Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 831: The story of Quetzalcoatl

"!" Lu Yuan was taken aback by the sudden sound.

But soon, he determined the source of the familiar sound.


Yes, it was the Isu survivor who guided him in 2013!

The timeline is closed.

"Why can you activate the device here?"

In the Lu Yuanhuang God, the voice sounded again.

At this time, Lu Yuan had eased from the initial abruptness, and soon he heard that in addition to doubts, there was a bit of confusion and fatigue in the feathered snake god's voice.

As if he just woke up from his sleep.

"Sonaz," after thinking about it, Lu Yuan finally chose to use the identity of an Isu to communicate with this "old friend", "I am Sonaz from the Isu. Uh, I am a survivor of ancient civilization."

"Isu? Survivor?"

Chewing on the two words that triggered the familiar feeling in the memory, the voice of the feather snake **** became more and more sober.

Soon, after a long sigh, he finally seemed to wake up, and smiled bitterly, "Actually, this is the point!"

"Everything fails?"

Seeing him wake up and still chanting some strange things, Lu Yuan was a little curious, but after thinking about it, he chose to start by climbing relatives to build mutual trust.

After all, Sonaz has many so-called gods in Eurasia in his memory, but he knows very little about Mesoamerica.

Lu Yuan could also hear from the feathered snake god's waking mumble, he also had no impression of Sonaz's name.

After all, the Isu people of the first civilization did not have such a harmonious relationship with each other during the Toba catastrophe and even before the creation of mankind.

Although the supercomputer world tree has successfully connected most of the Isu communities, there are unavoidable differences among them.

The relationship between other communities is far from known, but the Asa Experimental Ground where Sonaz is located, the first-generation Asa Experimental Ground, does not have much friendship with Feathered Serpent.

But that was the beginning after all.

In this era when the Isu civilization is almost dying out, the two "survivors" have passed some legends and jokes of the year, mainly about the Eden authorities, the self-proclaimed center, and soon completed mutual recognition of fellow villagers.

This trust is established, and then a lot of things can be said.

Lu Yuan probably talked about the experience in Sonaz's memory, such as the catastrophe of the multi-battle, the popularization of the technology of the gods, such as the destruction of the gods by outsiders.

It's just that I didn't say too much in the details, after all, it is not very important.

In return, Feather Snake also told his story.

It turned out that the half leopard and feather snake outside were twin brothers.

They were the first group of pioneers who pioneered the Isu community on this continent. Just like Olmec, Maya, Toltec, Aztec and other Central American myths.

Here, in a small world that is relatively closed to the Eurasian continent, they have also experienced a catastrophe.

Fortunately, through the global supercomputer world tree, they have also mastered the salvation technology shared by the Isu researchers on the Eurasian continent.

The God Realm Stone is one of them.

Their "beast body", too.

Yes, whether it is a smoking mirror that is half human and half a jaguar, or a feathered snake covered with feathers, they are all designed to transfer their consciousness to a powerful body constructed by themselves in the battle for survival of the Tabah catastrophe.

Just like the incarnation outside the body, they can also return to the original Isu body.

In order to open up new homes for the tribesmen and humans in the cataclysmic rainforest, they often used the bodies of beast gods with greater power and more adapted to the environment at the time.

For a while, they didn't even return to their real bodies for years.

However, similar scenes as in the Mesoamerican myth have happened again.

During that period of time, the smoking mirror, which had been intimate with the feather snake, became more and more irritable and "unreasonable".

As a result, in a frenzied blowout by Yanjing, both the Isu bodies of the two were damaged by it.

However, this is only the beginning.

The condition of the smoke mirror that was unable to return to his body was getting worse every day, and the losses caused were more and more every day.

Finally one day, Feathered Snake, who had not listened to the advice of other colleagues because of his brotherhood, suddenly discovered that the Isu compatriots in the entire area had died and scattered, and only himself was left, still struggling to control his brothers. .

He knew that if he waited for himself to die one day, this area would be completely shrouded in the half-human and half-leopard tyranny that had lost his mind.

But let him kill his blood relatives himself, he couldn't do it either.

In the end, after leaving some arrangements for the human servants here, Feathered Serpent chose to use its own body of the beast **** to create a seal that specifically bound the brothers.

As for himself, before turning into chains and dying, he also used the technique of uploading consciousness to the World Tree server to back up his consciousness.

In this way, after his death, the human servants who obeyed his arrangement, or the first generation of temple guards, built the temple pyramid above the cage on top of the cage.

However, the feather snake who chose to deal with his brother in this way did not completely give up hope.

After all, their beast-god bodies are essentially biological weapons. As long as they have sufficient energy and supplemented with a certain frequency of materials, they can survive for many years.

In other words, the smoking mirror sealed here will survive even thousands of years later.

Therefore, he chose to upload his consciousness. In addition to using the body of the beast **** as a chain, he also wanted to make himself reincarnated as a human being and awakened, and he could continue to find a way to save his brother.

As long as he regains his consciousness, the feather snake can still upload his sober consciousness to the world tree, and then reincarnate.

At least, this is his plan.

Based on this, he even left words to the first generation of temple guards that he would eventually return in the future.

He told the guards that he had to go home to find a way to save the world. Of course, he was actually saving the crazy brother and then saving the land that was facing destruction because of him, and would eventually return from his home in the east.

As a result, those myths of the Quetzalcoatl are left here.

For these, he also left some other back-ups.

The temple guards are one of them.

The crystal skull is another kind.

This prop, which is transformed with the remains of Isu, has many functions. For example, humans whose genes are controlled naturally have controlled modules like golden apples.

Such as long-distance communication. But in fact this is because it is made into a portable terminal of the supercomputer world tree.

Based on this, it can also use the Isu gene in someone's blood to check the memory of that person, and even the subject, that is, the location of the person.

But now it seems that this kind of sacred artifact is partly controlled by the guys in the ring of Ossus.

For example, the one in the hand of Officer Wang Jinhai.

However, Feathered Snake gave a bitter smile when he heard Lu Yuan say this.

Because, most of the reason why the crystal skull was in Wang Jinhai's hands was because of the arrangement of the feathered snake.

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