Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 670: Urban chaos

Just when several veterans saw that just as they were about to stop them from being stupid, the metal box was remotely opened by a swallow not far away to open the fuze.

Hearing a "thump", explosives full of ten kilograms of explosives plus box fragments exploded around the black armor, directly taking away the nearest five or six black armors in a wave.

And these few were healthy people who had not been seriously injured in the previous battle.

Of the nearly 30 black armors, 17 or 8 were at least seriously injured, but after landing, the medical soldiers in the team have begun to add various wartime drugs to their armor to restore their combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time.

It's just that the side hasn't recovered yet, and there are five or six direct attritions here, and there are six or seven people left on the full black armor of the three transport helicopters.

Fortunately, only one of the two boxes exploded, and the other was still a little farther away. Now that I think about it, there will be no black armor going up to give the head.

However, the commander on the field did not breathe a sigh of relief when he saw a few round metal pillars flying towards everyone under the straight wing support, and quite accurately, directly inserted into the armored backs of several medical soldiers.

The metal jet ejected from the pointed armor-piercing projectile directly penetrated the armor, taking away the hope of the battlefield of the three black armors.

"Roading missile?!" a certain black armor yelled.

That's right, it was the cruise missile fired by the mortar system installed behind the seat of Swallow Seitaro.

After three rounds of armor-piercing warhead patrol missiles successfully killed the medical soldiers, Yanzi was not idle, and directly replaced them with normal high-explosive mortar shells.

Without the flight power system to grab space, the load of these high-explosive mortars has been more than twice as large.

Although there is no enhanced armor-piercing capability, these high-charge and high-explosive bombs exploded densely in the black armor group, and still easily rushed through the outer armor of the heavy black armor in the center of the explosion.

In particular, there are many black armors that have been bombarded by Gunther’s rocket and machine guns, and then bombarded by high-speed fragments. The broken armor pieces have even become new shock fragments, which are blasted and cut. Raise their internal organs.

In an instant, Yanzi received more than a dozen kill records.

Seeing that the enemy was about to complete the harvest with that unreasonable heavy weapon, the Thunderbird commander on the ground had a gloomy face, but he immediately made a decision.

"Everyone, disperse! Implement plan 6!"

Upon hearing this, the surviving black armor behaved differently. Most of the old people turned on the leg jumpers of the battle armor without saying a word, and dispersed to the outer periphery of the battlefield to evacuate.

But there are one or two lucky newcomers, looking at the teammates who are still slumped near the remains of the cabin and have not been able to regain their mobility. Some not only obey the order to leave, but also try to save their private friends.

Seeing this, Thunderbird just gave a cold snort, but didn't bother them, turned and jumped out.

The so-called No. 6 plan is to temporarily or permanently abandon the wounded after being attacked by the enemy, the complete combat force will be dispersed and retreated immediately, and then assembled again according to the predetermined plan, so as to preserve the vigorous force as much as possible.

The old black armors have naturally had corresponding training for this, but after the expansion of the team, it will naturally lead to uneven staff.

On the battlefield, people who hesitate to order from the commander will appear. It can be seen that the quality of this group of people is fundamentally unqualified as a soldier. It is no wonder that Gunther and Swallows were able to wipe out most of them one after another.

However, after this big wave, the remaining seven full combat power and four disabled combat power are not so good to fight.

After the black armor around the wreckage of the three transport helicopters was wiped out, the swallow immediately drove to the direction of the black armor's escape.

However, at this time, the remaining black armor that had assembled again immediately organized an ambush.

Had it not been for the swallows to launch several reconnaissance missiles out of inertia at the beginning of the battle, at the last moment they found the black armor hidden behind the eaves of the surrounding roofs, and was fired by dozens of guns of various sizes. Only move to get out of danger.

But if teleport is used in this situation, it is really hard to say what will happen in the future.

Fortunately, with the help of "Sky Eye", before chasing into the block, she immediately leaned her body on the side, with her hands and feet in coordination with the quick operation, turned directly at the corner of the street, and left calmly.

When she left suddenly, the black armor naturally knew that her ambush had been discovered. Two or three black armors accurately positioned by the shooters immediately searched the surrounding airspace, and soon found a few hovering patrol missiles, raised their guns and shot them down.

The scene in the swallow's mask over there flashed, and she immediately understood what was going on. The corner of her mouth couldn't help but murmured, "Sure enough, after reacting, there are still two things!"

"Rose, can the surrounding cameras get in?"

"It's not a big problem, but it will take some time."

"Very well, come on!"

As a result, the swallow temporarily played around in a circle, with the remaining black armors, and played a sports war in the city.

There was also the scene that the surviving pilots of Tiansha saw in the sky.

Later, as Rose controlled more and more surrounding cameras, and resumed communication with Turner Surge and Gunther Helena, Swallows began to enter the stage of tactical counterattack.

The vehicle-mounted mortar on the Yanzi side has a limited built-in bomb bay. Although it is much taller than the handheld, it can only load ten rounds at a time.

Her main weapon is actually a remote-controlled heavy machine gun mounted on the handlebar of the car.

However, compared to the automatic adjustment of the mortar, the remote control of the heavy machine gun mounted on the handlebar has a limited adjustable angle, and can only aim when facing the enemy head-on, reducing the chance of the swallows shooting.

Turner’s side is currently the most threatening to black armor. After all, the tungsten alloy arrow projectile of the coil gun has the ability to kill any black armored infantry unit, but it is limited to the number of built-in ammunition and the rate of fire, so it can only be used as a sniper.

On the other side, Gunther and Helena, who escaped from the savage helicopter, just got a roadster from the underground parking lot of Arcadia Commercial Center and ran up. They only had two MP7s as PDW (Personal Defense Weapons). , Cannot be counted as force for the time being.

Their immediate goal is to assemble with the stone heads that are running towards the city, and then return to Gunther's Lair, two or three blocks away, to change into advanced weapons.

It is said that they are the safest in principle, but not long after they ran, they got into big trouble first.

The reason is simple. Just when Gunther drifted out from a street corner and was about to go from the downtown area to the West Hollywood area through the viaduct, he saw a gray-yellow vehicle suddenly jumped out of an entrance on the highway in downtown Depero on the left front. Behemoth.

The guy ran over a few cars that couldn't be dodged, and crushed them into scrap iron. But the muzzle of the black hole above the big guy's head steadily aimed at Gunther and the others.

With a "bang", it was Gunther's side behind the road that was blasted with a spark.

"I'm going! That's XX's tank?! Damn! What's the matter?" Gunther couldn't help cursing when he realized that the thing was coming to him.

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