Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 847: Aivor and Basinm

Soon, at the beginning of the third year when the confrontation with the Kingdom of Wessex ended, a piece of news about Ivar came from the island of Ireland.

The news said that a Dan leader named Yvar was killed by old Viking immigrants on the island of Ireland when he captured Ireland.

Among the Irish population, those new Dans are called dark pagans, and the old Nordic immigrants who killed Ivar are called fair pagans.

It can be seen that the local people are more friendly to the old immigrants who have merged with them, and they are quite wary of the new pirates.

This news was just for others to listen to, but it changed to another look in the ears of Halfdan, who was getting more and more confused.

For some reason, Halfdan thought that Ivar, who died in the Irish battle, was his brother Ivar the Boneless.

And whenever his subordinates persuaded him that his brother Ivar the Boneless had died years ago, those subordinates were either slapped by him or smashed their heads with a hammer.

After doing this two or three times, no one dared to persuade him anymore. And his schizophrenia is getting worse.

Regarding why his schizophrenia is getting worse, Lu Yuan guessed that he is getting older, his physical condition is not as good as before, and more and more Isu memories are instilled, so that the pressure gradually exceeds his tolerance threshold.

Another reason is that he has been idle for too long, and deep down he yearns to go to the battlefield again.

In short, under a variety of reasons, this guy actually sent troops to Dublin, Ireland, preparing to take it there, showing his bravery, and at the same time avenging his brother.

As a result, he really succeeded in occupying there.

However, as his frustration became more and more serious, his final fate has been faintly woven.

About four years later, when he returned to Ireland from Angland to suppress the rebellion, the unsuccessful reincarnated awakener of the fake Thor was given the fairness mentioned earlier in a battle called Strangford Ruff. The pagan Vikings were killed.

The man who killed him was actually the Norwegian who killed his brother Ivar the Boneless, a blond female warrior with a spear and hand axe, named Aivor, nicknamed the Wolf Kisser.

After watching the frontal view of how this Aivor stabbed the spear into Halfdan's heart, Lu Yuan suddenly realized that he was following the wrong line and looking for the wrong person!

Although he had heard of the strength of this warrior before, and was a little curious about her being so strong as a daughter, he had never seen her make a shot with his own eyes, so he met this person and missed him.

But now, seeing her using her spear like a god, even Halfdan, whose mind is covered by Thor's memory, especially combat memory, has not survived twenty moves under her. This made Lu Yuan, who was dressed as an ordinary Dan warrior, almost shouted out.


This female warrior actually used Odin's spear technique!

After being awakened by this recognition point, Lu Yuan looked at the woman again, ignoring the feminine features between her eyebrows and eyes, and suddenly discovered that her entire face was actually reincarnated with the later Odin, the lieutenant of the Hunter Squad, at least 80% similar!

Damn it! It is obvious that Evelyn Loki, a male Isu, awakened in a female human body. She didn’t even know how to draw inferences from one another, ignoring such an important person, which made Lu Yuan irritate herself. The feeling of seeing the sun in the sky.

Although this time, instead of focusing on the distance of Aivor Odin, he did not encounter disturbances until the time cycle restarted, but he was not much lost.

Because he has a new goal.

After restarting the cycle again, he went straight to Angland Mercia to the area occupied by the Aivor family.

But at this time, the Vikings hadn't come yet.

It wasn't until Hafdan and others avenged their father and took up the lower half of Northumbria, these Danmarks were further north, the Vikings from Norway, did not appear in Angland.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan made a new discovery this time.

Not long after these people set up the camp, Lu Yuan met two acquaintances who had met in Constantinople.

Those were two of the invisible assassins who helped Basil I assassin and usurp the throne in the Eastern Roman Empire.

Although they only greeted the invisible people around Basil because they were passing by, Lu Yuan recognized them at a glance.

Master and apprentice Bashim and Heshmu.

At that time they were walking with a team of Viking pirates.

At this time, Lu Yuan knew that Sigurd, the leader of the pirate team, was actually the true leader of the group of Vikings here, the righteous brother of the female warrior Avor, and the eldest son of Avor's adoptive father.

An Odin's reincarnated person was actually connected with an invisible person thousands of miles away by fate, which made Lu Yuan smell conspiracy.

He has even secretly concluded that this third time disturbance will inevitably appear near these people who are held together by fate from thousands of miles away.

Being able to get together so far apart may be just a coincidence when placed on others, but on the invisible and the awakened, it is definitely not as simple as luck.

Soon, Lu Yuan discovered the second peculiar thing, that is, the true leader of this camp, the pirate leader Sigurd, also began to show some characteristics of the awakened.

It is the typical mode that has just begun to be filled with fragments of Isu memory, and it is easy to fall into schizophrenia.

Compared with Halfdan Sol on the other line, Sigurd's schizophrenia is much more serious here.

On the contrary, it was the Aivor, although there were some signs of the awakened at first, but he quickly broke away from the state that was about to lead to schizophrenia.

In the end, it behaved similarly to the Liz Minerva family in Los Santos, and there was no schizophrenia on the outside, as if it had been perfectly integrated with the Isu personality.

And the different situations of these two people are faintly related to the same person, the master in the duo of the invisible, Bashim.

During this observation, Lu Yuan also heard the reason why Master Bashim came here. According to their explanation to Sigurd Aivor brothers and sisters, they came to track down an evil organization called Order Protector of the Ancients.

After that, with the intelligence support of Bashim and others, it was Aivor who slaughtered the Order Protectors everywhere in Angland.

On the other hand, Sigurd, in the typical unsuccessful state of awakening, was pushed out as bait, attracting ancient orderers who knew a lot about the Isu and even the awakened to bite.

Soon, this fight in the hidden world spread to the outside of the island at a speed beyond what should be in this era.

Lu Yuan, who had witnessed this series of battles, even recalled that he had faintly heard these stories in previous cycles in distant Constantinople and other places.

It's just that at the time he only regarded these as magical stories bragged by sailors.

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