Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 830: Feathered Serpent Chain, Cave

Kukulkan means snake with feathers in Maya.

Quezalkoyatl, also means feathered snake in Nahuatl (the language used by Aztec).

The Chinese name Feather Snake God is a literal translation of this Chinese and American name.

In the myths circulating in Central America, this **** is the image of a giant snake whose head and body are covered with bird feathers.

Its main body is still the head snake.

In Chinese circles, the mention of Quetzalcoatl is often reminiscent of Yinglong in China, and he always feels like a dragon with two wings.

It is said that the reason for this misunderstanding is that in the works of several CG illustrators, he painted the image with wings on the neck.

However, its name is Feathered Snake instead of Winged Snake, and it faintly tells that kind of misunderstanding.

Lu Yuan had a similar misunderstanding when he hadn't been in contact with Quetzalcoatl. But when he walked around the ancient monuments of Quetzalcoatl left by the Aztecs and even Maya, he realized that when he saw the giant python's figure dotted with feathers on the murals.

At this time, seeing the real body of the chain that bound the half leopard man Lu Yuan, he immediately determined that it was a feathered snake.

Recalling the smoke-spitting mirror and the story of the feathered snake in Aztec mythology and even Mesoamerican mythology, Lu Yuan always feels that this feathered snake chain that binds the smoke-spitting mirror is probably the feather of this plane. Zombie body!

After all, with the basic tone of this series of planes that "the so-called gods are mostly the Isu people and their creations of the First Civilization", it is normal for Lu Yuan to feel this way.

However, judging from the state of this feathered snake chain, it, or He, does not seem to be alive, without the breath of life.

Could it be that the battle between the Quetzalcoatl God and the Smoking Mirror ended in this way?

Quetzalcoatl sacrificed his mind, using his body or as a seal chain, trapped the half-leopard Disco Triboka in this cage forever?

Is this the true meaning of this ancient Olmec temple?

Wait, that's not right!

Lu Yuan immediately realized the logical loophole in this idea, and that was the feathered serpent **** in the stone of the gods that he later encountered, and who was it?

Although, the time cycle he is currently in is essentially a tributary of the upper stream of the Plane Vein Time River, which was forcibly corrected by Aschalotar.

But because the flow of time finally condensed into the future Luo Shengdu, that is, the period that Lu Yuan has experienced, so the "past" that Lu Yuan is currently in should also be "contracted" or "flowing". That future is right.

Simply put, the so-called "past" on these timelines may conflict with each other, but for the future time of Los Santos, they are all possible histories.

So if Lu Yuan had seen Quetzalcoatl in the "future", as long as he was in the same plane leaf, no matter if he traced back to any tributary of time, Quetzalcoatl shouldn't be dead.

Either he went back to the earlier past before the feathered snake **** was born, or the feathered snake **** was born and will not die.

Or, at some point later, he will be resurrected.

resurrection? Thinking of this, Lu Yuan suddenly thought of another possibility.

If, at this time, the Quetzalcoatl is indeed physically dead, but his consciousness still exists?

Since he is in the Jade Cong God Realm Stone in the future, why can't he now?

Then the next question is, where is his Jie Cong?

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan followed the shining feather serpent chain and looked to the other side of it, leading to the temple pedestal, which is the side of the Mayan pyramid.

At this time, the feather snake chain was completely lit by the blue light on the crystal skull.

Under the shining of blue light, Lu Yuan quickly saw the other side of the chain leading to it, which was a four-meter-high cave corridor that opened in the middle of the pyramid.

There, it seemed to lead straight to the deepest part of the pyramid.

In 2013, Lu Yuan also visited this Olmec site.

But because of the climate and geological characteristics here, and the most important lack of human maintenance, most of the Olmec temple was buried in thick soil.

At that time, Lu Yuan was only led by the feather snake **** in the Jade Cong God Realm Stone, only his consciousness entered the world in the God Realm Stone.

It was also at that time that Quetzalcoatl pointed out to Lu Yuan that there was another stone of the gods buried under the bed of the Dnieper River.

That is the piece that eventually became Lu Yuan's Thunder God Arrow.

At that time, Lu Yuan just wanted to find the technology of the Animus simulator, and he didn't expect so many things to come out later.

At that time, the reason why Quetzalcoatl did not provide Lu Yuan with his own piece of God Realm Stone was because that piece was buried deeply in the ground.

Could it be that the ruins of the temple that will be buried deep underground in the future is the one in front of Lu Yuan now?

At this time, Lu Yuan didn't have to think about what Lu Yuan would do next.

He wasn't even interested in seeing the actions of the mercenaries in the Ring of Ossus on the temple platform that Siafei had just shot with a small reconnaissance drone, and just walked into the depths of the cave along the feather snake chains.

After passing a section of the stone-brick structure corridor unique to the Mayan region, Lu Yuan suddenly discovered that the wall material of another corridor in the depths of the cave had been changed to the one he was quite familiar with.

In other words, it was the kind that Sonaz was familiar with.

It was the same material used to store the God Realm Stone Temple in the Asa Experimental Site, and it was a special masonry strengthened by light analysis materials, or fine gold.

This material is not much different from general granite limestone in its normal state.

However, once the energy source is activated, these materials will expose the light analysis energy pipeline hidden in ordinary rocks.

At this time, as the road deepened, the black stone walls on the four walls of the passage began to slowly emerge from the complex and intertwined golden light.

There can be no mistakes, seeing these, the road hike can be sure, here is a relic of the Isu people!

After he walked a passage of tens of meters, he finally entered a wide space.

It's wide, but it's about the size of a reception lobby in a general office building.

Generally speaking, the space is less than 100 square meters, and the height is about five meters.

To be small, not small, at least larger than a residential building. It's big but not big, it's not as majestic as the stone temple of Asa God Realm back then.

In particular, the God Realm Stone in the middle here that also floats on the top of the base is indeed a jade cong. The circumference of the square is only about ten centimeters long, and the height is about only this.

In other words, this thing can be held by one hand from a long distance.

But below it, the base leading to the other end of the feathered snake chain, except for the chain, seemed to be a simple ornament in the eyes of most people.

But Lu Yuan touched his hands up, and after a piece of golden thread flickered, the base revealed its true face.

That is, Isu's optical analysis terminal controller.

But when Lu Yuan tried to retrieve the data here, a familiar male voice suddenly sounded in the space.

"Who are you?"

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