Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 799: Plane leaf, time river, time and space anchor

Seeing that the two were listening attentively, the white-clothed woman quickly gave the answer without letting them wait too long.


"The veins on the blade are the timeline changes that the face itself can carry."

"Alternatively, you can also regard the main leaf veins on the leaves as the main stem of the Time River, and those lateral veins are the tributaries formed after the main stem of the Time River is disturbed."

"As long as the perturbation that changes the timeline is not strong enough to break through the leaves of this plane, then the plane itself can bear the perturbation and will not form a parallel plane."

"You should be able to guess it? The so-called time-traveling ability of the Thousand-Year Dragon can only shuttle in the leaf vein time river within the leaf of this plane, and cannot leave this plane."

"It turned out to be like this!" Lu Yuan finally understood.

He once had doubts about the relationship between the plane leaf and the parallel world. He always felt that if he casually changed the behavior of the plane timeline once, a new parallel world would be created. From the perspective of the world tree itself, it was too unreasonable. It's more economical.

Even if the boundless void is infinite, this infinite method is too, uh, too tyrant.

Now, with the explanation of the turbulence of the leaf veins and the time and river of this assassin's world-born traverser, he finally explained Lu Yuan's doubts perfectly.

However, in this way, doesn't it mean that no matter how Ascharotar is disturbed in the river of time, this plane leaf will still be the same as before, will it not change because of this?

Then what's the point of them going through time?

"Ha, remember what I said? Their purpose is to move this plane leaf to the branch where the real plane leaves of Los Santos are located." After hearing Lu Yuan's question, the woman in white explained with a smile road.

"What they did was to dress this face as if it were the real plane of Los Santos."

"So, if you continue to use the metaphor of the world tree and the plane leaf, how do you think it is to dress the plane leaf like another one?"

"Um, the shape of the leaves? Wait, is it the vein texture? The distribution of the main branches of the Time River?" Lu Yuan suddenly.

"That's right!" The more the white-clothed woman looks at someone, the more pleasing she is. After all, people like to chat with people who have a common language with them.

"Their method is to make the time river or leaf vein on this plane leaf as close as possible to the real Los Santo planes."

"The so-called parallel world similarity refers to the similarity of the flow of time in this part of the world."

"Now, because of your existence, the river has already turned during the period of time they had corrected for a long time. This plane leaf is also becoming less and less like their target leaf."

"However, the shape of the veins before you appeared has not changed."

"It's like a ten-kilometer long river. You changed the direction of the back flow by digging ditches in the last 500 meters. But the first nine and a half kilometers did not change as a result. They still have a chance."

"Um, this is what Evelyn Loki said to me, want to go to a timeline without me and start all over again?" Lu Yuan thought.

"Ha, starting from the beginning, their tone is still that big, nothing more than a mere worm!" The white-clothed woman curled her lips in disdain, but on the whole she admitted Lu Yuan's guess.

Evelyn Loki took the Green Mayflower and ran to another tributary before the so-called changed starting position of 500 meters.

They only need to recreate a five-hundred-meter riverbed that fits their own minds, and they can complete the change of this face again.

"Wait, if that's the case, wouldn't what I do now can't affect their final success? Anyway, I'm not on their timeline!" Lu Yuan asked again.

"Actually, they are the ones who transform the timeline." The woman in white continued, "You have to understand a premise that they can change the position of the plane leaf by changing the direction of the plane leaf's time and river. This is necessary. A leaf breaks away from its branches."

"This face is already a floating leaf, so any changes they make can no longer make a new leaf on the branch become a parallel plane."

"The fallen leaves free from the branches are the first prerequisite."

"Second, naturally they have the ability to shuttle back and forth between the leaves, time, and veins on the plane."

"Third, and most importantly, they need to have the ability to change the veins of the fixed plane."

"These three premises are established, they can achieve their goals."

"So on this plane leaf, in the river of time, the way I help the native Isu survivors is actually to destroy the fixation of the void flying insects to the river of time."

"Or put it this way, they can change the direction of a river because they have mastered the technology of building dams and digging new river beds, and they have succeeded in doing so."

"The only way the native Isu survivors can resist is to destroy the closure dam at the key node and let the time flow back to the original river bed."

"But you are different. You are a traverser, an outsider who came here by a plane beacon."

"Planar beacon, that is, the anchor point of time and space."

"You should have heard Svia say another thing, right? Among the countless you in countless parallel planes, if this one is already a traverser now, then the other you unless you get the permission of this face-to-face you You can't even become a follower."

"Or you can also think that from the moment you become a transversaler, you in all parallel planes have all disappeared, or merged into you."

"Of course, it's just you in the parallel plane on that branch, and you on the other branches are just your different world multiple beings."

"This is a safety mechanism for traversing the system, and it is also a mechanism based on the characteristics of the Boundless Void World Tree itself."

"Passengers travel back and forth in different worlds through time and space anchor plane beacons, and it is easy to change the timeline of the relevant plane, that is, the direction of the river of time."

"The traversal system actually encourages this kind of change, as long as certain rules are followed."

"As for what kind of rules, you don't need to know now. Because you don't have the ability to break the rules."

"But imagine that if many of you in parallel planes become transversals, because you are born in parallel planes, according to the parallel planes we mentioned before, the similarity of the plane leaves is actually very high, so you The experience is actually very similar."

"Multiple traversers from parallel planes who have similar experiences must have similar traversing experiences in the boundless void. Otherwise, people with different traversing experiences will return to the main plane and it will be impossible to continue living with similar strategies."

"Then there will be a problem, won't they go to the same different plane at the same time?"

"If you separate them into different approximate planes and let them use similar methods to transform these approximate planes, wouldn't it be possible to generate too many new parallel planes in a certain branch area in a short time?"

"However, the similarity between these new parallel planes is so high that the plane leaves on this branch will be too luxuriant."

"This is unhealthy and even harmful to the world tree as a whole."

"So, even if the World Tree starts from its own health, it will not allow this kind of thing to exist."

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