Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 920: Oaths and prohibitions, GEIS

This ammunition, put it here to stack the BUFF?

However, there is one thing to say, even so, compared with the original version, this new ammunition has two buffs less sub-caliber and shelling.

The reason is naturally that the T72’s 125mm smoothbore gun uses a split-loaded ammunition that separates the damage warhead from the propellant cartridge, while the M830 series used for the Meika M1 is a fully loaded ammunition.

Because it is a sub-loading ammunition, not a long-rod armor-piercing projectile, playing the secondary caliber and shelling to increase the initial velocity is not only unnecessary, but it will further reduce the warhead charge, which is not worth the loss.

And if the whole loading is adopted, it is necessary to design and improve the automatic loading machine of the tank from the beginning.

One of the inevitable results is that the chance of automatic reloading becomes greater.

The larger loader means that the fort has to be enlarged.

If it can’t adapt to the original chassis after enlargement, even the chassis has to be enlarged.

In the end, a new tank is completely designed. However, the sights, sights, fire control and other equipment that most affect combat effectiveness still use the original ones.

Therefore, the combat effect of the entire improvement is extremely limited.

This kind of thankless thing can be played on the computer, and it is almost impossible for Lu Yuan to implement it.

Based on similar design and cost considerations, the other main force of Turner’s reloading forces, the number of self-propelled artillery is several times the number of the magic spider tank, in fact, the main use is the 122mm caliber 2A18, which is the D-30 towed howitzer. kind.

Rather than the more commonly used 152mm D-20 cannon howitzer and 2A64 before Luyuan.

In other words, the prototype of these self-propelled artillery is closer to 2S1, not 2S3, and Luyuan’s preferred 2S19.

Anyway, whether it’s four kilograms of TNT explosives or the same quality, the more effective the blunt black aluminum explosive (A-IX-2) is 1.48 times that of TNT, its damage to the Lizardmen Legion is already considerable, and it is completely unnecessary. Increase and bold.

Relatively speaking, because of the 122mm caliber, the back seat pressure on the chassis is much smaller, and the car body can be more flexible.

In this way, the effect of capturing more suitable fighters to launch deadly rounds through flexible and changeable movement battles is much better than directly using heavier firepower.

Of course, in addition to main battle tanks and self-propelled artillery, Turner's heavily armored battle group also has corresponding reconnaissance and communication units.

However, because the target is a reptile that is highly compatible with the environment, Turner’s reconnaissance unit mainly relies on a small fixed wing equipped with a high-definition camera in addition to a radio detection and ranging device, which is also abbreviated as radar. Reconnaissance drone.

In addition, although the communication between Turner Luyuan and others can be completed with the communicator produced by the system, for a huge battle group, special communication equipment for mutual information transmission is also needed.

So communication vehicles, or communication spiders, are also indispensable members of the battle group.

In addition, in order to prevent unplanned non-combat attrition on the battlefield, of course, for a purely mechanical non-human force, this is equivalent to a mechanical failure, so a logistic support team with the army is also necessary.

Placed here is a group of maintenance robots reproduced by infantry fighting vehicles with the same spider chassis.

The above settings basically constituted the Turner heavy armored force before the second batch of armed vehicles joined.

Compared with Turner, who specializes in frontal decisive battles, the second batch of armed vehicles that Lu Yuan asked Eliza to take away were mainly support tanks.

These included the self-propelled artillery, which coincided with the first assault of the reinforced pterodactyl unit that Aschalotar had meticulously tailored to cope with Turner's heavy equipment.

As a result, the opponent was completely wiped out before the victory was played.

In addition, it also includes self-propelled mortars that have curved trajectories and can have more shooting angles.

What's interesting is that when Eliza joined the first-line battlefield, Lu Yuan suddenly discovered that this guy's talent for using this low-speed curved-fire weapon is extremely amazing.

After asking, it turns out that Elisa has a special ability similar to the grenade specialization. After getting some battlefield information, she can quickly find the best shooting method with the best killing effect.

Coupled with her excellent utilization efficiency of the mobility of these light armored units, the reaping enemies are not much less than those of Na.

Faster speed and grenade, really does not forget the original intention.

Lu Yuan was so emotional.

However, Eliza did not only show that these two kinds of abilities have a beneficial effect on the battle group. According to an old game, she does not only have these two battle skills, and her own combat skills are not lacking.

In other words, her personal combat effectiveness is also quite strong.

As the air combat pterodactyl specially fortified by Ascharotar was wiped out, and the "ranches" of the lizardman legions were repeatedly harvested, new methods appeared on the other side.

Among them, the one that caused the greatest trouble to Eliza and others was a lizardman infantry unit based on chameleon-like reptiles.

These guys only need to lie down in the rain forest. Because the rain forest vegetation is dense and they are living organisms, they are well-trained and can stand still. Radars that use electromagnetic waves for reconnaissance can't find them.

And their special skin can not only transform into almost the same color as the surroundings, but even the temperature can simulate seven or eight.

Therefore, the optical and even infrared detectors of the reconnaissance drone cannot distinguish them.

Therefore, when they ambush in advance near certain forest areas suitable for resupply far away from the frontline battlefield, the Eliza troops who were preparing to repair after the battle have unfortunately fallen into a trap.

Although the main body of this mechanized force is AI-like that can use electronic chips to exercise or even fire on its own, it is not afraid of pure infantry units, because there are no vulnerable units such as drivers or gunners that are afraid of being killed by infantry.

However, as an indispensable logistic support unit for troops, its core is some humanoid maintenance robots.

These units are different from the chariots wrapped in metal armors of varying thickness, and they are quite vulnerable even in the face of chameleon units that are human-sized and can only use simple weapons.

Not to mention that the commander-in-chief of this chariot unit, Eliza, is still flesh and blood.

However, in this ambush breakout battle, Eliza's physical ability, although not enough to compare with Sonaz at the peak, can also be comparable to the current road far or the swallow.

The reason, apart from her fighting experience with a demon **** in another world, was also the reincarnation of the real Danuishu, Morian.

These so-called gods in Celtic mythology, in addition to the Isu's own combat skills, also have a unique way of obtaining power, which is the famous oath and prohibition, GEIS.

This thing is full of a certain exotic style just to speak, and it has appeared in many works of art.

For example, a red-eyed anime character who uses chains uses similar abilities to specifically target a unique organization that slaughters his own tribe, and at the equivalent of the middle and low-level stage, with some tactics, a series of close or even high-level standards have been achieved. Master.

It can be seen that this ability is powerful.

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