Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 671: Armed vehicle competition

In fact, it was a rhino tank in desert camouflage, a main battle tank developed based on the Leopard 2A4.

There is such a behemoth in the fortress of Sancudo, which was once hoisted by a transport helicopter.

However, with the CH-53 series carrying a load of about ten tons, how to lift such a big guy weighing 55 tons has always been a mystery.

Of course, there is still a mystery that Sancudo uses tanks instead of its own M1 series Abrams main battle tank, but instead uses Dechez's Leopard 2 series. But since you want to improve on the Leopard 2A4, why not just use the more advanced Leopard 2A6?

Is it because it is expensive?

Gunther murmured, but without delay, he immediately turned the steering wheel, and after entering Morningwood (westwood prototype), he hurriedly turned into the alley to avoid the chase of the big man.

Originally, the stone head was nearby, but suddenly he was chased by a tank. Gunther had to tell the other side that the original confluence plan was cancelled.

Shi Headbag didn't say much after listening, just reminded them to quickly open the linked video he just sent through encrypted text messages.

Although Gunther didn't have the time, Helena on the co-pilot opened the video quickly and watched it.

After a while, Gunther, who had listened to the voice together, cursed first, "Fake, right? How dare these people do this? The IAA doesn't care?"

But at this time, no matter how he communicates with the line reserved for him by IAA, the voice over there will always be, "Busy, please try again later."

On the other hand, Helena hurriedly issued a warning to Turner and Yanzi, telling them about the video and even the tank attack.

However, when she contacted, she found that Turner and Yanzi had already encountered the situation revealed in the video.

That is a bunch of modified armed vehicles entering the city indiscriminately!

Those vehicles are mostly large toys with high-power engine vehicles as the chassis and equipped with armor and weapon systems.

Although most of the weapons are only light machine guns that fire 7.62 or even 5.56 NATO rounds, their lethality is already considerable for civilian vehicles.

Moreover, some vehicles are also equipped with heavy firepower such as small-caliber mortar systems. Their threat to Yanzi and others is actually not low.

The only good news is that Yanzi said that for some reason, although these armed vehicles would actively attack Yanzi and Turner, they rarely pursued them actively.

Helena smiled bitterly when he heard Yanzi's words, and hurriedly sent the video to her.

Although the swallow over there used both hands and feet to manipulate the motorcycle and couldn't hold the mobile phone by himself, Rosecuff took care of it and easily projected the video onto the hood screen.

Then Yanzi understood what had happened.

The matter is not particularly complicated. As mentioned before, in the year when Lu Yuan and others left Los Santos, Los Santos had many more unique places.

For example, going to the top floor of the city center building to watch the air combat tournament under the rain of real bullets is one of them.

However, there is another armed event that is more popular with the gangs in the southern city of Los Santos, and that is the armed vehicle series held at the Garden Bank Arena in Lopota District.

At first, this event was just the personal taste of a certain TV show producer. He wanted to combine the two most fanatical sports of Amerika’s bottom-level people, rugby and NASCAR racing, into one to create the world’s most popular game. The bloodiest event program of violence.

There are more people who are familiar with rugby. Compared with other ball sports such as world football and basketball, rugby has more physical contact such as direct collisions permitted by the rules, so violent and **** incidents often occur.

Then the audience can see that, unlike almost all other ball games, rugby players wear exaggerated shock-absorbing protective armor, and helmets are absolutely indispensable.

Of course, on the other hand, it is precisely because of this characteristic that the event is more exciting and more attractive.

Compared to rugby, the reputation of the Nass Truck Race in places other than Amerika is much smaller. However, with continuous reform and development in recent years, there has also been a trend of spreading.

The Nazca race, in simple terms, is to let those who like to modify their cars privately and drag racing in public, gather in a special racing track, and let them run around an oval track.

It just sounds boring to run a circular circuit, but when there are more participants in the limited space, "anything will happen".

Thinking of colliding with each other, the car body turned around in the air and fell to the ground and crashed into a pile of scrap iron. It used to be commonplace.

Moreover, the participating vehicles are not tall supercars. They are all modified from the most common private cars, so that the majority of people at the bottom who like cars have a strong sense of substitution and even participation.

Over time, liking NASCAR racing has become one of the stereotypes of the "red neck" at the bottom of Amerika.

If you still don’t have an intuitive impression of NASCAR racing, then go to a certain racing series, where the protagonist participates in the competition, which is basically the form of NASCAR in reality.

So, rugby and Nazca, which are prone to violence due to the competition system, are combined into one, and violence is strengthened. What will the event be like?

It is a group of armored and weaponized privately modified cars, which are engaged in various forms of competition in the arena.

The easiest is to add an armed race in the Nazca format where weapons can be used to attack other participants.

It’s a little more complicated to get the points match for defeating the opponent’s points.

Then various events such as various car rugby games will compete to appear.

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the higher entry threshold, more prize money, and more attention from the upper class, the most popular event in Los Santos at the moment is actually the armed vehicle competition.

So what happened to these guys suddenly taking to the streets?

Because just ten minutes ago, the match of the day that was supposed to be held at the Garden Bank Arena was suddenly changed to take place in the city.

Moreover, the event organizer also stated separately that as long as the armed vehicles appearing in the urban area, they are all contestants. Everyone, even those who are not registered in the arena, as long as they participate in the urban competition and be photographed by the live broadcast of the event. Down is equivalent to participating in the competition.

This event is defined as a chaos, meaning that there are no teammates and all participants are enemies. In the end, the remaining four players will be the final winners, each of whom will receive half a million dollars in cash prizes.

If there is only one person left, then the two million will belong to him alone.

Although the money is not much, but the income of the contestants and followers is not high. So as soon as the announcement came out, countless armed vehicles appeared in the urban area.

The Swallow with a mortar mounted on the back of the motorcycle, and a Turner with an electromagnetic cannon in the back of the off-road vehicle were all regarded as contestants by others.

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