Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 602: Niya's treatment plan

It's not that Lu Yuan didn't have an examination for Niya before. She was always called physical by the system under routine examinations and it was not a major problem.

It wasn't until his previous hypothesis of the Animus cloud online version was partially confirmed that he remembered a big problem that he had overlooked.

That is the difference between the human beings on the Light-Analysis Plane and the human beings on other parallel planes on the Earth. Most of them have some of the genes of the Isu people.

Although there are not many Isu and humans in the light analysis plane, after a long intermarriage and reproduction, in fact, most humans have more or less the shadow of Isu. It's just that the concentration is different.

This also means that even if Niya's body is not in a serious way according to normal human standards, in fact some of her tissues have undergone damage.

That is the part of the Isu's body that is connected to the cloud and even performs data storage and transmission.

Niya’s previous problem was equivalent to that the storage medium she used to transmit data online with the cloud, such as a memory hard drive, was broken. Well, it’s more like the hard drive’s boot failure, so even if she was in Los Santos, she kept going. It's that foolish look.

Although her human brain did not suffer much damage, she could not recover her sanity because the data could not be transmitted.

Only under certain special circumstances, which aroused some residual stress responses in her subconscious, would the transmission of the cloud be mobilized, and through the direct connection with the cloud, some of her sanity would be restored.

It is as if the computer hard disk boot is broken, and the computer can be started by using the boot data on the server by starting the network card.

Although in reality, individual users rarely use this method.

The purpose of Lu Yuan's previous creation of the Thunder God Arrow Necklace is also obvious, which is to replace the part of Nya's damaged part of the function of networking with the cloud.

Of course, the memory of Niya's existence in the cloud has been downloaded into the God Realm Stone by Lu Yuan. It is a bit like the function of the legendary Thunder God Lightning Palace, for the soul to live after death.

But in fact, memory is not the same as soul.

If Lu Yuan took out Gunther's soul and put it in the Thunder God Arrow God Realm Stone, he would not be able to see a complete Niya there. At most, he would only see one that had most of Niya's memory, and would only simply interact, uh, chatbot.

On the other hand, if Lu Yuan forcibly removes the remnant soul from Niya’s body and merges it with her memory information in the God Realm Stone, then her soul will be intact, but it will be like Shiafei at the beginning, if the nature is not changed. If you become an electronic life, then you cannot return to this world.

Therefore, in addition to using the God Realm Stone as an external device to help Niya temporarily fill up her soul, Lu Yuan still finds a way to treat her damaged cloud communication part.

It's just that the light analysis technology he currently has is insufficient. This kind of technology that he has not directly touched, can not be simulated by the system by spending time and space points.

But fortunately, since Niya's damaged part was destroyed by the black armor forces during brainwashing, it means that the black armor forces' brainwashing technique should have used the characteristics of that part itself.

According to Lu Yuan’s guess, they might have done something forcibly on the cloud receiver, controlling the cloud to continuously transmit brainwashing information to the brainwashed individuals.

If they succeed, they will be able to resist no matter how much they dominate, just like Shiafei did at the beginning.

If it fails, it is estimated that it will be like Niya, because of the damage in that part, it will become like a loss of soul.

If this is the case, it also means that as long as Lu Yuan finds the brainwashing device of the black armor, he can analyze the technology and heal Niya.

Although going around in a circle is almost exactly the same as his previous plan, but the goal is more clear, but no matter how small progress is, he is not dissatisfied with this.

Thirty minutes passed quickly, Lu Yuan looked at his watch, sighed, stood up, and went downstairs to retrieve the God Realm stone necklace.

Fortunately, Nia and Gunther did not fall into a fiery relationship.

On the contrary, when the road came down, they no longer spoke, or even hugged each other tightly.

Lu Yuan looked at them in this way, and he was taken aback for a while before remembering that Niya's memory did not stay in their passionate love period.

In her memory, in order to avenge her ex-husband, despite Gunther's opposition, she forcibly stayed in Los Santos to track down clues, and even broke up with Gunther.

Everyone knows what this means. This represents the living Gunther, who is not as important as her dead ex-husband when she is serious.

She knew this, Lu Yuan knew it, and Gunther knew it himself.

Although Lu Yuan also knew that based on Gunther's performance all along, Niya should be regarded as his favorite woman, but he was the kind of veteran who could not be easily trusted by women.

Lu Yuan could even faintly feel that the reason why Niya cared more about her late husband was that she was loyal to her even though she was the former leader of the largest gang in Kolumbia.

Of course, according to the standards of the Kolumbians.

That is to say, although there are other women, one will not behave in front of the regular wife, and the other will not be taken home.

According to the standards of the broad and unrestrained Latin American people, this is regarded as a big respect for his wife for a big drug lord.

Relatively speaking, as far as the three female colleagues of Gunther upstairs are concerned, Gunther is really well compared in this regard.

But before Lu Yuan took back the necklace, Gunther still kissed Niya goodbye, telling him that he would definitely find a way to save her.

So Lu Yuan explained the previous words to Gunther again.

Of course, when it comes to things that are beyond ordinary people's perception, such as the transversal person, the changing plane, and the void flying insect, he will secretly go away.

Although Gunther has always been the fourth member of his team and is considered a core member compared to others, Lu Yuan has never thought of accepting him as a follower.

Therefore, there are certain things that cannot be told directly to him.

For example, where Nia was before, Lu Yuan explained it by saying that it was being protected by Alex and Turner.

The matter between him and Niya came to an end in this state for the time being.

Next, Lu Yuan quickly asked Turner about the situation.

First, the five members of Turner's family are all pretty good now.

Although Turner was very dissatisfied with the fact that Helena became a registered mercenary in the security firm, because it was the mistake of the old senior lieutenant, she didn't have much to say.

Compared with Helena, other people are much more worry-free.

Victoria is helping the hunter team as a clerical officer, and her immediate boss is Yufonia, the liaison officer of the Urban Hunter Investigation Service Company.

Daphne has just graduated from high school and is using the off-semester part-time job to earn tuition fees.

Little Liz is also going to school obediently, but for safety, she has been transferred to a private aristocratic school in Rockford Hills with the help of a lieutenant. The tuition is so high that Turner is also dizzy.

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