Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 601: On pins and needles

With the help of the stone fragments of the God Realm that suddenly emitted light of light analysis energy, Lu Yuan immersed his mind in it and tried to link with the suspected Animus cloud server in the void.

Because he had all the authority of Sonaz from the Isu and used that artifact itself, the link was established fairly smoothly.

It's just that the data transmission rate of this link seems to be limited by some additional architecture, and the data that can be transmitted per unit time is very small.

And after a while, when Lu Yuan was in contact with the feather snake **** in Maiheikou, the dark green light that had appeared once again appeared, like a radar shining towards Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan knew that it was mostly Aschalothar's detection technology, and hurriedly cut off the connection with the "cloud".

After confirming that he had not been successfully positioned by the enemy, Lu Yuan slowly opened his eyes after adjusting his soul.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a group of people including Gunther, Swallow, and Turner sitting on the sofa in front of him, looking at him scorchingly.

"Uh, why are they here?" Lu Yuan asked subconsciously, and then reacted, "How long has the time passed?"

"It's noon, two hours have passed?" Yanzi first stood up from the sofa, leaning against Lu Yuan, and said, while looking at Gunther, he even looked at Helen on the side provocatively. Na.

"132 minutes!" Helena, who was provoked, gave Yanzi a white look and said, raising her mobile phone.

"So long?" Lu Yuan said in amazement. After speaking, he was about to stand up from his seat, but he felt his legs numb, and he couldn't help falling back into his seat. It took a long time before he returned to normal.

"Have I been sitting for so long? I'm afraid I can sit for a day to become like this?" Lu Yuan sighed in surprise.

"Boss, how is it?" When he came to rest, Gunther couldn't wait to look at Lu Yuan.

Although Niya in his arms still looks like a loss of soul, there is a ray of hope in his eyes.

Now, during the time that Lu Yuan is connected to the cloud, what is happening here simultaneously gives Gunther hope.

"Um, I know where the specific problem is. Although I'm not 100% sure, there is a general direction."

As he said, Lu Yuan picked up the Thunder Arrow, fiddled with it twice in the air, and put a necklace on the crystal-shaped God Realm stone.

Immediately, he hung the necklace on Niya again, and tapped it twice in the middle of the arrow, and saw a wave of electric lights flashing in it, and Niya herself trembled in the same rhythm.

After a while, Niya's once godless eyes seemed to flash through suddenly. The hollow pupils are also focused.

Gunther, who was holding her arm, was the first to notice the change in the person in his arms, and gently supported her, turning his head with excitement and impatience, and asked softly, "Niya?"

"Um? Gunther?" Nia, who hadn't spoken for a year, seemed to have a little atrophy in her mouth muscles, and asked Gunther's name in a rather strange voice.

"It's me!" However, that didn't cause any obstacles to Gunther, and he immediately understood Nia's voice.

"What do you think? Is it okay?" Gunther helped Niya's arm trembled unconsciously. When he found Niya frowned, he quickly let go of his hands, but because Niya had a tendency to fall down, he quickly shook again. Hugged her.

"Um, it's okay, just a little dizzy." Niya was obviously still a little confused about the status quo, saying that it was okay, but in fact the doubt in her eyes did not escape the eyes of the people present.

"Okay, let's give them some space." Lu Yuan held the Yanzi with one hand, greeted everyone with the other hand, and walked to the main hall upstairs. Then he turned his head and said to Gunther who only had Nia in his eyes, "You only have half an hour. Time, don't talk for too long."

"She probably looks a bit like a vegetative person who has just awakened from a long-term coma and cannot adapt to the life of a normal person."

"In addition, for some reasons, the time for her to wake up must be strictly limited, not too short or too long."

"I'm telling you later, let's talk first!"

After reaching the main hall, Lu Yuan realized that there were really many people in the villa. Gunther's three female colleagues, Lu Yuan's trio, and the three girls from Turner's family, packed up the main hall of Noble University.

In addition to Helena and Daphne, Turner's daughter Liz also ran over at some point.

Only after sitting down, the atmosphere in the hall became strange.

Swallow hugged Lu Yuan, staring at Helena and Daphne with warning eyes from time to time.

Although Daphne lowered her head over there, she would seize the opportunity to secretly grimacing at Lu Yuan from time to time, as if she was a bear kid in the kindergarten who had been warned by other parents not to play with her own children.

But Helena was even more direct. Every time the swallow glared over, she also glared back directly.

Little Liz was sitting in her father's arms, her big eyes skeptically looking at everything in front of her, not knowing what he was making.

It's not over yet, watching the trio of Gunther female colleagues who are more experienced in this kind of thing, watching the three people fight and jealous, pass on a good look at each other.

However, after being discovered by Helena, they also became the object of Helena's anger.

Perhaps there have been conflicts between them. It can be seen from Helena not entering Gunther's villa at all last night. At least she has a lot of opinions on these special professionals from Europe.

Lu Yuan thought she was mainly embarrassed before, but now it seems that it should be more than that.

Because after being stared at by her several times, the three faces were a little ugly, and soon they greeted a few words and left.

But they didn't let the situation calm down when they left.

Here, the swallow provocatively stretched his hand into Lu Yuan’s clothing and rubbed some parts, while Helena looked angry and looked a little envious over there? Turner hurriedly coughed and broke the weird atmosphere.

"Ahem, boss, Niya, what the **** is going on?"

"Well, this, let me explain it to you!" Lu Yuan quickly moved from the original position and looked at Turner from a comfortable angle.

Turner immediately noticed Lu Yuan's "thank you" expression deliberately silently.

In fact, Lu Yuan wanted to break the embarrassment a long time ago, but others only saw Swallow rubbing his chest with one hand, but did not see that the other hand that was blocked by her had pinched the soft flesh of his waist, threatening him. He must cooperate with Yanzi's provocation.

It feels like sitting on pins and needles, but it's quite uncomfortable.

Now that Turner opened the siege, Lu Yuan, of course, couldn't wait to flee from the tiger's mouth, taking care of himself for Turner, and of course also explaining Niya's affairs to everyone.

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