Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 777: Family feud, everyone is here

"This, this is?" Lester only squinted at first, but soon followed his neck, his eyes widened and he didn't dare to say anything. "This, it's Mulnier? How could it be in your hands? ?"

This is of course the Mauernier pendant that resurrected the swallow's adoptive parents.

It can be said that it had a profound impact on her destiny, so after saving her parents, she kept wearing it next to her body, which was regarded as an amulet pendant.

"Mallnier, Thor's Hammer, that's it?" John Dugan next to him had a contemptuous expression of "Are you guys playing me together?"

But Lester didn't even look at him, carefully picked up the pendant, ran his fingers across the hammer-shaped cross, and touched the sheepskin embossment on the periphery of the hammer body as the background.

After playing with it for a long time, Lester sighed, "This is Mallnier, but it's only half of the real Mullnier, it's not enough!"

"What's the matter?" Sam asked.

Lester returned the pendant to the Swallows, and pulled the two war sheep of Thor in the mythology. They would be slaughtered and eaten if they had no food. The next day they would be resurrected by Thor's Hammer to explain to everyone. Again.

Finally, he pointed to the pendant in Swallow's hand and said, "Here, there is only the main body of Mirnier, and one-third of its divine power, which is the ability to resurrect."

"The other two thirds, Bravery and Thunder, are not here."

"There are four parts of the three divine powers plus the body, here is only half, so I say it is only one-half!"

The people he said in this passage looked at each other even more. Although they felt that there was no problem logically, they always felt weird. He seems to take the myth seriously, and he swears, this guy doesn't have a problem with his brain, right?

At least some people who are far away from certain things think so in their hearts.

However, these words were not so absurd in Yanzi's ears.

In fact, because Lester explained from the sheepskin embossment that this pendant has the power of resurrection, the swallow took a high look at the wretched man.

"You, how did you know?" After taking a high look, he was suspicious, doubting the person's true identity, so Yanzi chose to ask directly.

"Because of the current appearance of the hammer, he has to pay at least half of the responsibility!" A fierce male voice suddenly came from the door.

When everyone heard the sound and looked over, they saw the previous Turner walking into the combat headquarters with two other people. The speaker was a dark-white man who was not tall but had a burly stature next to Turner.

Originally, in Los Santos, everyone would subconsciously think that he was a Latin American or even a Meheke, but the accent of his sentence just now had a Balkan flavor, and on the contrary, he was more like a Greek.

Even when he recognized his swallow from the appearance, he felt that his voice was very different from before.

She was still wondering, she saw the man walking in two steps, pulling up Lester's collar by the sand table, lifting him up, and then suddenly returning to his face with her right hand. Amidst everyone's astonishment, Les He flew out with a punch.

"This is what you owe me!" The guy who looked exactly like Gunther said harshly in Greek English.

However, Lester, who was beaten out there, was not at all angry.

I climbed up from the ground tremblingly, picked up the shot glasses again, looked at the broken lens and the bent frame, calmly put it away, took out a spare pair from my pocket and put it on my head. People have always chuckled, "Has the anger disappeared?"

"Huh! I didn't expect you to be so promiscuous now! I actually guided this life to go to San Fernando Valley to shoot that! It's really unreasonable!" Gunther over there still hummed, but he didn't do anything to Leicester anymore. .

"Wait, wait, what's going on?" John Dugan said first again.

Unlike the colonel who didn't know it, the Swallows who saw this scene didn't know where, Lester, including Gunther over there, was indeed the reincarnation of the Isu, or the awakened.

Gunther over there seemed to have just awakened.

These two people seem to have hatred. Considering that they can all be reincarnated, so this hatred, or a world hatred?

But, who are they?

Looking back and forth between the two of them, Yanzi finally chose to ask Turner.

But when she turned her head to look over, she saw another beautiful red-haired woman standing next to Turner, smiling and waving to herself.

I don't know why, it's obviously a well-intentioned action, and in Yanzi's eyes, it feels like a kind of provocation.

"Helena!" The swallow called out the red-haired woman's name with a bit of gritted teeth.

"Hey, Alex, I heard Lingx said that you also helped when Nick saved me, so I owe you one time, and I will treat you back." The red-haired Helena smiled, but there were a few deliberate accents in the words. He also made the swallows very angry.

"What is Nick to save you? Don't put gold on your face, he didn't deliberately save you!" Yanzi immediately countered.

"What does it mean that I also helped? Is this your attitude toward the savior?"

"Owed me once, and it's over just the treat? Is your life worth only for a meal?"

The two, no, it should be said that the three have a bad relationship.

When Yanzi was with Luyuan, not long after he came to this face, the appearance of Helena aroused Yanzi's alertness.

When she left Los Santos, she also entrusted her best friend Yufonia to take care of Lu Yuan, especially not to let him develop anything with a certain red-haired girl.

For this reason, Yufonia also beat Luyuan specially.

Although Alex appeared after Helena, he had no advantage in first-come-first-come, but because he was the multiple body of Swallow, his advantage was even more obvious.

Although Lu Yuan was still upholding the Yanzi's teachings, he didn't dare to take his mind easily, but after all, there were multiple relationships, so he would naturally be more inclined to Alex.

So Alex's relationship with Helena is not as good as with other sisters.

When Alex swallows merged, they also experienced twenty years of the plane of Nin, and met the grown-up huntress Ella, and naturally discovered that Helena was the multiple body of Lu Yuan’s true first love. Her vigilance naturally rose to the highest level.

So after returning this time, Yanzi's defense against red hair became more serious.

Helena over there is not a fool, not to mention that she has awakened her past life memory during this year. Although she doesn't know about multiple bodies, she can feel the swallows guarding herself.

Who are Helena’s previous Isu people? That was the goddess of war and death of the Danu in Celtic mythology, Morian, who once cursed the existence of a demigod hero who died in a short-lived battle because of her failure to show love. She has not been very magnanimous in emotional issues.

Although she didn't know why at first, after Lu Yuan exposed her true identity to Niya to treat her amnesia, she naturally understood the origin of Yanzi or Alex's hostility towards her.

It's just that, because of her awakening, things such as feelings are not exactly the same as Helena before, and the time is still short, and she has never had a chance to shoot.

But seeing the swallows still didn't stop, she was naturally aroused to win.

The two guys were in a situation where Lu Yuan was not present, because Lu Yuan fought openly.

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