Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 672: Chaos on the court

The huge armed vehicle violent match that was supposed to be in a closed arena was actually extended to the urban area. Needless to say, the change in this is far from enough on the strength of the show producer alone. Someone must be behind it. .

It's self-evident who is contributing to the flames.

What's more nonsense is that when the host of the event finished the explanation, someone asked at the scene whether the so-called armed vehicles were even armored vehicles and tanks. As a result, the host gave a wink to the top of the event and immediately gave affirmation. reply.

In other words, if someone can drive the tank to the city to participate in this event, and eventually win, they can also get a bonus.

Moreover, most of the chariot crews are three people and rarely more than four people, so as long as they can kill everyone else, they don't need to fight with their own people to get the final prize.

This question-and-answer looks like a pre-arranged drama, but a considerable part of the audience of this event is really limited in intelligence, and a considerable number of people should take it seriously.

But no one would have thought that someone actually drove the tank out.

When the team channel was established again, when Helena felt so emotional in the channel, Gunther couldn't help but sneered, "How long has it been since the video was released? At the speed of that rhino tank, I got here from Fort Sankudo. How long will it take? This is obviously premeditated, okay!"

In fact, it's not just Gunther who thinks so, but Turner and Swallows think so too.

After all, the military will not respond to things like opening tanks in violation of orders?

Even if it is exploited by the grass-roots soldiers below, the military will not send troops to intercept it?

In fact, it's not that Amerika has never happened when soldiers stole tanks and drove them to the streets, but each time they were quickly stopped by the army and the police.

This time, there was not even a helicopter tracking. The most likely reason was that the so-called three or two tank soldiers who stole the tanks were at least approved by the military.

It does not matter whether it is a direct order from the military, or who communicates with the tank soldiers privately and obtains the military's acquiescence and the appropriate final means of exoneration.

It only needs to know that the organizers of the armed vehicle competition also have the shadow of the black armor forces behind it, and that the military is also affected by the black armor to a certain extent.

Of course, these things have been known for a long time, but among the five people in the current team, at most only two or three had doubts about this before, and the newcomers did not know it.

And now, they all know this.

On the current field, Yanzi is driving a motorcycle with a low armor speed and a high speed, and has a head-on conflict with a large black armor. In the chaos, he has to rely on speed to leave the black armor dense area in order to reduce the probability of being besieged. The patrol missile launched a long-range attack on the black armor.

Turner's off-road vehicle is also only a convertible version, and its defense is not much better than that of the Swallow. Also being harassed by the black armor and those armed vehicles, he can only attack from a distance.

Gunther and Helena are still avoiding the rhinoceros tank and fleeing near the Garden Bank West Building, where Gunther's home is, and they can change into heavy firepower.

The safest thing is the stone head. Although he has escaped from the main force, he can hide in pedestrians at any time because he is not in any marked vehicle.

After a series of battles, the current time has entered the morning. Although the lazy Los Santos hadn't fully awakened yet, the diligent people had risen from their comfortable nests and rushed for their rations.

And because of the expansion of the armed vehicle competition, a considerable number of nocturnal creatures who have not slept after the whole night have either ran into the city in various armed vehicles or are on the way to drive an armed vehicle.

The same African-American stone head, who has been busy all night, is mixed among these people, and there is no sense of disobedience.

And in a sense, his current goal is really the same as everyone else, that is, he wants to get an armed vehicle.

His hometown was in the Shengdu District of Nanluo, south of the city center, and when he fled, he found that he had more and more companions.

So he finally played the only role he could play at the moment, reminding a few others.

"Huh? There are so many people holding back into the war?" Yanzi cried as soon as he heard it. "They want to block the traffic in the entire city center? Don't they know that no one can win this way?"

"No, if the city center is really blocked by all kinds of cars, one guy will be able to win directly!" Gunther said, "because he is not afraid of being blocked!"

"Tank!" X2

It was the two young men who called out at the same time, Yanzi and Helena.

Fortunately, they are not together now, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be no mutual sympathy.

This is a disagreement that spans many years or even multiple planes, and it cannot be changed by rushing to answer in one voice.

Still Gunther sighed and continued, "Yes, it's all blocked, and the tank is rolled directly on the roof of the car. Go wherever you want!"

"What shall we do? Now this battle is not easy to fight!"

The implication of Gunther's words is that since this battle cannot be fought, it is better to withdraw first.

It's just that he is not embarrassed to say directly, after all, apart from him and Stone Head who are pure help, the other three family members are facing the danger of being attacked by black armor.

He only knew that Vicki Liz and the others were in a safe place temporarily, but didn't know that it was actually that safe in Turner's workspace.

From Gunther's point of view, their series of actions up to now are all aimed at distracting the black armor, so as to create opportunities for Vicki Liz and others to escape.

Based on this, he is really hard to say the word retreat.

Fortunately, he can't speak, but Turner and Yanzi have no such scruples.

In fact, they had already thought of retreating from the villa until now.

It's not that I'm afraid of anything, it's mainly because the black armor is stabbed into the hornet's nest. Waves fly out to join the battlefield, and there are more people than waves, and the weapons and equipment are also exaggerated.

If it is to repel the black armor to protect their family members, they will persist even if there is only one soldier left.

But now it is clear that his family is hiding safely in Turner's Light Realm space. Instead, he has captured two enemy commanders as prisoners.

In this case, the two of them can escape through the time-space gate at any time, just play with the black armor, but there are still a few teammates who are pure help, and there is really no need for the needle to fight Maimang.

Thinking of this, after Turner and Yanzi used the two-person channel to communicate, they simply spoke to the other people in the five-person channel, "Yes, there is no need to interfere with their chaotic war, let's all withdraw first!"

"But be careful. Based on our experience, those black armors must already know all of our information. It is definitely not safe to hide in your own home. You have to find a safer place to hide."

"What about you?" Helena hurriedly said, "and Vicky and others?"

"You can rest assured over there, after we meet them, we will hide in a safe place." Yanzi said immediately.

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