Fight out, that's a fluke for you! You don't even need airborne weapons right now!"

"If you don't use safe weapons, you'd rather use grenades if you risk a crash. You must have enough confidence in your heart!"

After listening to Picello's swear words, Rao Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh in secret, you guy really has confidence in people!

In fact, is he really confident? Well, it does.

Even with his bow and arrow skills that are about to reach a few world peak levels, he can't say that he can really use that technology to grenades and he can hit a hundred shots, or go through a hundred steps, but if the system's ballistic simulation system is turned on, it is really not a problem.

However, given his money fans, it is better not to make this money.

When he first encountered this traversal system, he was fortunate that his system was not task-oriented like others, with fancy tasks or all kinds of weird things all day long.

As long as you have enough points, you can freely choose most things.

But after so long, how could he not know where there is any real freedom, that would have to have enough money!

Want to get enough money, don't you just have to work for the system obediently?

The result is not as good as their task-oriented life, at least they are silly and cheerful all day long, without any pressure at all.

It is uncomfortable to work for someone and be exploited and oppressed by capitalists, but you can try to make a small business by yourself!

It is true that a year when making money can support a migrant worker for ten years.

Calculating costs all day, and finally making a big investment, if you change hands, you have to spend it out to reproduce.

Up to now, his working space is getting bigger and bigger, and the equipment inside is getting more and more advanced and more powerful, that is, the points in his wallet have not been increasing.

So the first three shots missed the target just now. It really wasn't because he missed the target intentionally. It was really because he was able to hit between 20 and 30% with his ability without starting the system charging service.

Although it was the fourth round to hit, but the goal of the hit was quite critical this time, and it was not a loss.

Only after the first bird was blown out, the other one saw Picello back to help, so naturally he would not stay and wait to die.

So the little bird turned around and flew to the dead corner of Lu Yuan’s grenade, aimed at Lu Yuan’s Acura, swish, and shot out more than a dozen rockets from the two rocket nests without money. . After the fight, without looking, he turned around and flew towards the city.

This is what my last endeavor looks like.

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