The invisible people traced and assassinated the ancient order protectors, and this kind of battle gave Lu Yuan a sense of sight of the battle between the Assassins and the Templars hundreds of years later.

However, when the rumors of this battle began to radiate outwards rapidly, Lu Yuan suddenly felt that the show-making elements in this battle were a bit bigger.

It seemed, as if it was acting in this big drama, for some people, especially those who were as hostile as the ancient order protectors.

The protagonist of this scene is obviously Aivor Odin, who is killing the Quartet.

The first male match is probably Sigurd who acts as a bait and is responsible for selling miserables.

And behind the two actors, there is also an important role hidden, that is, the director of this big show, and the fisherman who uses bait and spearfishing, Basim.

Compared with the antiquity order-guards who were all-perpetuating in the actors' mouths, this Bassim gave Lu Yuan the feeling of a big villain hidden in the dark.

Judging from his ability to lead Sigurd's schizophrenia into madness, but also to successfully integrate Aivor's memory with Odin, this invisible person is definitely a guy who knows well about the Isu civilization.

But this guy almost never makes a move. Even if he makes a move, he can get it done with one or two moves. Although there is a sense of familiarity between the gestures, he can't be sure who this person is.

On the contrary, the schizophrenic Sigurd quickly revealed his true face.

Under the guidance of Bassim, Sigurd, who was used as a bait, had always felt that he was a reincarnation of a god, but he always said that he was Mars, the Roman **** of war.

But Lu Yuan knew that the real Mars was actually Greek Ares, who was later Spearman (Picero) Gonzalez.

Although the body of the generations of awakened people does not necessarily have to look exactly the same as the Isu people, for example, Hafdan Thor is not very similar to the real Sonaz, and later generations of Thor even become the unlucky ghost of African descent, but Temperament is not very deceptive.

Ares is the **** of war, but with the names of the spearman and the lover of Aphrodite, in terms of temperament, how to say it, anyway, it matches well with Gonzalez who is doing that kind of part-time job in the San Fernando Valley. It's not very similar to Sigurd, whose private life is barren.

It wasn't until he was thrown as a fishing bait to the Order of the Ancients when he was rescued by Aivor and others. When he shaved his beard to heal his injuries, Lu Yuan saw the white face and Lu Yuan confirmed the real identity of this guy. .

He is a **** of war in mythology, but he is not the **** of war in Rome, but the **** of war and courage in northern Europe, Thor's half-brother, Tyre.

Nor can it be blamed that Lu Yuan didn't recognize him for so long. After all, Sonaz, who was the head of the security department, had been running away when he was at the Asa test site.

After the Doba catastrophe occurred, he even chose to guard the temple outside the stone of the gods.

After tens of thousands of years of baptism, and years of slumbering in the form of remnants of souls in the stone fragments of the gods, Sonaz's familiarity with these relatives has faded quite normal.

In addition, the awakened Sigde-Tir was so desperate as a textbook saint, he didn't know who he was, let alone others.

Lu Yuan got the memory of the second generation of Odin after the fall of the God Realm Stone Temple from Lieutenant Odin. He knew that Odin, who was the world-killing wolf Fenrir, was **** at the cost of betraying Tyr’s arm. To Tyr is guilty and guilty.

The same is true for Aivor Odin here.

Although she could not resist Bashim's use of Sigurd as a bait to lure more so-called Order of the Ancients who knew the Awakened Isu out, she would do her best to rescue him every time.

Even after Sigurd's schizophrenia became more and more serious, she could be said to be obedient to him.

What's interesting is that, for some unknown reason, her behavioral pattern of obedient to Sigurd-Till has even conflicted with Bassim's plan several times.

According to Lu Yuan's observation, there should be some kind of spiritual contact between Aivor Odin and Bassim. The two of them can often communicate an extremely complex command with one eye.

Most of the other bystanders only thought that they had communicated in private, but Lu Yuan knew that they really only had a right look.

When Aivor "rebelled" Bassim's plan for Sigurd, Lu Yuan thought they would have a big fight, but only Bassim stared at Aivor's back bitterly for a while, then Following her as if resigned, he started to implement the backup plan instead.

This Bassim had already prepared a backup plan to deal with Aivol's disobedience.

As if he had anticipated his opposition to Aivol, he just wanted to verify it.

The most serious one was that Bassim had just given Aivor the order to assassinate the leader of the ancient orderer Angland, but Sigurd suddenly wanted to return to his hometown in Norway.

According to him, he remembered the entrance to the God Realm and asked Aivor to help him go back together.

Facing this sudden change, Lu Yuan thought that Aivor would first stabilize Sigurd and return to help him after completing the assassination mission.

In the end, Aivor agreed and arranged for his long ship to carry Sigurd back to Scandinavia. Frozen is that he didn't even say hello to Basim behind him.

This time, Lu Yuan, as a bystander, could see the fierceness and resentment in Bassim's eyes.

But after a few breaths, the invisible master calmed down very quickly, and just let the two brothers and sisters leave.

For a moment, Lu Yuan really wanted to stay and see what he still wanted to do.

But in the end he chose to follow the Aivor brothers and sisters to the west coast of Scandinavia.

After all, he was even more curious about the entrance to the gods that Sigurd said.

Lu Yuan is a hunter who likes to act alone in the appearance of the black crow clan in Aivor.

The biggest advantage of this status is that when Aivor returns to the tribe, he can observe the female warrior up close without being driven out by the tribe. When she goes out to perform tasks, hunters can also go out hunting.

Anyway, the prey is nothing but a quick shot from him.

This identity is much more free than being a pirate on the Aivor ship, and there is no need to worry about other eyes around.

But the downside is that he will have to pay for it out of his own pocket for a long trip like this one. Of course, the travel fee is actually the fuel cost, which is the fuel cost of the drone under the long boat.

After the first time cycle, he found that the kerosene extracted from crude oil extracted from open-pit oil wells was deducted when he left that era.

Since then, he has looked away, and simply bought fuel directly from profiteers through the store. Although it is really expensive, it saves a lot of things.

Like this trip that the Aivor brothers and sisters said to leave, Lu Yuan didn’t need to worry about fuel. He just told the tribe to go out hunting, and took the drone in advance to potentially flow into the sea, and waited. The long ship appeared.

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