Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 874: The so-called doomed city

In the end, Lu Yuan did not hear from Cassandra about the final outcome of Loki and Althea's successful conspiracy.

In the words of Cassandra, it doesn't matter.

And, if he wants to know, then in future trips, he will look forward to it by himself.

"But, Master, haven't you integrated most of the light analysis planes? Where are there planes for me to check?" Lu Yuan asked hurriedly.

Cassandra: "Maraca, that's your own business, I don't care~"

Saying it means not saying it.

Fortunately, this experience is short, but Lu Yuan’s harvest is still good.

Kassandra, the master of cold weapons, raised points throughout the whole journey, and there was no bow and arrow to rescue him. Lu Yuan's short spear (within a total length of less than two meters) and a short sword (within a total length of ninety centimeters) used technology to make rapid progress.

But compared with another kind of harvest, these are not worth mentioning.

That is, Lu Yuan finally figured out what happened to the second set of Nordic Asa Protoss such as Lieutenant Odin, Unlucky Saul, and the second Twilight of the Gods they experienced.

Just like the big show led by the great director Altea, Rocky, the source of her technology, is naturally more able to direct a bigger show.

Here Altea still uses actors with different personality traits and roles to act in an emotional drama.

Loki directly used the consciousness of the character deity to recreate the scene. To some extent, it is equivalent to making a documentary.

Although Lu Yuan still didn't get a clear affirmation from Cassandra, at least he was able to affirm that Loki did have the ability to do this through the things here.

With this ability, it is not so important to Lu Yuan whether he did it in the details or not.

The Rocky side, assimilated by the green lizards of Aschalotar, has already exposed the ability of a thousand-year dragon to travel through time, and now it has exposed their ability to control the actors and direct a big drama.

In this way, all the techniques needed to realize Lu Yuan's "why there is the second set of assumptions about the dusk of the gods and the second set of Nordic Protoss", Rocky's side has already appeared.

So just like what I said above, how they did it in detail, and how they differed from Lu Yuan’s assumptions in detail, is not very important to Lu Yuan.

The important thing is that Lu Yuan can be sure that they are capable of doing this.


With the first round of experience, Lu Yuan's experience in the other two small **** realms was much more efficient.

In fact, if it wasn't for Cassandra's strong request that he not waste these three small gods, he thought that he had already trained with cold weapons for a long way, and he wouldn't want to go in again.

Compared with the polygamous love drama of the original happiness, the underworld is a bitter drama, while Atlantis is a suspense drama.

The process of the underworld is quite simple.

In the land of bliss, Lu Yuan, or Cassandra, or Althea, it was only after the **** watchdog was killed that he could enter the underworld.

But as a result, the underworld that had lost the three-headed dog fell into chaos, and Hades asked Lu Yuan to help him choose four guards.

This is the main thread of the entire Little God Realm experience.

But in the end, Hadistu saw it in desperation and left Lu Yuan as a fifth doorman. As a result, the two fought and were stopped by Poseidon, who had come to mediate, and Lu Yuan should be stopped by the latter. Bring in Atlantis.

Of course, in the dispersed state of the Three Little God Realms, Lu Yuan directly killed Hades from the underworld and boarded Herrinhoney back to reality, and then entered Atlantis alone.

The plot of Atlantis is similar. The most important piece of information is probably that Lu Yuan witnessed the initial appearance of the so-called Olympus project, using Atlantis humans to conduct a living biological weapon test.

By the way, Hades's three-headed dog of **** seems to be one of the successful results of this Olympus project.

Its body is the dog next to Bosephani and an Isu golden apple.

This is exactly the same as the keys to the Atlantis ruins that Cassandra mouths are still scattered all over Greece. They are a combination of a normal life form and Isu golden apples.

According to Yanzi, she did not rarely encounter such things in the steampunk plane where Juno exists. There were piles of werewolves, vampires and murlocs.

At the end of Atlantis, the Junoetta and his wife who conducted live experiments were imprisoned by Poseidon, but soon this Isu city ushered in its ending and self-destructed.

Although Poseidon inside was speaking to Lu Yuan or Cassandra, Lu Yuan had already learned to turn the object of these words to Althea.

Simply put, Altea's attempt here failed. Atlantis, a city inhabited by Isu and humans, is doomed to destruction.

Although this destiny is too far-fetched in the eyes of the big boss Kasandra and Lu Yuan, it feels more like fatalism for the sake of fatalism.

However, who makes them the traversers who are naturally easy to change the established destiny?

Since Althea kept telling the master and disciples that the destruction of Atlantis was inevitable through people such as Poseidon, the two did not bother to argue with her.

After all, the Little God Realm Stone is just a simulation.

It was this kind of ending that made Lu Yuan understand why Kassandra had pulled out a handful of God Realm Stones here, but most of them had been bleak.

Obviously, the masters of those gods stones finally chose to give up and self-destruct, just like Poseidon here.

However, the difference is that Atlantis’ self-destruction not only occurred in the God Realm Stone, but also the real experience of the destruction of an Isu city in the radiation area of ​​the Olympus Experimental Site during the Toba catastrophe.

Because that city was finally destroyed, the Junoetta and his wife who were imprisoned there were able to escape, or they had escaped before, and in the end, they developed the Olympus plan, which was still immature at this time, even more perfect.

From Lu Yuan's point of view, the Olympus plan had two purposes.

One is based on Juno's revenge against humans, who hates humans. She hopes to create enough and strong biological weapons to directly slaughter humans from this planet.

The second is based on Aita's longing for immortality, who wants to live forever. He wants to create a body that is strong and long enough to transfer his consciousness into it, so as to bear the catastrophe of too much Baba.

It should be said that Juno's purpose is more cruel and unrealistic, so there is almost no possibility of success.

But although Aita's purpose is still selfish, there is only one problem with illegally conducting live experiments in general.

Once this problem is repaired, there should be many Isu people who will support him to continue his research.

Judging from the body of the beast **** used by the feathered serpent **** in the fifteenth century, the final version of Aita's Olympus project should be considered a success to a certain extent.

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