Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 878: Mother, kind child, filial piety, sister and friend, Gong

"Enough!" Cassandra knocked Alexios in a golden armor to the ground, hatefully said, "I don't want to do it with you!"

"I told you in Amphipolis, sister," the golden man said viciously, "one of us is destined to die!"

As he said, he forcibly got up again and fought with Cassandra.

With the power of the Kassandra boss, even though this Golden Armored man has good attributes and combat skills, it is unlikely that he will be her one-on-one enemy.

However, Cassandra at this time is essentially the Greek mercenary at this time, just because it is connected to the boss's ontological consciousness, it is equivalent to having the boss's experience and intelligence, and the body is just a half-blood demigod.

So the two were evenly matched.

That's it!

Others can't see it, how could Lu Yuan, who had been trained by Cassandra all the way, fail to see that his cheap master is just teasing each other.

It seems that there are offensive and defensive, and it is extremely thrilling, but it is actually a cat teasing a mouse.

As for why, Lu Yuan also understood very well, because Cassandra didn't want to save her brother intact, at least not now.

But if Myrigner knew she was capable but didn't do it, Kassandra would also be embarrassed.

Therefore, she chose the exercise.

Sure enough, Alexios, who was once again pointed at the throat with a broken spear by Cassandra, finally gave up resistance.

"I've done many terrible things, sister." Alexios was murmured in his arms by Cassandra.

"It's not too late to change!" Cassandra hurriedly said.

The golden man shook his head, "It's too late, I can't be the person you want."

"Those weeds have taken root too deep!"

As he spoke, the golden-armored man took a knife from the edge of his gaiters, and wiped it against Myrigner's neck, which was approaching.

But then, his movements were replaced by a tremor.

Because Cassandra had already pierced the broken spear into his chest.

"No~~" Myrini was distraught, and Cassandra began to sob.

After a long time, Cassandra whispered, "I tried to rescue him, mother."

"I know, I saw it." Myrigner whimpered. "He is free now."


Although Cassandra's acting skills are perfect, Lu Yuan is still a little dissatisfied with the scene.

Because although Myrini's attitude towards Kassandra is as close as ever, her attitude towards Lu Yuan is far worse than before.

Lu Yuan also understood what this master meant, that he blamed himself for not actively joining the first-line battle group at the time, otherwise Alexios would probably not die.

In Lu Yuan's heart, it was an injustice. It was like telling an old lady that your son seemed to be dead this time, but he didn't. Moreover, what you want him to do now is your daughter and my master. What can I do? I am also desperate!

But every time he saw Lu Yuan looking at him bitterly, Cassandra smiled and said, "This is called two birds with one stone, two birds with one stone, two birds with one stone."

It took Lu Yuan for a long time to realize that besides making Alexios suspended his death as a tool man, the second bird, the second head eagle, was actually himself.

To be precise, it is the degree of favorability of my own in Myrigne.

It saves that an old mother who has lost two children will stubbornly want to hug her grandson.

What grandson? Of course it was Cassandra and someone's grandson.

As for who someone is, anyone can do it, but now that Brahidas is dead, the odds for some people are too high.

It is more important for Cassandra to appropriately reduce the friendliness of this sb's reserve with his mother.

Think about it if the master who was like the bronze goddess was forced to give birth to a monkey by the old mother, Lu Yuan only felt a chill on his back, and after a trembling, he finally stopped mentioning it again.

Well, it seems to kill three birds with one stone.

Cassandra smiled secretly.


After a few months passed, Lu Yuan looked at Alexios who was playing with a beautiful woman in the field not far away, feeling a little bit jealous in his heart, but he still had a chill in his back.

At this time, Alexios had forgotten not only this real name, but also the name of Demos taught to him by the God of Order.

He lost his memory because he was so old-fashioned.

Can beat people to say that amnesia means amnesia, but the body has no sequelae. With Kasandra's hand, Lu Yuan can't help but yell, the big guy is the big guy!

At this time, Alexios was changed by Kassandra's arrangement, Neorados.

It sounds a lot like their father's name Nicholas, but it doesn't really matter much. It just means Newman's surname in later English, a newcomer, or a new life.

Speaking of which, according to Pythagoras, Myrigne and Nicholas, it is certain that Cassandra is the daughter of Pythagoras and Myrigne.

However, Lu Yuan has not been very sure who is Alexios' biological father.

Ordinarily, Pythagoras stayed in the ruins of Atlantis for a long time, and Cassandra regarded Nikolaos as his father from the beginning, which means that she was four or five to seven years old. The relationship between Nicholas and Myrrine is still very stable.

Then Alexios who was born during this time, his father obviously can only be Nicholas, and it is unlikely that he is Pythagoras, who is thousands of miles away.

But every time Lu Yuan asked Kasandra the question on the side, besides letting Lu Yuan have the ability to ask Myrine by herself, she would also give him a set of devil training, but she just didn't answer the question positively.

As time passed, Lu Yuan didn't dare to ask any more.

It's just gossip, who would trade the devil training for this.


However, after guarding Niorados or Newman for several months, he was so bored that he really wanted to have a set of devil training.

As mentioned earlier, although this kid has lost his memory, his body is still strong and his muscle memory gradually recovered after a little training.

So, after a series of heroes save the United States and worry about the cents, the guy succeeded in getting the beauty who had fled from Persia at ease.

Neema, that beauty's name is exactly the same as the mood of Kek Ke Lu Yuan, so he can't help feeling, sometimes she has a strange sense of humor.

This Nima's father was Darius who assassinated the former King Xerxes I of Persia and the inventor of the Hidden Blade.

Xerxes I was the same Persian king who fought against King Leonidas at the Hot Spring Pass.

In this way, it is easy to understand why the father and daughter were hunted down by Persians.

However, the Persian chasers who forced them away from Macedonia in the northeast of the Greek peninsula this time were not simple. They belonged to another evil organization different from the Order of Order, the Order Protectors of the Ancients.

Speaking of which, compared with the Order of Order, which originated from the rebels among the Hermeticists, the Order of the Ancients is an older organization.

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