Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 886: Small sample, wait and see!

After this dangerous situation, I just used the melee ability to kill a green lizard not long ago, and entered the state of "one sword in my hand, I have the world". After being taught by the force of nature, I finally brought my impetuous heart back to a sane state. .

Once he woke up, Lu Yuan's efficiency was immediately recovered.

Although the area covered by the flood was large, he still found a relatively safe place, which was the ruins of a primitive town built with mud bricks and shingles that was boasted by the flood.

Most of this mud-brick city has been submerged by the flood, and it is impossible for any living people to survive, but there are still some broken walls and towers high above the water.

These places can provide Luyuan with some relatively safe footholds.

Even if there is a mud-rock flow of the previous kind, most of the momentum will be unloaded by the surrounding mud brick debris.

In this way, Lu Yuan finally got enough time to look at where this new time cycle was.

After turning around, he found that the people in this mud brick city were not evacuated in a hurry. Although there were still some people who did not leave before the flood for some reason, there was no life left in most of the houses. thing.

No matter how severe the flood is, it will not be enough to sweep every house.

But when he looked away from the broken town and tried to look around, he found a wooden boat floating in the hills in the distance.

I don't know if it's the distance, the wooden boat doesn't look too big, but if it's compared with the Greek galley that Lu Yuan took before, it's still a lot bigger.

It's just that compared with the treasure ships that are hundreds of meters long in the Western Fleet in the first time cycle, this wooden ship should still be far inferior.

However, just looking at the shape of the wooden boat with buildings and no sails, Lu Yuan knew that this thing was probably not for going to the sea from the beginning, but more like the water transport ships on the China Grand Canal.

Wait, flood, mud brick city, wooden boats with buildings and no sails?

And the time was before the Peloponnesian War in Greece?

These elements are brought together, why are they so like that?

Thinking like this in his heart, he raised his eyes and looked towards the wooden boat, and could not help but murmured.

At this moment, another thunder flash struck down, directly smashing the mud brick ruins where Lu Yuan was located, as if someone was controlling the thunder and lightning to target him deliberately.

Especially, when Lu Yuan, who was directly hit by the lightning, stood upright except for his hair, but there was no damage, new lightning blasted his surroundings one after another.

It wasn't until he hid further and completely gave up this foothold that the frequency of the thunder and lightning returned to normal.

Only at this time, he looked back at the mountains, but could not capture the figure of the wooden boat. I don't know if it was washed away by the flood or just blocked behind a certain mountain.

"This is, you don't want me to see that boat? A warning sent to me?" Lu Yuan muttered, looked up at Leiyun, and raised his **** to the patch, "Enlier, right?" I have long wanted to meet you!"

"Since we met this time, you are a little like you, and you come up and kill you, then let's just wait and see!"

After speaking, before the next flash of lightning struck, he turned his head and jumped into the water, swimming further away.


On the other side, watching the small black spot on the broken wall of the screen plunge into the water, the swallow in front of the large curved LCD monitor was also amazed.

"Hey, it looks like he has found the target."

"Enlier, the lord of the atmosphere in Sumerian mythology, the main **** of the ancient city of Bonnipur, and the first two gods, the gods of heaven and earth, were born of Qi, and then separated the two gods of heaven and earth and created the creation of the world. The son of God is also the king of facts later."

"The chief culprit of the great flood that destroyed the city-states of Sumer was brought down."

"This man in the myth is probably an Isu here again, right?"

Seeing Yanzi talking and looking to himself, Kasandra nodded softly and responded, "Isu first continent, which is now the Eurasian continent, and the western city-states had an alliance."

"The eldest son of one of the presidents of the Alliance is this Enlier."

"If you read it right, the abandoned city that Lu Yuan just left, Shurupak, is where they used to be in Sumerian Isu. Well, the training camp for human soldiers. It's near Nipur, the main city of Enlil. A satellite city."

"Sure enough, it is a city built on the ruins of Isu!" Yanzi nodded with emotion, "The few thunders that struck him just now, are they...?"

"Well, there is a high probability that it is some kind of defensive facility left over from the Isu military camp." Kasandra said.

"Tsk tsk, I actually used lightning defense facilities to smash the way to look at the wooden boat. It seems that this big flood is really as implicit in the myth, and the back is not pure!" Yanzi said with emotion.

"Isu people are also human beings, and they are also socially intelligent creatures." Kassandro said inexplicably, "Although it is different from human beings, under the catastrophe of Taba, after losing the glory of the past, there is only one thing left. The yearning for rights is even worse than before."

"Then, there is also Enlil and other gods who betrayed the flood and destroyed the world, and secretly guided the human leader to build wooden ships, Enki, the water god?" Swallow recalled the relevant plot in the Sumerian myth Gilgamesh epic. ask.

This famous Gilgamesh epic, no matter it is on the side of Los Santos or the main plane of Lu Yuan, the plot is very different, and it is not surprising that the swallow knows. What's more, there are many planes she has been to.

This epic, as the name suggests, tells the story of Gilgamesh, the heroic king of Uruk in the Sumerian city state, just like Heracles in Sparta and Theseus in Athens.

The general plot is no longer detailed, but the age of the hero king is after the flood.

During an adventure, he visited the wise man who survived the Great Flood and the builder of the wooden salvation ship, Utnaphim.

From this wise man, the hero king learned the secret of his immortality and the process of the great flood.

As mentioned before, it was the Sumerian **** of atmosphere and even the de facto Lord Enlir that brought the great flood. But Enki, the **** of water, warned Utnapishim in advance and taught him how to make a wooden boat, what materials to use, what craftsmanship, and even what people and animals to bring on board.

Then, a storm came and lasted for six days and six nights, "everyone became mud."

Even so, when Enlil found that there were humans surviving, he was furious again, but was accused by other gods of "righteousness" that he was punished too much, so he bestowed immortality on the survivor.

The purpose of Gilgamesh's visit to the surviving wise man was not for the flood, but for immortality and immortality.

In other versions of mythology, the protagonist of the story is not the same, but regardless of Sumer or later Babylon, the context of the flood story in the myth is mostly similar.

This is also the reason why Yanzi mentioned the so-called water **** Enki before.

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