Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 721: World Tree, Cloud Animus

However, even if that agreement was signed, the real peace there is still far from coming.

The reason Lu Yuan analyzed before, the soil has not changed, the environment has not changed, and the grass cannot be burned, no matter how big the wildfire is.

Fortunately, perhaps only the old Jianghu Chain Saw chose to accompany his daughter this time. But as his old IAA action team, it’s okay to go to Donbass. If you run into the people of Big Rose, I’m afraid it will still be a bit painful.

Lu Yuan still had some concerns about this, but after thinking about it in the end, he still held them back in his stomach.

Anyway, he was going to hunt the Green Mayflower, and he didn't know what effect it would have here.

No matter how perfect the arrangement is now, it does not mean real safety.

On the contrary, the plan to find another death may also have a silver lining.

At this point, many people in Lu Yuan's three-person space were finally released in the first batch.

Then there is the group of relatives and friends of the three of Lu Yuan, Liz Daphne and others.

"How did you get out of your father's space at the time?" Facing little Liz, Lu Yuan immediately asked the most inexplicable thing.

"That? Someone did it for me." Little Liz didn't know why.

"Help you? Who?"

"A person who claims to be my sister and has a bad personality." Little Liz said, "By the way, she would appear in the mirror in front of me from time to time in the past year to frighten me. But she called it by her name, she cares about me. ."

"Sister with bad personality?" Lu Yuan immediately remembered a guy and asked the system to help upload her image to her mobile phone and show it to Liz.

"Yes! It's her!" Little Liz said immediately.

Lu Yuan shook his head, helpless to someone's evil taste.

But fortunately, in this way, the reason why little Liz can take the initiative to come out of the Turner space has also been found.

That person, of course, was another daughter of Turner Vegade, who was the first-time traverser whose authority was at least one order higher than Lu Yuan, the demon **** of the plane of Nien, Serberina.

That guy has both high-level privileges and Turner's daughter, and seems to have some friendship with some mid-to-high-level traversers.

Letting little Liz, who is also Turner's daughter, share Turner's authority to a certain extent is nothing to her.

Lu Yuan remembers that the "parental mode" with similar permissions is turned off by default. Turner didn't take the initiative to turn on the character of the fire-proof, anti-theft and bear-child mode. As a result, two bear kids, one big and one small, took advantage of the loopholes.

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief as this matter had a result. The last reason is this. It is better than the Isu masters a certain technology that can open the space of the traverser, and the journey will be a lot of headaches.

During the rest period in Odessa, Alex's mother Corinna was also transferred from Turner's small space to Lu Yuan's main working space.

Compared with Little Liz's family who were all Isu reincarnations, the Alex family was much simpler. Although her mother Corinna was agreed by several reincarnations that she also had Isu genes, she did not awaken.

Moreover, it should not be awakened.

Unlike Lu Yuan once subconsciously thought, not all Isu-human hybrids will awaken.

Because, Isu mixed-race children appeared earlier than the genetic technology of consciousness.

It is precisely because of the emergence of consciousness fragment genetic technology that there were already a large number of mixed races, so those Isu who want to rely on reincarnation to resurrect can mix themselves with their own consciousness fragments, so that some people can't find them.

Therefore, there are actually three types of mixed-race children, those who have awakened Isu consciousness, those who have not yet awakened consciousness, and those who do not carry consciousness.

Corinne should be strictly speaking the third type.

But Swallow, uh no, it should be Alex, it should have been the second type.

However, after the fusion with the swallows, their common genes have changed again, and it is difficult to tell whether the consciousness can be awakened.

Although Lu Yuan is very curious about who she will be.

In addition, since Corinna is the third type, it means that the consciousness fragments in Alex's genetic material come from her father. It shows that her father is also an unawakened hybrid.

I don't know if Alex will not be awakened anymore, causing her father to awaken as an Isu.

After all, the awakening of the Isu people does not strictly distinguish between men and women, but the probability is high or low.

In addition, if they had awakened hundreds or even thousands of years ago, they would not have the memory of the previous awakenings this time.

From this point of view, Lu Yuan thinks that they prefer to use awakening rather than reincarnation, which makes sense.

They are only equivalent to recalling a specific past life in this life, that is, the memory of the Isu people.

It’s just that there are a lot of bugs in this whole set of models in Lu Yuan's terms. For example, why don’t two identical Isu consciousnesses awaken at the same time?

For example, if Little Liz's mother is still alive, why would she and Little Liz not awaken Minerva's consciousness at the same time?

Lu Yuan guessed that this place was still related to the Isu Technology server that he had previously speculated to cover the world.

The memory in the Isu mixed blood, which is the ancestral memory derived from animus, is actually not in their genes, but stored in the server.

What's in the gene is actually the key that downloads the memory from the server.

Then, according to the same model, can the awakening of the Isu people's consciousness be explained clearly?

At least Lu Yuan thinks it can.

He guessed that when the physical strength of a certain generation of Isu hybrids, or the concentration of genetic material in the body, reached the threshold to carry the consciousness of the Isu people, and then passed the key test, the consciousness of the Isu people uploaded to the cloud server would be downloaded back. This hybrid body.

That is, the awakening of Isu memory.

Especially, when Lu Yuan learned from Minerva that the Olympic experimental site was also connected to the "World Tree" supercomputer, he had faintly equated this thing with the Isu cloud server.

Is there no bug in this model? Actually there are.

At least one thing, Lu Yuan has not been very clear now, and that is how the memory of the Isu mixed blood was uploaded.

If according to the ability demonstrated by the original game Animus system, even if not all Isu is mixed, it should be mixed with the Isu DNA concentration to a certain level, which can trigger the ability to upload the memory to the cloud server at any time.

And his own DNA will be the key to retrieve this memory.

This can explain why the offspring of a certain high-Isu DNA hybrid at the age of 30 or 40 can look back at his memory in his 70s or 80s through DNA backtracking.

But the problem is that if this is the case, then all the saints, that is, the reincarnations of the Isu people, must have a high enough concentration of Isu DNA.

In this way, their memories in each life should trigger the upload.

But when they awaken in the next life, the memory and even consciousness downloaded from the cloud still belong to the original Isu. The mixed-race memory of previous lifetimes was not directly downloaded.

The reasons for this are very interesting.

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