Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 919: The basic composition of heavy equipment

Having said so much, presumably careful friends have noticed that in this mechanized unit made by Lu Yuan, there seems to be no conventional air combat unit except for drones.

Not to mention fighter jets, even gunship helicopters do not seem to appear.

Yes, that's it.

Because the armed vehicles produced by Lu Yuan are all equipment that he has mastered the full set of production processes, and thus greatly reduces the production of finished products.

Regardless of whether it is a fighter jet or a helicopter, the aerodynamic shape can be copied. The body material also has the experience of the giant dragon drone. The avionics equipment is based on Luyuan’s accumulation of electrical and It's not difficult.

But the aero engine is his biggest weakness.

The manufacturing process of this thing is inherently complicated, and the material formula of the key parts is basically the top secret of the aviation powers.

Although Lu Yuan has passed many tools and data on maintenance and repair of the main fighters of the US-Canadian Army, it is impossible to get the core information about aviation development.

The complexity of this thing is that even if Lu Yuan has a 2007 F-22A in his hand, it has never been reversely analyzed.

One is that he has insufficient accumulation, and second, he is afraid that if the one in his hand is broken by himself, and there is no useful fighter at the critical moment, it will become a steal.

Compared with aero engines, Lu Yuan is more familiar with rocket engines, especially solid rocket engines.

Compared with liquid rocket engines, solid rocket engines have short working hours, high acceleration, difficult to control thrust, and difficulty in repeated starting. Therefore, they are not conducive to manned flight. They are mainly used as engines for rockets and missiles, as well as for spacecraft launches and aircraft take-offs. Boost the engine.

This is the engine he uses the most, even more than the V-type water-cooled diesel engine used in the tank.

Those are the booster rockets he keeps in his portable space at any time.

This thing is used by ordinary people as a death weapon, not to mention whether it can tame the huge instantaneous acceleration, or if it is accidentally taken away, they don't know when it will land.

But here in Lu Yuan, with this thing, he is equivalent to having a teleport ability with a slight delay that can be in a relatively open area.

How many times he avoided the enemy's powerful and large-scale attacks, he used this thing to escape.

The prototypes of his standing booster rockets are the 122mm rockets used by the former Suna BM-21 Hail.

In the past, Lu Yuan changed the rocket bomb because he needed to boost the rocket more.

Now, he lacks a weapon to fight for air supremacy, and has to seek some additional means of suppressing firepower, so adding the booster rocket to the warhead seems quite logical.

This is the main research direction he switched to after the Yanzi left and led the third batch of armed vehicles to join the battle.

Turner's first batch of armed vehicles was originally based on the T72 as the main prototype, modified with a magical main battle tank with an eight-claw spider mechanical leg chassis adapted to the plateau rainforest landscape, and a self-propelled artillery with a similar chassis.

Let me talk about the T72 of the magic modified spider version first.

The original version of this thing, in fact, was barely on the front line of the battlefield when Lu Yuan got it.

One is because nearly half a century has passed since its first service. Although the speed of weapon system upgrades has been slower than at the peak, the absolute speed is still not slow. Nearly half a century of backwardness, almost It is impossible to be in the first echelon.

Second, it is also because the several T72s that Lu Yuan obtained were from the famous and probably the world's No. 1 prodigal, the old version that was in disrepair in Luxin's arsenal.

So from the time he got this thing, except for using it as a cannon, Lu Yuan hardly took it out to participate in serious battles.

On the contrary, the swallows were in other worlds, the steampunk world at the end of the nineteenth century, and they used this advanced thing for decades to crush the strange armed forces at that time.

It's not difficult to see from Yanzi's brows and dances every time she mentions those things. She used this thing to ruin the other party.

Now, in the special world of 50 million years ago, the T72, a typical low-profile tank with high-low matching mainly oriented by mass production, has had the opportunity to bully people again.

Although the lizardmen legions cultivated by Ascharlotar literally spring up like mushrooms after a rain, the combat effectiveness of this fast-growing legion has shrunk accordingly.

Even the giant dinosaurs who are a heavy armored unit with the lizardman infantry, face the 125mm smoothbore gun of the T72.

On the contrary, those giant dinosaurs, the main means of killing were weapons like ballistas with camels on their backs.

Although the shells it fires are large fangs soaked in some special acidic venom, the lethality of ordinary tanks is not to be underestimated, but the projection platform of this shell is too old after all, resulting in extremely average speed.

The chassis of the demolished tank on the opposite side was in the form of a flexible eight-claw spider. As a result, the infantry and heavy units of the Lizardmen Legion were almost all crushed and beaten by Turner's demoralized tank.

Lu Yuan and Yanzi’s T72 initially had three main types of ammunition, the tail stabilized shelling armor-piercing projectile, the armor-piercing projectile, and the anti-personnel grenades.

The armor-piercing projectile using the energy-concentrating effect should theoretically be a kind of ammunition with wide adaptability, good damage effect and excellent cost-effectiveness. For example, the warheads of various individual anti-tank weapons are almost all based on the principle of armor-piercing projectiles. .

However, with the large-scale application of reactive armor technology, in actual work, the most demanding armor-piercing projectiles for various damage prerequisites have been increasingly restrained.

After all, its damage principle is to use the energy accumulation effect to converge a metal jet, and when this jet is formed, it cannot be too far or too close to the target, and the front end of the ammunition must have a long rod like a syringe needle.

These are easily restrained by the corresponding reactive armor.

Therefore, in the timeline of Los Santos, this type of ammunition is the one with the least amount of ammunition.

But when facing the Lizardmen Legion, there is no need to worry that the Lizardmen will place reactive armor on the outside of their dinosaur scales, right?

Their main method to improve the protective power of heavy armored giant dinosaurs is to use biological modulation technology to strengthen their scales.

In this way, I slowly discovered that an improved armor-piercing projectile similar to the later Mika main battle tank, that is, the M830A1 multi-purpose high-explosive armor-piercing projectile, can take care of the damage to the heavy armored dinosaurs. And the killing of the lizardman infantry.

And there is a huge advantage of simplifying to the same type of bomb, that is, it can reduce the cost and reduce the logistical pressure.

Therefore, in addition to the first batch of dozens of main battle tanks that have long been equipped with improved tail stabilized armor-piercing ammunition, the other tanks are equipped with such tail-stabilized multi-purpose high-explosive armor-piercing ammunition.

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