Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 800: Why not eat minced meat

"The time and space anchor plane beacon, the reason why this kind of thing is strictly restricted, it is so expensive in the crossing store, is also to restrict the junior traversers from changing the alien plane too much." The white man continued.

"Because once they are anchored in time and space, before the traverser enters the plane leaf, starting from the position where the anchor point is placed, the river of time will seem to be frozen afterwards."

"Until the traverser enters, that period of time will be thawed and continue to run freely."

"Of course, the freezing of the time river is just a metaphor. It does not mean that it will not flow during this period. Time will continue to move forward, but it will prevent the behavior of changing the direction of the time river by changing the river bed or building a dam. NS."

"After all, you can't block an ice river with a dam, nor can you guide this large pile of ice to flow into a river bed."

"So back to the Void Flyers changing the plane of the leaf, because you hit the time and space anchor point, so they have to find another way to change relative to that area."

"For example, the steampunk world in the gap between time and space that Svia has experienced, you can completely regard it as a small fragment of leaf that was actively cut from the plane leaf. Only the root and the main leaf are still there. connected together."

"If you have been using time and space anchors to fix the time river on this surface, and don't let those void flying insects build dams to change the river bed, they will probably choose to fix your fixed part like that and cut it away from the main leaf. "

"Of course, if you do that, the price they have to pay will increase exponentially."

"Hey, why do you think they have only appeared in front of you a few people? Their main force has been scattered on the dikes of change."

"Is that so?" Lu Yuan nodded, but was still thinking.

There is no way. It used to be a matter of guessing by yourself, but now it is a good thing to have a big boss directly talk about it. However, if the amount of information is too large, it will inevitably be slow to digest.

Fortunately, he can record the places that he can't understand, look back and study slowly, and now only think about the places that touched his inspiration.

"You said that they worked so hard to make this face leaf float on the branches of the real Los Santos, and then achieve the purpose of crossing the branches? But is this necessary? And, this face leaf Will it be destroyed?"

Soon, Lu Yuan asked about the inspiration.

"Hey, you also think that things that can be done with only 50 points in time and space, don't need such a big battle, right?" The white man smirked, "You are typical, why don't you eat minced meat, haha~"

"You are a traverser, they are not, otherwise, how could their Aschalotar clan be called Void Flyers?"

"Hey, do you really think that 50 space-time points are all the costs you need to travel across different planes? Ha, no, that's just a ticket."

"You are a traverser, and you are an existence that is recognized by the Boundless Void World Tree and can travel through different planes."

"So every time you cross, there will be a world tree to help you bear the bulk of the cost."

"Otherwise, if you build a good gun, you might sell it for 50 points, but no matter what, it can't be compared with the energy consumption of your journey to another plane, right?"

"Without the approval of the World Tree, and want to travel through the boundless void, where will the energy come from?" The big white man smiled and looked towards Lu Yuan.

"Um, could it be the plane itself?" Lu Yuan thought for a while and replied.

"Very good!" The boss nodded, "Now you understand why once they succeed, this noodle will be destroyed, right? Because the energy of this noodle itself will be exhausted."

"Hmm." Lu Yuan nodded in earnest.

"That said," Lu Yuan thought about it and said again, "Those Aschalotar, why did they leave a thousand-year dragon egg here? Is it because the other dragons have gone to work, but it hasn't born?"

"Also, if I want to fundamentally defeat the conspiracy of those guys, do I have to go back to the upper reaches of the Time River? To destroy the dams they built? Let the Time River be its original form?"

"Answer your second question first," the white man nodded, "That's one of the best ways, but it's not the only way. If I recommend it, of course I would recommend you to do it."

"Yes..." Lu Yuan was about to ask, but was interrupted by the white-clothed guy waving his hand.

"But how can you go back, right? Hey, didn't they leave you a thousand-year dragon egg?"

"Hey, it's not that they deliberately left a weakness for themselves, waiting for you to use it. Have you learned how to train animals? Or do you understand dragon language? Naturally close to the dragon clan? Otherwise, they deliberately left you a dragon egg, you How can it be used?"

"Hey, they don't know you have such a thing as walking through the store."

"Crossing through the store?" Lu Yuan, who was frowning and thinking, heard the inspiration, and immediately said, "You mean, as long as I contact the thousand-year dragon or dragon egg, I can unlock the props that can go back to the river in the crossing store? "

"Clever, you can see through it!" The woman in white nodded without knowing how many times she was satisfied.

"As for why they left you with such a cover, because they wouldn't expect the situation to deteriorate so quickly."

"Since they still have someone on this timeline, they have to leave a boat for them, right?"

"Look, didn't the previous one hurried over and set off?"

Lu Yuan was suddenly excited when he heard that, "If this is the case, wouldn't he escape from this timeline at any time? Wouldn't it be more troublesome to chase them at that time?"

Having said that, Lu Yuan looked around the mountain from the mountain top cable car station, trying to find a possible base entrance.

"Ha, don't panic, it's not that fast!" The white-clothed woman smiled, "Okay, I can explain everything about it. Here are some precautions that you don't like."

"First of all, Svia can't be with you."

"Huh?" Lu Yuan was very inexplicable when he heard the words, but then he felt the swallow suddenly approached behind him and entangled his mouth for a while, until the white-clothed ghost coughing lightly turned into a heavy cough, did he Yiyi here. Reluctantly to separate.

"What's this?" Lu Yuan asked, looking at the still-swallow, who was quite unsure in front of him. Although he didn't know the reason, he still laughed unconsciously and asked.

"Give you some hope and come back soon!" Yanzi gave him a charming eye with amorous feelings while speaking. "Uh, by the way, this is for you, you should use it!"

"This is?" Looking at the big-headed tool hammer that Swallow took out with his backhand, Lu Yuan took a look at it with some uncertainty, and suddenly said, "Mallnier? Where did you get it?"

"Oh, look back at the message record in the contact device, it's all written on it!" Yanzi waved her hand quickly, and pointed to the woman in white again, "The prophet has other things to say."

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