Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 846: Brothers of Halfdan

What's more interesting is that this only twelve-man tower was taken by the Vikings, and it did not represent the victory of the Vikings.

The farce lasted for more than half a year, until the king's reinforcements were brought in by the defenders' request, and under a deal from the king, the Vikings abandoned the city.

The content of the deal was that the West Franconian king in Reims did not send soldiers to attack the Viking camp, and could even give them a sum of money as long as they went to Burgundy to continue the robbery.

This is a trick to drive away the wolf, because Burgundy is also in a betrayal at this time.

So the Vikings happily left fifteen months after the start of the siege and got the silver of about 257 kilograms.

There are too many slots in this epic, and Lu Yuan is too lazy to be honest with them now.

Fortunately, he is not completely unprofitable.

In fact, it was also because of the onlookers that he heard a name from those Viking coalition forces from all over the place, and he realized that he still had an important place to go.

Angland, already occupied by the Anglo-Saxons, but also on the island invaded by a new generation of "horse bandits", Viking pirates.

It is not an exaggeration for Angland to describe it as the wind of the little demon in the temple.

With an area of ​​only 130,000 square kilometers, which is not as large as Qilu Province, seven kingdoms once existed.

The northernmost is Northumbria (Northumbria, north of the Humber River).

In the center is Messia, East Anglia in the north east, Wessex (West Saxony) in the south and west, and three small countries in the east of Wessex and the south of East Anglia.

From north to south are Essex (Essex, East Saxony), Kent, and Susex (Susex, South Saxony).

However, in the second half of the ninth century when Lu Yuan came here, the three small countries south of Mecia and the southern border of East Anglia had all belonged to West Saxony, the Kingdom of Wessex.

In the north, the Vikings represented by Hafdan in "white clothes" have already seized a lot of territory in Northumbria, and are throwing them at step by step against other small kingdoms.

Lu Yuan has no interest in the fight in this small pond. But someone did catch his attention.

The white Halfdan.

After quite a long period of observation, he finally confirmed that this guy who faintly gave him a sense of familiarity had part of Sonaz's breath.

Reminiscent of what Yanzi once told him about recovering certain energy or traits from another Thor’s reincarnation, that is, the unlucky ghost, and then restoring her Mirnier pendant to the original tool-hammer-shaped one-handed hammer. He quickly guessed the identity of this Halfdan.

He was probably the second thunder **** Thor created by Loki deceiving Hephaestus, using the magical power of Mirnir, the blank consciousness on the black scarf of doom, and Sonaz’s soulless Isu flesh body. The reincarnated awakened one.

However, his state is still not fully awakened, but it is also better than the legendary mortals who were schizophrenic because of the memory of Isu.

He is not without schizophrenia, but with milder symptoms. Although it has an impact on him, it will not be in danger of life or death because of schizophrenia.

Will not seek a dead end, will not frame oneself at the moment of life and death.

At least temporarily.

Lu Yuan guessed that the reason for this is because the Halfdan is very strong and can withstand more pressure, and the second is also because of the Thor consciousness uploaded to the cloud world tree. After all, it is just a fake, given to the human body. The pressure will naturally be less.

Because of this, Sonaz's long journey has been integrated, and he is not afraid of being too close to the reincarnation of "Sol", causing the time disturbance of "self too close to the past". After all, it was actually two people, not oneself.

But to Lu Yuan's disappointment, Sol still didn't have the disturbance he was looking for.

However, it is not entirely without gain.

Look back a little bit.

A few years ago, Halfdan’s father, of course also a Viking pirate, was bitten to death by a snake in a snake-throwing hole in Northumbria.

For these Vikings, dying on the battlefield is nothing, even the glory they yearn for. Although this is only a kind of political correctness to some extent, it would be a shame to be killed in this way.

So after receiving the news, Halfdan and his brothers immediately sent troops to retaliate, and soon occupied York, the capital of Northumbria, and even turned the enemy into a blood eagle.

The so-called blood eagle is to tear a person alive, break the joint between the ribs and the spine, and turn the ribs and belt flesh out.

In this way, with the support of the ribs, the flesh has a support, which can be placed like a flying eagle spreading its wings.

This is an extremely painful way to die. At the same time, the picture is quite exciting, and it can effectively kill chickens and monkeys.

The one who inflicted the blood eagle punishment on the king of Northumbria was Ivar the Boneless, one of the white Havdan brothers.

There are several versions of these guys' nicknames, such as Halfdan in white. Some say that he likes to wear white armor, and some say that he is brave on the battlefield and can kill people without blood.

There are several legends about the origin of the nickname Boneless.

On the bright side, it means that this guy slips in battle like a loach without leaving his hands, as if he has no bones.

But secretly, because this guy is not close to a woman and has no heirs, many people ridicule that he has no bones in the third lower limbs.

There is another way of saying that in places farther away, where you haven't seen him.

Said that he suffered from a boneless disease, similar to brittle bone disease in later generations.

However, the death rate of the Vikings in this year is extremely high. Those individuals who are born with weak bodies will not even live to adulthood. They are likely to be abandoned in the wilderness to survive and die in order to understand the family's food.

It is even more impossible for him to succeed as the leader of a party. Not even the son of the former leader.

In short, while the Halfdan family avenged their old father's blood and blood, they also took up half of Northumbria. Based on this, they began to expand their territory in other directions.

Lu Yuan touched it during this period of expansion.

In the next few years, these descendants of the Danmark ancestors, known as the Dan people, have already occupied most of the Angland and formed a north-south confrontation with West Saxony, the Kingdom of Wessex.

Only at this time, the Dan people's advancement was ended.

After a long confrontation, the Dan people finally gave up the conquest of the Kingdom of Wessex.

Halfdan returned to York, Northumbria, and set out to deal with the Celtic aborigines who were driven away by the Anglias, such as Pict further north.

As for the boneless Ivar who used the blood eagle, he was killed by another Viking pirate in a duel. Those people came from the Dan family homeland further north, and are the ancestors of later Norway.

At first Lu Yuan didn't care about these people, although their leader seemed to be able to fight.

His idea is that since he has found an awakened one, just stare at him.

But soon things changed.

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