Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 911: Era of dinosaurs? This is the age of lizards

As Lu Yuan had guessed before, the desperate-looking dense sea of ​​lizards was actually made by Loki using illusion.

Loki, who doesn't use illusion, can still be Loki.

But even so, there are still more than two thousand lizardmen left, which is still a headache.

Fortunately, at this moment, following the chaotic space under the command of the Lizard Corps, Swallows had already escaped with the tank robot.

However, because of this, they could not see it. Just after the Lizard Legion itself launched a new command squad, a dark green light once again condensed at the location where Luyuan, the center of the Legion, once appeared.

When the light dissipated, another three-meter-high human figure dressed in Isu fine gold armor appeared from it, roaring several times at the surrounding colorful dragon lizard, using the language of Aschalotar.

"What happened here just now?"

"You say one by one."

"Whoever said it most clearly and most accurately is the new war chief."

"If anyone dares to deceive the Angel of God, he will become a living fodder for the Tyrannosaurus Legion!"

After the words were finished, the colorful feather monitor lizards who were at a loss looking at the newly-appearing so-called "God Angel" who were exactly the same as the previous one, quickly recovered, and opened their mouths to prepare to answer in front of others.

But when they found that no one around really spoke first, all the lizardfolk closed their mouths obediently.

"Very well, it seems that 45231 has tuned you up very well." This new Loki clone is very satisfied that these low-intellectual lizardmen are not messed up into a mess, nodded and pointed at one of them, "Then, you first Say."

On the other side, Lu Yuan, who temporarily escaped from birth, and at the same time probably lost a great opportunity, was also exclaimed by the news that Yanzi had brought.

"So, this is not the Cretaceous period? It is not the age of dinosaurs? It is supposed to be the Paleogene when mammals gradually began to rise?"

"But Evelyn Loki, taking advantage of our entanglement with Trevor's forces in Los Santos, returned the tentacles from 80,000 BC when they first invaded this face, intending to transform this place into a soldier. Yes, the age of lizards?"

"Yes." Yanzi nodded, "That's what your master told me."

"So, in fact, the Rocky that first entered the Asa Experimental Site before and after the 75,000-year-old B.C. catastrophe?"

"It's the original Loki, and it's the first time the green light devils changed this face." Yanzi nodded.

"So I should have completed the task?" Lu Yuan said again.

"If Evelyn Loki didn't escape here from Los Santos." Yanzi said, "she or he said at the time to establish a timeline without you at all. They do what they say."

"Let's let go of that first," Lu Yuan waved his hand, and then waved like a wave to the sky, "In other words, my original mission should have been completed?"

"What on earth are you trying to say?" Yanzi also realized that Lu Yuan meant something at this time. After thinking about it, he suddenly said, "Couldn't you be..."

"Master!" Lu Yuan shouted to the sky, "Since my original mission is over, come out quickly! If nothing else, I will pay you back first~~"

"Sure enough!" Yanzi patted his forehead and shook his head speechlessly.

"Okay, okay, don't howl, look at your aspirations." Yanzi said in a huff. "Don't worry, isn't it the twelve o'clock space-time points that your master lent you? I have already paid it back for you. Don't worry. , It won't be so good that you won't be able to pay it off for a few lifetimes."

"Really?" Lu Yuan felt that he was suddenly surrounded by a huge sense of happiness.

"Really, really." Yanzi said impatiently.

"Haha, then I thank you so much!"

"However," Yanzi laughed, "I also took over the contract in its entirety. In other words, what you owe me is still calculated."

"That's nothing, I'll pay you back now." Lu Yuan replied.

"Hey, don't worry, listen to me." Yanzi said with a smile, "Because what I pay your master is points, so I only accept points for payment, don't give me the set of repaying debts with goods or services. "

"Um, that's okay." Lu Yuan said, opening the e-wallet, taking out the money with one hand, and pointing at Yanzi with the other.

It's just that he made dozens of moves in the air to pay for money, but failed to pay the points to Yanzi. He couldn't help but shouted at Yanzi, "You are picking it up. When did you block me?"

"Hey, this isn't you who I shielded." Yanzi smiled with a feeling of being indifferent, "It's in this special time and space. The payment function is temporarily unavailable!"

"Hahaha, be careful, if you don't break the game quickly, you will have to owe that huge debt to me, this new creditor!"

Let Lu Yuan owed himself a large sum of points. In that scene, Yanzi was happy thinking about it, and unknowingly laughed a little too much.

But after a long time, she realized that Lu Yuan had been quiet, as if she didn't care about it.

"Hey, how can you say nothing...what are you doing?"

Yanzi, who looked at Luyuan, found that he was holding a tablet to write, draw, and study, and he didn't care about his side at all.

"Measure our approximate location." Lu Yuan didn't look up, but quickly sighed and smiled, "Sure enough, this is really near Los Santos!"

"What?" Yanzi was stunned, forgetting the debt or something, and asked along Lu Yuan's words.

"Well, where do you say it?" Lu Yuan thought for a while, "have you heard of the movement of the continental plate?"

"Huh?" Although Swallows merged with the local Alex, poor Alex went to join a mercenary to support his family when he was very young, and he didn't have much modern education at all.

"Well, let's put it simply, it is the distribution of the continents we are familiar with, and the distribution of Asia, Europe and America. It was actually a different look at tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years ago." Lu Yuan explained, "For example, it was less than 3 Hundreds of millions of years ago, all continents were united."

"Pangu Continent?" Yanzi vaguely found a corresponding word in his memory.

"Yes." Lu Yuan nodded, "However, you said it was 50 million years ago. In fact, in the general trend, the main continents should have been separated by this time. At least the American continent Greenland has already been separated from the European side. Separated, the Atlantic Ocean appeared."

"These are not important." As he said, Lu Yuan showed the world map on the middle plate to the swallow. "This is a 50 million-year-old continental plate map produced by the system. In the middle of the two continents on the left, the one with its tail cocked. The five-star near the corner of "should be our location."

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