Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 879: Another way to realize "inevitability"

In addition to supporting the Persian king's attack on Greece, these ancient order supporters have been carrying out another mission, chasing and killing the filthy ones.

That is, people with the blood of gods.

For example, Cassandra, and for example, Alexios.

Therefore, in Darius's mouth, he believed that Alexios, who had amnesia, showed far beyond ordinary human abilities in this nearby area, and it was the reason that attracted those guys.

Regardless of whether his words are true or not, the important thing is that they are indeed targeted and organized by the Ancient Order Protector.

However, Lu Yuan was very disapproving of the organization's claim that the blood was hunted down.

According to this logic, is it possible that the Persian invasion of Greece was actually because these guys wanted to hunt down the so-called **** people?

Lu Yuan may not be sensitive enough in the past, but after walking around here for so long, I have long been familiar with one thing, that is, the common point of the mythology of the entire Greek region. Basically, he is talking about the heroic deeds of his royal ancestors.

Moreover, because of the need to achieve harmony between religion and power, one of these heroic ancestors is counted as one, and they are all sons of gods and demigods.

In this way, using the standards of the ancient order-maintainers, they all became blood-stained ones.

Does this make sense?

If this is the case, the Persian invasion of Greece should not be marked like that, and should be fortified along the way, and the princes and nobles of every city-state should be killed.

Even if it seems impossible to say that it is more difficult, if you really do this, maybe Persia will be the victor of the Bosnian War.

According to the analysis of later generations, the main reason why Persia failed was to copy the rhythm of the war in West Asia and Central Asia to the Greek world full of city-states. As a result, it was unable to capture the thieves and the king, and the war ended when the capital was taken. Instead, it fell into endless endlessness. Tug of war.

But if the original purpose of the Persian invasion was to slaughter the royal family, it would not make the mistakes mentioned above.

Nonetheless, it will make the controllers of the Greek city-states more antagonistic.

Well, it seems that I still can't win.

In the final analysis, the first empire of Persia, the Achaemenid dynasty when it invaded Greece, was no more than a nation. The rule of the core area may not have completely eliminated the influence of the former regime of the Kingdom of Medes, let alone the newly conquered Central and Western Asia. area.

The disadvantages of not digesting and assimilating the country's land is that it looks huge, but it is actually puffy.

It is possible to crush people by tonnage alone, but muscle strength may not necessarily win.

In the end, Lu Yuan had a very unpleasant feeling for Darius who claimed to have assassinated the former king of Persia controlled by the Order of the Ancients out of justice.

However, he can also understand why this stubborn old man firmly believes in the above-mentioned mistakes and omissions, at least in his mouth.

In the words of Alexios’ new girlfriend Nima, their family died because of Darius, including her grandmother who loved her most and her other siblings, such as her brother Natakas.

His actions have caused such serious consequences. If he no longer believes that his assassination is correct, and that even without his actions, they will not necessarily survive and the world will only suffer more. I am afraid that he will kill again. One is oneself.

I have been with this family of three all the way far, and sometimes I think that the reason why my cheap master wants to monitor or protect them is to show myself what happened to the Darius family and let myself learn from it. Some lessons?

Sure enough, is it a lifelong education for a teacher in a day?

Such a responsible teacher is rare! In order to educate oneself, what kind of spirit is it that you put your younger brother in?

Lu Yuan sighed with endless emotion.

In short, the father and daughter met Alexios, who had amnesia in Macedonia, and soon met the Order of the Ancients in Persia.

After a series of battles, although they temporarily defeated the Persians, they did not dare to stay in Macedonia, so they left the northeast of the Greek peninsula and came to the northern shore of the Peloponnese Peninsula, Achaia.

Achaia, further north of Arcadia, which is equivalent to the center of the claw, is equivalent to the wrist of the claw, or the root of the hand bone.

Near a town in Achaia called Dimer, the family of exiles finally settled down. The two young people even got married here.

Since then, the quasi-family of three has become a real family of three.

And after settling down, the family of three soon became a family of four.

Alexios, who had amnesia, gave birth to a son with Nima, who was named Apidos, which means hope.

Just the second month after the birth of the youngest son, Cassandra, who had recently run to some place, suddenly rushed out again.

"How is it, did the child give birth?" Kasandra asked expectantly as soon as they met.

"Just born last month." Lu Yuan stunned. "No, when they were pregnant. Master, you were super excited. Why are you still like this now?"

"Could it be that Shizu and her elders put too much pressure on you?"

"Get out!" Cassandra slapped someone on the back of the head again, as if returning to the beginning of this time cycle.

"Huh, don't you keep asking me why I do such a troublesome thing?" When Lu Yuan came over, Cassandra hummed angrily, "I just want to show you a show, this is destined to happen, can it? There are other workarounds!"

"Huh?" Lu Yuan was completely confused.

However, Cassandra didn't intend to explain any more, just looking at the neighbors not far away from the small house in Luyuan, the family of four, still did not say something to mock the child and say how his inevitable birth would be.

Lu Yuan pondered there for a long time, suddenly a flash of light exploded in his mind, and a set of hypotheses flashed out of it, linking all these things together.

"Is it possible, Master, in your plane, you are the child, mother?" Lu Yuan asked tremblingly.

"But, that Nima is also a girl..."

"Uh, wait, she seems to say that she still has a brother, what's the name? Uh, Netakas?"

"That little guy, is it you and the kid of Netakas?"


"Is her brother handsome?"

"Handsome!" Cassandra, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help it anymore and said cruelly.

Although her sentence was only aimed at Netakas' topic, she had undoubtedly acquiesced in the correctness of Lu Yuan's hypothesis.

But as a result, Lu Yuan's mouth opened wider in consternation. I'm afraid that if it gets bigger, the mandible will really dislocate. Commonly known, the jaw dropped.

"Why, how is it possible?" Although it was his own hypothesis, Lu Yuan still digested it for a long time after being confirmed, and then barely managed to slow down. "I guess, under that version, that Nima will die and survive. Is it her brother?"

"Her brother is as silly and sweet as her?"

"Will you be willing to marry that person and have children?"

"Is this wrong?"

"This is the rhythm of being forcibly fed by something?"

"Huh, what do you think!" Cassandra snorted angrily.

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