Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 656: the other side

For a moment, Lu Yuan really began to hesitate whether to continue looking for the big boss in Black Armor, or to stop these visible dangers in the cradle first.

However, after he observed these quasi-black armored fighters for a period of time, he temporarily put the guts raised in his heart back into his stomach.

The reason is very simple. Among the quasi-black armors that are undergoing training, more than half are defective products like the little black armor that just came here.

And most people have some special parts on their bodies.

The most common ones are of course helmets that "provide IQ" to them, but there are also some people who have mechanical prostheses installed on knees and elbows.

Obviously, these trained recruits on the field only reached the standard of becoming a black armor through various auxiliary technologies.

In other words, this is a training ground where defective products reach the standard again, and it is not a mass production center for black armored fighters that Lu Yuan thought before.

Although these people can reach the standard of general black armor after successful training, but the current strength of Yi Luyuan and others, if it is just a general black armor, in their eyes is already more powerful cannon fodder.

There are more than one or two hundred people in cannon fodder. Although it is troublesome to kill, it still can't affect the situation of the battle.

In order to clean up these defective products and lose the opportunity to fight Huanglong directly, Lu Yuan would not do it.

So after recording all the personnel information on the field, Lu Yuan turned and left the area, continuing his adventurous enemy cave.

While he continued to search for more valuable targets, the other two battlefields also ushered in new chain changes.

First, the old-fashioned aerial combat over Gunther's beach coast.

After Gunther's many hits and runs (HITANDRUN), only the last two P-51 fighters participated in this air combat championship.

However, at this time, Gunther's T-45 Goshawk trainer's central axis Aden 30mm cannon pod had less than 30 rounds of ammunition.

With these ammunition, he can fire two to four bursts at most. If it is replaced by ground combat, it is probably a sniper with only two to four sniper rounds left, facing the last two people in the place.

In this case, he can only create the most advantageous shooting angle in the fight before launching, otherwise he will eventually end up being chased.

Fortunately, even though his four short-range empty space fighting shells have been burnt out, the opponent is after all a World War II master machine, and the speed cannot be compared with him. Even if there are thousands of rounds of cannon ammunition on the opposite side, it would be in vain not to catch up with him.

But soon there was another turning point on his side.

This turn of events is Helena.

Previously, IAA senior agent Lachman offered Gunther a deal. What Gunther had to do was not only to win this air battle, but also to continue to drive the Goshawk trainer to participate in the subsequent air battle championships.

In this way, the Goshawk trainer that suddenly appeared in the news helicopter and other shots became the contestant, not the IAA espionage in Los Santos.

Then after this incident, all the censures IAA will suffer will basically disappear.

Correspondingly, IAA will provide Gunther with some information about when Nia disappeared and became a patient with loss of soul, such as where she traced it, who was caught by who, and what special tests were done to become that. Vice appearance.

A simplified version of these materials was given to Leicester and Helena by Lachman. After the two had read it and confirmed the authenticity and availability of this information, Gunther agreed to the transaction.

At this time, Helena, who was not bound by the mission, was finally able to free her hands and feet, ran to the airport, got a set of equipment for picking up an anti-aircraft trailer, and connected the stone heads that had also escaped to the beach coast airport. Support Gunther from the ground.

With such a new force joining, Gunther's situation immediately improved a lot.

When the Oerlikon machine gun of the anti-aircraft trailer attacked the P-51 Mustang, Gunther finally got a chance to shoot down an enemy plane again.

Seeing that his seven competitors were all dealt with by the opposing Goshawk, the pilot of the last P-51 finally lost the courage to continue fighting. Shi Shiran went to Fort Derek in the northwest direction. It was Sankudo Fortress Airport who fled.

Gunther wanted to take advantage of the victory and kill the last one, but two pieces of news from Lachman came through the headset.

In accordance with the rules of the air combat tournament for a while, the two surviving fighters have automatically qualified for the next battle, and the two do not need to distinguish between the winners and losers.

Even if the winner is divided, unless the driver is injured or there are no other participating fighters, he can still participate in the next battle, that is, the qualifications remain unchanged.

In this case, Gunther chased the last fighter plane, in addition to satisfying his desire for revenge, he would not get extra benefits.

Of course, in Gunther's mentality, even if it is not good, he still wants to kill the running wild horse on the opposite side.

What? When you have the advantage, you will fight yourself with others, but now you will run away if you are inferior. Where is that kind of good thing?

But the second message completely extinguished Gunther's revenge. That was the conflict that took place near his home.

Especially after hearing that Helena's home had been blown out of shape by explosives, Gunther landed at the Beach Coast Airport without saying a word.

This trainer is Lachman's heart, so don't think about it if you continue to lend it to Gunther.

Fortunately, Gunther did not intend to continue to use it. This thing is of course very good for air combat, especially against the old aircraft of World War II, but it is basically zero for modern fighters or ground attacks.

According to the information given by Lachman, the battle in the Hollywood Hills villa area to the south was mainly caused by a group of helicopter landing ground combatants, so Gunther was preparing to drive a gunship into the battlefield.

For example, the previous Acura, such as the FH-1 Hunter (AH-64 Longbow Apache's special improved type), and the Savage (Mi 24 female deer special improved type).

This time, Lachman kindly sent him a Savage helicopter full of ammunition in advance.

Full of 4 14-mounted rocket launching nests, and a rotatable 23mm cannon on the nose, it can be described as a big killer for ground attacks.

The reason why Lachman provided him with such a big guy with rough skin and thick stuffing is mainly because this thing is not obtrusive in the live broadcast of the air combat championship.

Uh, the word "abrupt" is not precise enough, it should be the thing that appeared under that lens, and it wouldn't burn the fire on IAA.

Because of the same logic, many dark-side forces, including the security office, when using big killers around Los Santos, they like to use the Savage helicopters, the Black God surface-to-air missiles and other former Soviet equipment.

The whole world knows that there is a Lucin in Europe that can easily buy arms of this level. The citizens of Los Santos are easily "convinced" by the same story, so that they can see large and heavy weapons at their doorsteps. The fact of weapons.

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