Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 778: The old grievances, the identity is broken

Seeing the two people he had brought, and the other two in the room were choking on the Maimang, Turner's headache can be imagined.

The situation of Gunther and Lester is unknown, but he is not easy to intervene, but he is responsible for the conflict between his sister-in-law and his apprentice.

Helena was a **** reincarnated at any rate, being held up by Turner, the "unawakened mortal" alone, was more embarrassing than Leicester just now.

But for some reason, she didn't have a bad attack, so she blushed and persuaded Turner to put her down. For a time, the red face and the red hair matched each other with a special flavor.

It's different on Yanzi's side.

She has grown up since she was little skinny. When she was naughty when she was a child, she was often taught by her adoptive father and master, White Wolf, and master Vesemir, so she was used to this feeling.

Although Alex was repaired by his master Turner, although there were fewer than Swallows, it was not uncommon.

After the fusion, the swallow even practiced a magical skill. Turner was holding the back of his neck, and he could still open his teeth and claws at Helena on the other side.

In the end, it was Turner who threatened to record the situation here and pass it to Lu Yuan to let the swallows get down.

The battle between the two women on this side came to an end, and the two men on the other side also stood back together and began to explain their grievances to the puzzled crowd.

Gunther started from his service in the Meheke Air Force, and because of his outstanding achievements in the suppression of bandits, he was targeted or even hunted down by a large cartel of Meheke, and finally he mixed with the relatives of the Cartel. We mediated, retired and fled to the city of Los Angeles.

Gunther, who just came to Los Santos, has nothing to do with money. He has done everything but never sells narcotics. The core job is smuggling.

However, he knew Leicester.

By coincidence, Lester knew the true meaning of Gunther's nickname Picello, which means the Spanish spearman, because Gunther has a spear that is the best.

Then, Lester recommended Gunther to the San Fernando Valley, earning an outlier with a long gun. At the highest level, he even made more money than he struggled to make a smuggling business.

Of course, men and women are not equal in this industry. It is impossible for an actor to make a month of money a day like an actress, so Gunther did not leave his own smuggling business, and slowly developed into Lu Yuan’s initial contact. The kind of courier company at the time.

Hearing this, those who don’t know the inside story, such as Colonel Dugan or Sam, can’t hear the problem here, but in the ears of Turner Swallows and others who know that they are both mixed Isu and may even awaken the memories of previous lives. , The connotation of this passage is rich.

What kind of work Lester recommends a migrant worker who started from scratch to do that, even if he has his talents, this hostility is too obvious!

At that time, Gonzalez knew nothing, and was sold by Leicester and counted the money for him.

No wonder he came up and punched Lester when he was awakened now.

With this punch, Lester didn't get injustice.

However, after listening to Gunther, Lester, who was in the eyes of everyone with fear and contempt, rubbed his fist greeted cheeks, and said without panic, "Hey, I'm also doing this for your own good, to save you from getting angry. Too too prosperous to vent, go to seduce other people's wives!"

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but yell that there is a melon!

There was something wrong with this, as if someone had been greened by Gunther.

This is big gossip!

As a result, Gunther's face was flushed. Although his tone was still coaxing, everyone felt a bit of guilty conscience.

Just listen to him, "How many times have I told you, it wasn't her who I seduced, it was her who seduced..."

Before he could say the rest of the words, he felt the sharp eyes of the three ladies present starting to peek at him.

As if to say, "Why, you have a reason to hook up with a married woman? Sure enough, you don't admit it when you bring up your pants! Before doing that, don't you really know that it is someone's wife? Push the responsibility over there, you Is there no responsibility?"

If it's someone else, it's fine. This kind of thing that is wrong on both sides is the least afraid of slaps.

But the crux of the problem is that now these three ladies are more difficult to offend than the other, Gunther is also indefatigable for a while.

Gunther, who had gained a lot of goodwill from everyone because of his own miserable life, immediately lost his advantage because of Lester's words. Instead, he blew himself up and became a villain in an instant.

At least in the ability of the mouth cannon, Gunther was simply crushed by Leicester.

Seeing him there babbling for a long time, he couldn’t say anything to fight back. He held his hands loose, loosened and squeezed, as if they would fight at any time, but they controlled themselves not to use violence anymore. Instead, everyone slowly attacked him. It feels better again.

At least, this is not a guy who casually likes to use force to solve problems.

But the few people who know the inside story understand that he doesn't want to, mainly he doesn't dare.

Fortunately, there are only three and a half people who know about this inside story. The two parties involved plus someone that Gunther is afraid of, and the outsider who knows some of the fur, that is, the swallow.

Therefore, the other negative emotions towards him have finally dissipated a lot.

So, Sam simply changed the subject and stepped into the topic, "You just said that the state of Mall Neil has half the credit of Leicester. What does this mean? Do you know where there is a substitute for this thing? ?"

Gunther couldn’t help but looked at Sam, nodded to him, then glanced at someone without a trace, gaining that person’s acquiescence, and then said, “It’s not Lester’s doing it, it’s his previous life. He is now Has awakened the memories of previous lives."

"I don't know how much you know about ancient civilization or prehistoric human civilization."

"That ethnic group claimed to be the forerunners, or Isu, was once regarded as a **** by prehistoric humans."

"Many images of gods in the ancient myths of mankind today mostly come from that pioneer civilization."

"In other words, the Isu people are the gods we once thought, at least the gods' prototypes."

Most people know these things, even Sam knows some of them for professional reasons. Although he does not necessarily know the optical analysis technology, he at least knows the existence of the Isu people.

Only John Dugan, who was truly a complete outsider, didn't know what everyone was talking about, his eyes widened and he wanted to ask.

But he looked at everyone around him as if he knew it for a long time, and he wondered if he had a problem, so he didn't speak for a long time.

He couldn't hide his little movements over there, and he didn't wait for him to continue to struggle, Sam looked for a chance to quietly leaned over, gave him a hand knife on his neck, and sent him to a good night's sleep.

The only outsider was sent to rest, and Gunther and Sam were suddenly relieved.

Seeing the relief of everyone else knowing so deeply, Gunther was surprised and flashed away, and then laughed.

"Well, everyone understands, then I won't hide it." After that, Gunther stretched his hand to Lester and said, "This is the **** of fire and forging in Greek mythology, Hephaestus Si!"

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