Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 599: Online version of Animus

Actually, Gunther didn't need to say, after seeing Niya's strange performance, Lu Yuan immediately allocated the points supply system to study.

The space-time points of up to 500 points were consumed by the system in two seconds, but fortunately, he also found out the results for Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan opened the report and looked at it. At the beginning of the report, it read [Possibility of being affected by Animus-like systems: 91.3%]

"Animus?" Lu Yuan was shocked and couldn't help but utter the word.

"What? Animus?" Gunther asked strangely. "Soul? Thought? Jungian psychology? What is that? Is it some kind of mental illness? Nia's disease?"

"Uh, no, it has nothing to do with those." Lu Yuan hurriedly waved his hand, and then he looked at a few people again, "I need to study it, and don't bother me if I see any strange things later, understand?"

"Yeah, don't worry, boss!" Although Gunther didn't understand what was going on, he nodded and agreed, and then he took Niya upstairs and finally put on normal clothes by the way. Three female colleagues sent away.

Lu Yuan looked at him and quickly stopped him, "Don't take them away, I need Niya to enter that state again later."

"Uh, will that hurt her?" Gunther was a little uncertain.

"The opportunity for her recovery is there!" Lu Yuan glanced at him sideways.

"Okay, I see..."

Solving their business, Lu Yuan nodded, and at the same time, he turned his hand out and took out a crystal-clear small arrow-like jewel with blue-violet light flashing from time to time.

It is the Thunder God's Arrow of the Isuite Sonaz, a fragment of the gods from the legendary Nordic **** of Asgard. Among them is Thor's Lightning Palace-Bilskilnir.

On the plane of Nin, it absorbed a considerable part of the magical energy from the soul stone mound of the annihilation domain, and slowly condensed into the current arrow-like crystal stone.

In the world of the Demon Hunter, Lu Yuan has also used it to bully the Lord of the Wild Hunt, who has not yet turned into an undead form.

However, Lu Yuan also knew that in a world like the Demon Hunter, if you use too many Thor Arrows, you will really be treated as a new Thor by the magical elements of the magic plane that fell from the gods.

If things go on like this, Lu Yuan will be like Ivy, the goddess of the earth elements, and can't easily leave that plane.

So after that, he rarely took this thing out again.

As a result, after returning to Luo Shengdu, he forgot for a while that he still had this hole card, and had never thought of trying it out before.

It only took 500 time and space points before he realized that the spatial barrier that blocked Los Santos, the technology that allows people in and out of the area to be brainwashed unconsciously, did not want to be considered as possible because of the absolute dominance of this face. , The skills of the Isu people!

He had previously assumed that it was the technology of the Void Flyer who was doing things in front of him, and he did not react at all. The space barrier may have little to do with the Isu, but it can subtly change the memory and even the cognition of people. How similar is it to the God Realm technology of the Isu people!

In the Assassin’s Creed series of the Isu people, the absolute core technology Animus, the thing that allows future generations to discover the memories of ancestors through blood, was developed from the virtual reality technology of God Realm Stone!

In the so-called God Realm, the soul of a mortal accepts the call of the gods and transforms into an absolutely loyal servant who serves the gods, or the soul is reincarnated, and is reborn as an ignorant new person. The process is so similar to the subtle brainwashing here in Luo Shengdu!

Once in the world of the Demon Hunter, when Lu Yuan saw the dreamer Bu Meng there, he once felt that the Assassin’s Creed series plane, that is, the Animus in the Light Analysis plane, could actually use the blood of future generations to experience the ancestors. My memory, how do you think there is a problem with that matter.

Imagine an ancient assassin with Isu blood, who was left behind when he was 30 or 40 years old, and then lived to be more than 80 years old.

If Animus uses blood to detect memory, it’s because the Assassins’ Isu’s blood allows them to carry memory information in their genetic material.

So here comes the problem,

In the genetic material that is only 30 or 40 years old, when did he store the memory of his death until the age of 80?

Is it possible that this kind of genetic memory also uses blockchain technology? Decentralization, after one change, all accounting books can be updated?

Lu Yuan had a speculation at the time. In fact, what was passed down in the Isu's blood was not the memory itself, but a bunch of cryptographic keys.

It is the identification key to open the memory bank stored in the cloud!

In other words, in the world of the Isu people, there is a set of cloud servers in the light analysis plane, monitoring all the words and deeds of all the Isu people on the plane at any time, turning them into memories and uploading them to the server at any time.

The genetic material of each Isu retains the memory identification code of the ancestors.

Therefore, the Animus device actually obtained this set of memory identification codes, connected to the cloud, extracted the ancestral memories uploaded there, and constructed a set of virtual images through virtual reality technology for future generations to read.

Initially, this cracking technique was not perfect and could only be viewed by the offspring who had this set of memory identification codes or information keys in their genes.

But then the technology has improved, as long as the key is obtained, anyone can view the memory.

This is Lu Yuan's previous guess about the Animus system.

And just now, after the system did not hesitate to pay a lot of money to detect, when Niya went crazy, the system really caught the link between Niya and an unknown device outside, as if part of her memory at that moment was passed down from the cloud for some reason.

Under the influence of those memories, she would show obvious hostility to Gunther's three female colleagues.

However, what is strange is that when the three girls leave a certain range of Niya, that part of Niya's memory will disappear again. As if her local data storage device has been damaged, only when it is connected to the cloud can there be some memories.

Although Lu Yuan still has many things that he hasn't figured out, Niya's performance greatly supports his previous hypothesis.

Since this face really has an Animus-like cloud server that is closely related to the technology of the Isu God Realm Stone, then the most suitable thing for Lu Yuan to test is of course the Thunder God’s Arrow, the God Realm stone fragment itself. !

At this moment, he held the thing in his hand and motioned to the distant three colleagues of Gunther to slowly approach Nia.

As a result, when the three girls approached to a certain extent, Niya opened her teeth and danced her claws again, but at the same time it was just the Thunderbolt that flashed by from time to time, suddenly bursting into bright light.

And this light is no longer the blue-violet electric light, but the bright golden light analysis energy light that Isu people are most accustomed to and the most common!

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