Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 875: Two arcadia

"It's all over, mother, I've sent the insidious guy who shot Alexios from behind to Styx." Cassandra said loudly to Myrini, who was dressed in red. .

Next to him is the road far away trying to control myself not to laugh.

"My family, my family, you are the only one..." Myrigner replied to Cassandra with a low expression.

"Mother, I still have something to do." Cassandra said in a single word, as if he was hesitating, and as if he was afraid that these words would hurt Myrigne.

"I have to go to Mount Tegutes, where it all started."

"I have been fighting and escaping all my life, fighting to forget and escape from my past. I can't go on like this anymore!"

"My heart was torn to pieces on that mountain." Mirine choked.

Upon seeing this, Cassandra hurriedly grabbed his mother's hands, "I need a conclusion, and I need to put those things down completely."

Myrigner was silent for a moment, and said firmly, "I will go with you."

"And me!" Lu Yuan interrupted in due course when the emotional drama between the mother and daughter was over.

Myrigner seemed to notice him only then, and after looking at him up and down for a long time, he nodded in satisfaction, "Well, you go too. Thank you for taking care of Cassandra along the way, and you will bother you in the future."

There is a saying in the old man’s words that not only caused Lu Yuan’s back to cool down, but also thought of some extraordinary situation. Even Cassandra, who just winked at Lu Yuan, as if showing off his acting skills, was also made by his mother’s rich words. Embarrassed for a while.

But after seeing Lu Yuan's trembling look, her embarrassment quickly calmed down, and she had a tendency to transform into anger.

After seeing Cassandra's embarrassment for two times, he stared at himself fiercely, Lu Yuan shivered again, bit the bullet and replied to Myrini, "You are too polite, I was blinded to her along the way... take care of……"

Torture, training, special training, teaching, it seems that no word is appropriate. Lu Yuan thought without tears.


At this time, dozens of months have passed since the master and apprentice came out of the ruins of Atlantis.

During this period of time, they first followed Myrinière back to Sparta according to their original plan. There was a big circle on the Nissan Peninsula.

In the end, it was discovered that the old king who had always had a bad attitude towards them, as if he wanted to draw a knife to solve them once and for all, was not a spy, but the young king who was kind to them and helped them with a small favor, intentionally or unintentionally, is the **** of order. Red-eyed lion.

On the one hand, this seems to mean that what you think is true is not necessarily true. On the surface it is kind to you, but in fact it is not necessarily the person on your side.

On the other hand, this seems to mean that the Spartans have such a bad temper, but learn to be happy, they are no longer Spartans, they must be traitors.

I don't know if this is bragging about Sparta, or hating Sparta for not having died completely enough, so he has to throw two more layers of soil on his grave.

The stories during this period can be said or not. Among them, there is the story of Kassandra replacing the champion of Sparta in the ancient Olympic Games and killing the Quartet, including boxing.

Although Lu Yuan had heard from the main plane, because the boxing match at this time needed to be divided between the winners and the losers to end, and the Olympics did not allow death, and Sparta had a bad temper that refused to admit defeat, so it seemed that he had never participated in it. Boxing event.

On the contrary, this is the legend that women are forbidden to participate in the Olympic Games. In fact, it confuses the result with the reason.

Because of a series of reasons, few women appear in the Olympic Games, it does not mean that it is absolutely prohibited. It is more of a statistical result based on selection, just as women are rarely seen in occupations such as coal miners in later generations.

It is not strictly prohibited, but there is no price-performance ratio.

What's interesting is that among the remaining records of women participating in the Olympic Games, it is true that Spartan women participated in more and more victories.

In addition to this, it is the story of Kassandra fighting with the stepson adopted by her stepfather. Because the stepson thought that Cassandra had killed Nicholas, the whole process was just like a feather.

Fortunately, Cassandra doesn't bother to talk to these people now, and with the emergence of Nicholas at a critical moment, there is no major problem here.

In addition, the area that impressed Lu Yuan the most was probably the area of ​​Arcadia.

Arcadia is the Arcadia where he once ran the office building of the Arcadia Commercial Center where the company was located in Los Santos.

There are also translated into Alkadiya.

This area, according to the previous analogy of the Peloponnese peninsula resembling the claws of a lizard, is equivalent to being in the palm of the hand, or the center of the claw.

The name Arcadia is similar to the Chinese Peach Blossom Spring and Xanadu in the Western context.

Because this area has beautiful scenery and abundant food production, it was not conquered when the Spartan ancestor Dorian invaded the Peloponnese, and the locals survived, so the name was given a connotation similar to a paradise.

There is a view that the name Arcadia (arkadia or arcadia) has the meaning of avoiding disasters. This may not be true.

Because in fact the name of this place is derived from the demigod hero Arkas in Greek mythology.

After learning that this piece of Arcadia was the word Arcadia where his former office was located, Lu Yuan suddenly became a little excited.

There is a feeling of "Who said that the ancient Greek Odyssey and Los Angeles are okay?"

Although Westerners will call it a Greco-Roman routine in later generations, I am afraid that there may be many similar relationships.

For example, when they returned to Odessa from space, returned to Anaheim from Odessa, and then returned to Los Santos from Anaheim, the highway they took was called the Olympic Expressway in the urban area.

However, this pair of Arcadia across time and space is not only related to the same name.

The Arcadia Commercial Center in Los Santos is basically the core location of the former security firm in Los Santos.

Although the security office is an organization developed by Evelyn Loki, it was still fighting against the gangster alliance entrenched in the Los Angeles metropolitan area until Lu Yuan was taken away by the Millennium Dragon in 2014.

Similarly, Arcadia here is controlled by an Order Cultist named Lagos, but in fact he had to surrender to the dark organization because his family was controlled.

So when Cassandra waited to help him solve his worries, Arcadia here also changed to a certain extent again without blood.

It was also supported by the evidence provided by this caster who abandoned the shadows, and the crowd successfully picked out the spy of King Spartan.

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