Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 657: Adaptation of weapons to the battlefield

The Savage gunship, like its prototype Mi-24, is a multi-purpose medium-sized helicopter.

This kind of big guy, in the first few models, the cockpit can even accommodate three crew members, the chief and co-pilot and a weapon operator, or the pilot plus the weapon operator and the companion engineer.

However, the later mature models were replaced with the most commonly used tandem two-seater configuration for armed helicopters.

In addition to the crew members, the cabin of this big guy can also carry eight fully armed special fighters.

Generally speaking, it is a kind of all-rounder big killer that combines armed surprise and troop transport in theater.

Of course, in fact, it also has the common problem of all-rounders, versatile but not specialized, so the cost-effectiveness of each purpose is not as good as that of a dedicated machine.

The firepower is incomparable to full-time “air anti-tank weapons” such as the AH-64 Longbow Apache, and its carrying capacity is not as good as that of its own Mi-6 predecessors. At least people can carry heavy equipment such as anti-tank guns at the same time.

Of course, it is indeed difficult to make medium- and heavy-duty comparisons of carrying capacity, but it is also this cost-effective comparison that makes the multi-purpose helicopter of the Mi-24 type no longer appear in the years to come.

However, when it comes to the record in the battlefield of the times, the Mi-24, which is at the right time and has not encountered deadly natural enemies, is still a classic of the generation.

In fact, in the war between the former Soviet Union and the Guishuang Kingdom that began in late 1979, this kind of armed helicopter, which was originally designed as an "airborne troop carrier", was used as a purely dedicated armed helicopter to perform rapid raid bombing missions in most cases.

It is said that only 16% of missions are operated at full capacity. In other words, in most cases, the cabins of this helicopter that can accommodate 8 combatants are actually vacant.

In the use of weapons of major powers, this method of actual use is too wasteful.

But even so, relying on the consistent durability of the former Soviet military industry, this kind of helicopter, which is somewhat wasteful in design, still showed strong adaptability and combat effectiveness on the Pamirs.

This kind of remarkable record makes people wonder, if this thing is made into a special machine from the beginning, will it even kill the Quartet?

That kind of hypothesis may never be verified, but one thing is certain. The generalist design, which is too wasteful in conventional troops, becomes an extremely excellent weapon after being partially strengthened and sent to another battlefield. .

Who likes most of the transportation vehicles that are both armed and capable of transporting a team of fully armed special fighters at the same time?

The answer is, of course, high-end mercenaries, special fighters who don't insist on absolute secrecy.

In other words, it is now Gunther and others.

Originally, if it were a full crew of four, it would be better to take advantage of the design advantages of the Savage helicopter. However, after the continued call for "Sergey the Mechanic" who disappeared for nearly two hours to no avail, the Gunther trio could only force themselves first. Fly to the south.

Although there is only one stone head in the rear cabin, at least it can carry three people at once, which is much better than other special gunship helicopters.

To say that a bird can do this too, but facing the black armor, with the thin skin of the bird, it is estimated that one will be beaten off by someone, and there is no sense of security at all.

Don’t you see that even the Black Armor is also trying to use the Stealth Annihilator, which is also a medium-sized transport aircraft, to quickly project troops on the battlefield.

Compared with the stealth annihilator modified from the UH-60 prototype, the Savage has a louder voice and less nuclear load, but at least it has more weapons and stronger combat capabilities.

The black armor can make up for the lack of weapons of the annihilators with their own weapons, and Gunther also needs the weapons of the savages to make up for their lack of firepower.

The two settings magically achieve a delicate balance in total capacity.

In fact, seriously speaking, the huge roar that can be heard a few kilometers away from the Mi 24 is indeed not very pleasing in the city. Fortunately, the savages have strengthened this aspect to reduce the noise to a tolerable level. Range.

But even so, if this kind of helicopter is used for covert missions, don't even think about it.

If it were before, it would be almost impossible for Gunther and the others to use this helicopter to support the villa area.

Not to mention the enemy's reconnaissance deployment, it is the air defense capability of Los Santos itself, and it will quickly catch its existence, and then drive away or even blast down the noise maker.

But now, because of the air battle tournaments secretly supported by the black armor forces, Los Santos' own air defense weapons are basically in a semi-idle state.

The residents of Los Santos, who have been baptized by the noise of various fighters in the air combat tournament, are no longer particularly sensitive to the roar in the sky, but instead provide Gunther with an opportunity.

The world is always so wonderful, people who let the organs count, always usher in the ridicule of fate in the minutiae.

The most ridiculous thing is that when Gunther flew the plane for less than ten minutes, he returned to the sky to establish contact with the Turner Swallow and the Hunter squad on the ground, and sent more than fifty rockets to the ground black armored fighters without money. At the time of the pouring, the surrounding residents did not even notice the difference from before.

In fact, this noisy sound has been made by the black armor not long ago. The surrounding residents who should avoid, flee, or call for support have all done it again.

Under this circumstance, it is not surprising that there is another behemoth in the sky tilting the opposite side of the rocket. Naturally, no one reported it.

Ever since, after the Quebec group was destroyed and the commander of the Great Rose mercenary disappeared, the second batch of black armor reinforcements, the black armored Victor eight-person rapid support team, and the three-machine six-person Zulu support team were also called in. All disappeared.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan is not very clear about the battle on Gunther's side, otherwise his fascination will be bleeding again.

High-ranking members of the black armor generally have higher than 200 points, and the average member is also at an average price of more than 100. The total of nearly 20 people in the three groups can earn two to three thousand points.

Just to make up for the shortfall in maintaining long-distance communication in the system before the route was lost.

Before Turner and Yanzi went to harvest the black armor, although they would not contribute time and space points to Lu Yuan, they would become a wonderful number in the pockets of the two.

The so-called rotted meat in one's own pot, will it end up becoming fat for one's own person?

However, Gunther's volley of rockets killed at least four to six black armors, and all of a sudden, nearly a thousand points of income disappeared, which was definitely a big loss for Lu Yuan.

But he still can't say anything, who made him never intend to take Gunther into the traverser team?

Fortunately, he didn't know this for the time being, and, after he got the battlefield record from a few people, he wouldn't care about the points wasted.

Otherwise, someone will want to solve the problem first, because when the complete report of the incident that has been resolved is placed in front of the superior, the early loss will become a temporary setback in the early stage. As long as the final gains are substantial.

So what will be the considerable benefits for Yanzi and others? Of course more black armor.

That's right, when Gunther managed to kill the second wave of black armor with a savage helicopter, the black armor boss, who became more and more nervous by the successive failures, directly dispatched the third wave of black armor. .

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