Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 887: Epic and Reunion

"Almost." Kasandra nodded emotionally, but shook his head and continued, "Those guys are just the remnants of the soul left behind by the catastrophe or luck or misfortune."

"It's nothing more than their consciousness is connected to their own urban ruins, and they can also control some of the light-analysis creation facilities."

"Pretend to be pretentious, deceive human beings, and act like a god."

"But you are right."

"Enlil, who controls the large ruins, is afraid that the humans there will continue to multiply. One day, he will dig out the Isu equipment that stores his remnant soul, so he will use weather controllers and other facilities to bring down the flood."

"But someone with the remnant soul in the underwater facility doesn't have this kind of worry, at least not now."

"From his point of view, he hopes that humans will continue to multiply, and he will be able to become the next strongest by digging out the old enemy who controls the stronger ruins and stabilizing himself."

"Tsk tusk, it turned out to be like this!" The swallow, who listened to the secrets of the Isumo's revised mythology, couldn't help but wondered, "However, the guy who controls the mine, why did he attack him after Lu Yuan looked at the wooden boat? I was afraid that he would help the wooden boat. Of surviving humans?"

"It's possible." Cassandra nodded. "However, after discovering that he can't kill Lu Yuan, this guy will probably change his way. For example, he will guide Lu Yuan to record his grudge on the opponent."

"Ha!" Yanzi laughed as soon as he heard it, "Just him? Still want to use Lu Yuan's guy to kill with a borrowed knife? Who gave him the courage?"

"Probably, it's ignorance." As he said, Cassandra also laughed, "I don't know if he found that the person he wanted to use was countless times more difficult than his enemy. Looking back on those things, would there be any kind of thing? The frustration of shooting yourself in the foot."

"Hey, I'm afraid it's too late to make him feel this way!" Yanzi also smiled.

"Uh, wait!" Just after smiling, the swallow suddenly got a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly asked, "I remember that there was a Babylonian version of this Sumerian myth, and it was later written by the Semitic Abraham. It’s this Genesis or something."

"The gods in the first book of Gods in Abraham, the gods and religions, are said to be mostly Enlil, or a combination of several gods headed by him."

The Mesopotamian Mesopotamian Mesopotamian River Basin, similar to the Yellow River Basin in China, is very suitable for early human habitation, so civilization developed earlier.

But perhaps because it is more like a crossroads than Huaxia, there are more other ethnic groups coming and going, so the competition for the title of the strongest civilization is also fiercer.

During the time when Sumer ruled here, other races had risen. The Mesopotamia is close to the mouth of the Persian Gulf and follows the river to the northwest. The first southern end was the Sumerian rule.

A section further north is an Akkadian area among the Semites that developed under the influence of Sumer.

These two parts were later conquered by another Semitic group of Amorites to establish the Kingdom of Babylon. The two parts have since been collectively referred to as Babylonia, which means the land of Babylon.

The famous Code of Hammurabi is the legacy left by the Babylonian king of the same name.

Probably because of this, Babylon is often regarded as a representative of ancient human civilization in the Mesopotamia, rather than the earlier Sumer and Akkad.

The reason for emphasizing Babylon is similar to the saying that there will be pre-Han and post-Han in the Chinese dynasty. After more than a thousand years of Babylon, around the seventh century BC, a new Babylonian kingdom appeared here.

In short, these are the conditions of the Mesopotamia on the Persian Gulf side.

Continue to the northwest along the river. Near the middle reaches of the Tigris River, there is another Assyrian branch of Semites.

Compared with the pioneering civilization of the Persian Gulf, this place is a bit behind, and according to textual research, it is because the previous Akkadians conquered here, so that the civilization here has been rapidly improved.

Although the Assyrians here even conquered the original suzerain after the civilization weakened there, when Akkad was active, the southern cousin was the master here.

In general, Mesopotamia is roughly divided into Sumer in the southeast, Akkad in the northwest, and the Assyrian region near the Mediterranean in the middle and upper reaches of the northwest river.

In this wave of change, from about two thousand one hundred to two thousand years BC, after the Akkadians became strong for a while, the Sumerians briefly regained the glory of civilization and established the Sumerian kingdom. In history, it was called the Third Dynasty of Ur, and it was also called the Sumerian Revival.

The so-called Ur refers to the city of Ur in Sumer.

The reason for mentioning this is because the oldest founder of Abraham monotheism, that is, this Abraham, whose family lived in Ur, or Ur.

His father was the royal sacrifice of Ur.

And the time for the Abraham family to search for a new home from the northwest of Ur all the way was probably during the period when the third dynasty of Ur turned from prosperity to decline.

Because of these historical contexts that were "generally ignored or even attacked by a certain religious fanatic", later generations can easily get the kind of statement that Yanzi just mentioned.

That is to say, the so-called sole **** of Abraham monotheism is actually Enlil, the master of Sumerian atmosphere.

Well, if you integrate Enli's deeds, such as Enki, the whispering water god, into Enlil's deeds, it will basically be 90% similar to the so-called sole god.

Yanzi thought of this and continued, "If you follow this line of thought, if there is really a unique god, doesn't it mean that at the end of the battle that Lu Yuan has just experienced, a certain remnant soul will fall into the hands of that family? "

"Will he follow the Semites and leave here to the so-called Canaan on the east coast of the Mediterranean?"

"In other words, even if Enlil loses, will he survive?"

"Well, as I said before, some planes are indeed developed in this way. The remnant soul is in the form of an Isu artifact and is controlled by a certain human family." Cassandra nodded, "But there are also Some planes are not like this."

"Since you know so much about the myths here, you probably also heard that in the Babylonian period, the position of Enlil in Sumerian mythology has been replaced by Marduk, the guardian of Babylon, right?"

"This new character, Marduk, is the son of Enki, the **** of water who informs mankind."

"Huh? The son of the traitor and the two-faced man has become the new ruler?" Yanzi said with a sigh of emotion, "This plot always feels inexplicably familiar!"

"Because similar things always happen repeatedly." Then Yanzi said that it was not Cassandra, but a familiar male voice, "Or, when people later write stories for their ex, they often use the same template."

"Master!" Seeing someone suddenly appearing at the door, Yanzi cried out in surprise, not caring about the sudden dizziness, so he jumped up from the new sofa and ran over.


The person who came was the master of the native Alex who merged with the swallows, Turner Newman.

I lightly patted the swallow that has not been seen for a day like a student and a girl in three autumns. Turner smiled at her, but turned his head to look at the same inexplicable Kassandra with a complex expression, "I'm back, sister ."

In a word, the blonde Cassandra smiled directly, and faintly, the sturdy figure like a bronze goddess appeared above Euphnia's body, and smiled at Turner and nodded, "Welcome back, Alexio Si!"

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