Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 722: Essence, memory, homecoming

This question may even be related to the essence of Little Liz Minerva, whether she is Minerva from the Isu, or the human Liz has more of Minerva's memory.

Lu Yuan always thinks that he is closer to the latter, after all, he accepts Sonaz's memory more than his consciousness.

However, the amount of memory information of an ordinary person under the age of 20 cannot be compared with that of an Isu who has survived for more than 70,000 years.

So even if only the memory is received, Lu Yuan's character will inevitably be affected by Sonaz, making him much older.

In the same way, when Little Liz and others awakened and thought that they were Minerva in essence, would they also have a similar illusion?

Lu Yuan was very curious about this.

If we can get the original construction principle of the supercomputer "World Tree", based on Lu Yuan's current knowledge, we should be able to infer one or two.

It is a pity that Sonaz, the Isu, is a security guard rather than a technician. Although he knows a lot about the technology of the Isu in his memory, most of them focus on practicality rather than research and development.

For a moment, Lu Yuan really hoped that he was a craftsman god.

Well, as long as it is not the hapless green-hat husband of Aphrodite.

What's more regrettable is that Ananke, who was the Isu of Vidoriya, was the earliest engineer of the "World Tree" supercomputer, but because of overwork, she lost most of that thing when she was an Isu. memory.

When she uploaded her consciousness by chance, naturally, there was no technical information in it. When it was passed to Victoria, it would naturally not be there.

Another interesting aspect from Lu Yuan's point of view is the memories of the three people's uploading of consciousness.

Lu Yuan had the impression that Minerva and her father Jupiter uploaded their consciousness into a medium similar to the God Realm Stone in the main plane game, and at the same time sealed Juno who wanted to resurrect her husband but wanted to rule humanity.

But on this plane, although Jupiter still sealed Juno, Minerva was uploaded to the World Tree by his old father.

In the long process of Aschalotar's cleaning of Isu survivors, Jupiter may have already fallen.

However, if you refer to the case of Swallows seeing Juno in the steampunk world of the space-time gap, Ascharotar's method of dealing with the exposed Isu survivors may be to throw them all into the space-time gap.

After all, in that space-time gap, there are both the Knights Templar and the Brotherhood of Assassins.

It was Juno who was thrown into the celestial converging world group because of a conflict with the swallow.

Lu Yuan quietly explored the world last time, and that queen has become an intermediate combat witch under the swallow's tree demon empire, and the future is bright.

Thinking back to this, Lu Yuan couldn't help sighing, the traverser was indeed too capable of messing up, and could create infinite possibilities.

Like Minerva, Eden also has memories of how his consciousness was uploaded.

And Yidun’s experience is simpler. She is one of the eight Isu people who shared their consciousness with Odin before the end.

Of course, because of Loki's appearance before, this batch of uploaders will at least add him, which is a total of nine people.

But the strange thing was that when she was reminded of the other seven people, the names of the other three changed frequently, except for the constant Odin Sol Tir Heimdall.

Like Friga, it is easy to become Freya.

In Lu Yuan's memory, these are two different Isu people. The former was the one who later married Odin, and the latter was an employee seconded from the surrounding Warner Proving Grounds to the Asa Proving Grounds.

Perhaps it is because compared with the latter, the deeds of the former are a bit dull. In the legend, the affairs of the two people slowly merged together.

Of course, considering that these memories of Yidun and the others are probably all false memories made under the guidance of Loki's control, it is not incomprehensible that her memories are vague.

Compared to her, Victoria Ananke's Isu memory is more vague.

As mentioned earlier, when she was still an Isu, her memory was a little confused because she became ill due to overwork.

She didn't have any impression of how to survive the Daba catastrophe.

When she had memories again, it was when Sonaz saw Sonaz chasing and killing the big green snake with an axe in one hand and an arrow in the palm of his hand.

At that time she suddenly realized that she somehow wandered to the steppes of Eastern Europe.

After that, she vaguely remembered that she had left some dark hands, and she didn't know which terminal she was from, and uploaded her consciousness to the world tree.

Considering that she used to be the chief designer, it makes sense to have this ability.

But this shows one thing, even after the Doba catastrophe, the supercomputer "World Tree" is still operating well.

This is also normal, after all, Lu Yuan helped Niya retrieve her memories of this life before.

It's just that the exploration from the green light devil that Lu Yuan encountered at that time indicated that those Aschalotars should have mastered the real location of the World Tree computer and used it to a certain extent.

If this is the case, then the awakening of Minerva and others should also be in the grasp of the green light devil. After all, this kind of conscious download can't bypass the server firewall.

Combined with the fact that Loki pretended to be Friga and mixed with them, it is likely that they had been under the control of Aschalotar for a long time, and were inadvertently played by those green light devils as chess pieces.

Of course, this kind of thing will not be directly talked to a few awakened people. After all, this is not only very harmful but also extremely insulting to them who have been committed to saving the world.

Although Lu Yuan still has some questions he wants to ask a few Isu people, and he still has some hypotheses that need to be verified, he has more important things right now, so those can only be left behind.


Equipped with two Pegasus 11-61 (MK107) engines, the latest model of the Pegasus engine family, and the dragon skeleton UAV that has been improved many times, the conventional cruise speed at this time can reach 0.9+ times the speed of sound.

For conventional supersonic cruises, it is impossible to rely solely on the Pegasus engine. After all, the supersonic speed of most supersonic fighters is achieved by the extra cooperation of the afterburner.

Fortunately, traveling across continents at subsonic speed is good enough, at least much faster than civil aviation.

In less than twelve hours, Lu Yuan returned to Los Santos Satellite City, Anaheim.

Only fifteen hours had passed since the Green Mayflower UFO took off.

But in less than a day, Luo Shengdu has become a mess.

Most of the residents of Los Santos who have recovered their minds and have sufficient financial capacity have already escaped from the city and radiated to many nearby satellite cities.

The electronics company that Turner founded and is still in operation was opened in Anaheim, one of the many satellite cities.

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