Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 910: Two people and one pig

This was the way Lu Yuan came up with, fixing the short-barreled automatic machine gun platform that was left over from the battle with the Dual Blade Trevor in Los Santos near the captain's seat.

But just so, the machine gun in the cabin can't hit the lizard outside the cabin.

Therefore, he had to use the module transfer function of Yanzi's transforming robot gloves to transfer the machine gun stands near the captain's seat to the outside of the cabin.

Uh, it should be said now, the outer side of the robot.

However, in this way, the captain's seat that is too close to the machine gun stands and the road on the captain's seat have to be moved to the outside at the same time.

After all, if it wasn't for the tank captain himself to have a function of sticking out the turret cover to observe the outside world, the swallows would not be able to remove the items inside without any reason.

She couldn't move the little Rose spider in the gunner's position as well.

Thus, there was the scene of Lu Yuan's sudden widening of vision before.

From the narrow and tight turret, it turned into that the waist is basically outside the robot. Can his vision be widened.

At this time, the T72A robot has changed a little from the detail that Lu Yuan saw in mid-air before.

It's basically a jungle camouflage, it's still more than ten meters high, the thighs are still anti-articulated, the back is still a booster backpack that is changed from the tyrant Mark Rabbit's flight mode, and the head still retains a tank turret-like structure, as if carrying A huge flat helmet.

Of course the smoothbore gun is still in the center of the helmet.

But the difference is that on the upper right side of the flat turret helmet, there is an extra half of a person, and a total of five short-barrel remote-controlled machine gun stands are scattered around that person.

By the way, the cockpit where the swallow was still moved to the chest of the robot.

After this transformation, Lu Yuan also understood why the tank was transformed into a robot, and its volume seemed to be much larger.

Because Yanzi’s pair of gloves does not directly deform the tank itself, it is more like a pile of plasticine that can be deformed at will, using the tank as the skeleton basis, forcibly transformed into a robot form.

In fact, the real robot is the original steampunk tech robot sealed in that pair of gloves by the swallow system.

"Okay, steampunk robots are indeed not my food." Lu Yuan looked around and looked at the huge robots under him. He could only express his emotions, and the wide field of vision before was overwhelmed by dozens of heads. The hand dragon covers it layer by layer.

After being shocked by the sudden change of the tank into a robot, the pterodactyls, who had not yet figured out what happened, saw the human being exposed outside the heavy metal armor, and immediately rushed over to try something new.

However, what awaits them is not the tender and juicy flesh and blood of humans, but the weird smile of that ugly human (by the standards of the lizardman).

No matter how weird the smile was, it wouldn't hurt himself a bit, but as he smiled, the four or five weird-looking stubby iron boxes around him suddenly spit out fierce snakes to himself.

Although those playing with fire snakes are fleeting, it is not that their eyes are particularly good, they may only be able to see the white smoke and ignore the central flame, but the extremely fast moving golden yellow that is pushed out by those flames is shining. Small gadgets, but surprisingly deadly.

Only one face, five short-barreled machine gun rigs under Lu Yuan's personal control, several short shots, and dozens of pterodactyls surrounding him, and the lizardman knight behind him, directly killed a half.

Most of them were shot in key points, and they planted to the ground without a hum.

Only a few guys who were hit by stray bullets who were not lucky or unlucky, were able to wailed and escaped from the front line, and loudly publicized the ferocity and viciousness of the enemy with their colleagues.

One move to defeat the enemy, but Lu Yuan still shook his head regretfully, and sighed, "As expected of Rocky, I can hide."

It turned out that the Rocky clone 45231 he most wanted to kill, but he didn't follow this wave of Pterodactyl Dragoons to die.

That person, who was hanging far from the outside of the third encircling circle, looked suspiciously at Lu Yuan's side.

"Hey, no, this guy doesn't know guns?" Lu Yuan just felt strange, but he soon reacted, "Uh, haven't you seen a remote-controlled machine gun stand like a pocket short barrel?"

"Tsk tsk, okay, let you see something else!"

"Swallow, go!"

"Just waiting for your words!" Following Lu Yuan's greeting, Yanzi immediately manipulated the robot to turn and ran to the opposite side of the enemy.

However, after running a few steps to raise the speed, he directly bent the anti-joint of the leg to accumulate energy, and finally made a violent jump, sending a tens of tons of tank with two people and a spider into the air.

"What a pig? Do you curse again?" Rosie Spider's curse immediately spread from the turret, and was decisively ignored by Lu Yuan.

"Rose! It's your turn!" Lu Yuan said immediately.

"You wait for me!" Rose, who was taken advantage of by Lu Yuan's opportunity, was still unconvinced, but immediately controlled the turret to turn around, aiming the muzzle at the group of pterodactyls chasing from below. With a bang, another grenade was sent out.

This grenade went straight to the center of the pterodactyl group, where the Rocky clone was located.

Seeing that this cannon could directly kill the guy, he saw that figure suddenly swayed like a reflection in the water. When the picture became solid again, the whole person turned into a lizardman.

The transfigured lizardman looked puzzled, and was hit by the cannonball in the chest, and then triggered the explosive fuse, and the man and the mount were all torn apart in the fragmented shock wave.

"Haha, that's it? I want to kill w..."

Loki's clone, who had avoided the lizardman by swapping positions, was about to laugh at Lu Yuan in the sky, but saw the guy with empty hands before, but now both hands were holding a thick spear.

Before he could see what kind of gun it was, he felt a cold in his forehead, and he couldn't say the second half of the sentence again.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a hit again!" With unwillingness and a trace of comprehension, this clone also dissipated in the air.

"Pretty!" Swallow witnessed the enemy's death from the sensor for the first time, and immediately shouted.

It was Rose Little Spider, who had been arguing with Lu Yuan, also hesitated to boast. However, under Lu Yuan's teasing, it quickly turned into a beast against Lu Yuan.

As the commander was killed, the lizardmen army here immediately fell into chaos.

However, soon, several surviving sub-color feather monitor lizards slaughtered from the lizard group, and finally stood out and became the new commanders of these lizard people.

However, at this time, the size of the Lizardmen Legion was at least three to five times smaller than what Lu Yuan first saw.

There are not ten thousand but seven to eight thousand lizardmen legions, only about two thousand are left.

In addition to the previous slaying of kings, the illusion that Commander Loki dies will naturally gradually disappear.

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