Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 592: Take a pawn

"Careful!" Just now, Picello, who felt that his victory was a certainty, saw that the other party ejected the rocket so decisively, and could not help but sweat Lu Yuan and Picello.

Do you want to say how threatening the opponent is to escape from the previous set of rocket strikes?

Actually not.

The rocket nest carried by the bird helicopter is two seven-pack 70mm Hydra folding tail rockets.

The power of this thing itself is not bad either. The charge of the warhead explosive is about one kilogram, which is less than the top but more than the bottom.

In addition, the accuracy of this thing is not bad, and it is not bad to attack ground targets or fixed targets.

But the problem is that Luyuan's side is a moving target that moves irregularly in the air, shaking up and down, and turning around from time to time.

Under normal circumstances, even if the fourteen rockets are fired with precise aiming, the probability of hitting here is almost zero.

However, there is half a ghost in the helicopter.

From seeing Picello back, Lu Yuan knew that the time had come for him to wait.

So aiming at the last bird helicopter, he hurriedly shot out the remaining two grenades in the grenade launcher, and Lu Yuan sat back in his seat, while remotely controlling the nose machine gun to continue to attack the enemy, making a move. The vice continues to fight.

But at the same time, he secretly helped Agent 14 again.

As a result, with his "help", Akura, who should have been unpredictable, was sturdy and the tail fin was broken by a rocket.

As a result, although the helicopter swayed before changing, it was still walking forward in general, and it slanted into a nearby mountain peak.

This time, Lu Yuan must first ignoring this helicopter! The so-called counterattack of chess pieces is the easiest way to fatten yourself by eating other chess pieces.

"Ahhhh~ I'm going to hit the mountain!" Agent 14 originally held the cyclic pitch lever, which is the main joystick, in his hands trembling, so the body was swaying from left to right.

Now that he lost the tail wing, he didn't need to step on the pedal by mistake. The helicopter itself kept spinning, and his hands shook more violently.

As a result, his operation was as fierce as a tiger, the helicopter turned a few somersaults, but failed to escape the danger, and still rushed towards the small mountain.

Lu Yuan, who was sitting behind, touched the ejection seat under the seat while cooperating with the exclamation.

Originally, the only helicopters equipped with ejection seats were the former Su’s Ka50 and Ka52. I don’t know if it was because Acura also used those two technologies. Lu Yuan discovered that this thing also had an ejection seat long ago. chair.

That's why he would take a dangerous move and let the helicopter fall out of control.

In fact, he is also bullying Agent 14 who is not familiar with helicopters. In addition to the spiral wing on the top, the reason why most helicopters have no ejection seat is that when the helicopter pushes the overall pitch control lever to the lowest, the angle of attack of the spiral wing blade can become negative.

Under the action of inertia, even if the engine is stopped, the propeller will rotate in the previous direction. When the blade angle of attack becomes negative, the spiral wing will become a big windmill. During the falling process, the upward wind will keep blowing the spiral wing to keep rotating.

In this way, the maneuverability of the helicopter can be maintained.

Of course, just like this, the falling speed in the vertical direction will only change slightly. According to the conservation of energy, part of the falling potential energy becomes the kinetic energy of the spiral wing rotation, which is not enough to change the outcome of the crash.

However, because the helicopter spiral wing is still working and accumulating kinetic energy, when the helicopter drops close to the ground, the pilot can quickly pull up the overall pitch throttle lever to make the angle of attack of the spiral wing blade become positive.

In this way, the potential energy accumulated for the rotation of the spiral wing during the previous fall will instantly help the spiral wing to do work, output an upward lift force, and greatly reduce the falling speed.

Although this thing can only be used once, and if it is unsuccessful, it is a benevolence, but in fact its operation is not too difficult. For experienced helicopter pilots, it is almost everyone's life-saving card.

Of course, most drivers believe that it is best not to use this technology for a lifetime.

At the moment Agent 14 is still yelling and fiddling with the periodic pitch changer, and it seems that he really doesn't know anything about this technique.

Picello heard him yelling on the channel and tried to explain the technique to him, but after Lu Yuan said that he had found the red handle switch of the ejection seat, he also gave up the church agent 14 , Turn to the long-distance ejection seat plan.

So, with the efforts of the two, Agent 14 finally touched the red handle.

It was just that before the two of them told him how to use and when to use it, Lu Yuan heard a bang on his head.

Looking up, I saw that the blades of the spiral wing overhead had been broken by explosives. Then there was another dull ejection sound, and Agent 14 in the back row had been ejected from the ejection seat and the parachute bag.

Everything is just like the ejection seat technology of the card 50. First, the spiral wing that may hurt people is exploded, and then the seat is ejected, so the biggest problem that hinders the helicopter's ejection and escape is solved.

However, Lu Yuan still wanted to find a good position before parachuting. Who knew that Agent 14 actually exploded the spiral wing first.

This time was good, Lu Yuan sighed in his heart, even if the helicopter was received in the space, it would be useless without undergoing a major repair.

Sigh and sigh, he didn't want to fall into the space with the helicopter.

He also quickly pulled away the red handle under the seat. After pulling apart, he immediately felt a huge force coming from the seat, as if he wanted to squeeze himself into a meatloaf from the bottom up, and eject himself into the sky.

This feeling is like sitting in an elevator in a high-rise building, or from the first floor to the 100th floor without a speed limiter. At that moment of overload, ordinary people can directly empty the gastric juice in their stomach pouch.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan had experienced even greater overloads, and these were not very lethal to him.

It's really insulting. He has crashed several times before he has officially joined the Air Force. How can he brag about his trump card in the future?

Of course, then again, at least, compared with Agent 14 who is still yelling under the parachute over there, his calmness here is more pleasing to the eye.

Soon, less than ten seconds after the two shot out, there was an explosion in the valley. Agent 14 took it for granted that it was the end of not parachuting, and the screams turned into cheers for a while.

But Lu Yuan knew that it was still a blindfold.

You must know that there were no other firearms on the helicopter except for the cannon and ammunition, and the ammunition was not so much moving.

As for fuel tanks, helicopters have very few ejection seats. In most cases, accidents rely on the rigid structure of the body to resist impact. Moreover, the survival rate of this kind of fall impact is not low, so the fuel tanks have been specially protected against impact.

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