Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 921: Oath and victory

But since this kind of power approach has such a powerful side, it must have its weaknesses.

Yes, in Celtic mythology, this kind of power has a very wide range of applications, but those heroes or gods, the reason for defeat and death is often because they violated the oath and violated the prohibition.

For example, the famous Sword of Oath and Victory was based on the saber in stone of the hero King Arthur in Celtic mythology.

The long name of this sword was compiled by later comrades based on its characteristics, but I have to say that he also wrote out its characteristics intuitively.

Because this sword will be invincible if you use it in accordance with the oath.

And if you break the oath, victory will be far away.

In Celtic myths and legends, King Arthur was injured because he violated the oath of this sword, and let it be broken, only to have the opportunity to play the second sword later, the sword in the lake.

Yes, yes, the above has repeatedly emphasized that King Arthur is a legendary figure of the Celts, not the Anglo king or the Angland king mentioned in some versions, but the resistance to the Anglo-Saxon invasion The leader of the Celtic aboriginal people in Britain.

The reason for this emphasis is mainly because the Anglo-Saxons’ cultural appropriation is so profound that they will be caught if they are not careful.

In this sense, the Anglo-Saxons can finally obtain the master control of a certain religious religion who is also proficient in cultural appropriation. It is really a king with mung beans. Uh, no, it is a perfect match.

Do not believe? You must know that there are not many highlight moments in Anglo-Saxon culture, so one person is repeatedly boasted from all angles of 360 degrees.


Because of his appearance, the political forces on the British Isles on the edge of the world gradually entered the center stage of the West, almost synchronously.

Shakespeare’s masterpieces are his four tragedies, "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear" and "Macbeth".

Then we take it for granted that these four stories should all be Angland?

However, in fact, Hamlet is a Danmark prince. He was the Vikings who invaded Britain where the magpie’s nest was occupied by the Anglo-Dove and left a Danmark region in Scandinavia and the main land of Europe. The Danmark that connects the dots.

It was also Lu Yuan who accompanied Yanzi to a place similar to the latter's quasi-hometown.

Othello is the general of the Moorish mercenaries in the Venetian city-state.

Needless to say where is Venice, the city of water.

The Moors were originally the Romans' name for the unromanized North African indigenous people, and later derived from Africa, mainly North Africa, invaded Europe, mainly Iberia and other places who believe in non-Western European monotheism.

Although we all know now that they believe in the same god.

Macbeth was the king of Scotland in the north of the British Isles.

King Lear was a Celtic king in the eighth century BC.

In the eighth century BC, not to mention that Rome had not invaded the British Isles, and even had not risen itself. Even the origin of ancient Greece was still the legendary age of the gods and demigods depicted in Homer's epic.

Of course, without these epic legends, no one would be able to research King Lear to the eighth century BC.

This belongs to citing myths to prove myths, which is a basic operation in ancient Western history, which is not surprising.

In short, in a circle, none of the four great tragedies, the most representative masterpieces of the most representative cultural symbols of the Anglo-Saxons, is the story of the Anglo-Saxons themselves.

But when the whole world mentions these stories, the first thing that comes to mind is Anglo-Saxon culture, and it asks you if you accept it.

This kind of ability must be studied well~

As for a certain religious religion, in order to gain the recognition of the surrounding residents in the early stage, he did not hesitate to ignore the date calculated by the details of the birth of a certain saint in his own Bible book, and forcibly changed the birth of the saint to the winter solstice in the local culture. That day.

Disregarding other people's original religions, in fact, the winter solstice day the sun has the shortest sunshine time, so it should be the birth day of the sun god, because the sun will get stronger and stronger after this day.

It was originally a scientific and symbolic birthday of the Sun God, but it was embezzled by a certain religious religion to become its most important holiday.

Not only that, like Halloween is actually the new year of the Celtic calendar, Easter is actually the birthday of the goddess of spring, etc., etc., there is no important holiday that is the original of this religious religion.

Again, it is really "destiny" that the Ansa can finally obtain the main control of this religious religion.

If you use Celtic oaths and prohibitions as an example, it is probably monotheistic or Ansa, must have followed such a set of oaths and prohibitions:

1. Never respect the truth and facts. If it is beneficial to me, it is the truth. If you ignore me, use all means to muddy the water, at least let this fact become "suspicious" among the population and even in the hearts of the people.

2. It is necessary to make full use of the existing wealth of other cultures. As long as it is beneficial to me, it is considered to be mine from the beginning.

3. You must have a flexible moral view, but you must learn to tell stories and brag, and learn to portray yourself as a perfect saint in a high-sounding manner.

By following vows like this, they will be able to keep winning.

There is a folk proverb in Huaxia, saying that good people don't live long, and they will cause harm for thousands of years.

If the people among them are extended to the level of national religion and even cultural civilization, then the two mentioned above are simply the most successful representatives of this extended version of the proverb.

It is the "legend" that is destined to last for thousands of years.

In fact, someone really understands these things, and learns them well.

Among them, an island country in the East is a model representative of such good students.

For example, the modern name of King Arthur's sword in the stone mentioned earlier, but from the perspective of this "homework", the grade of this course can be marked as A+.

Lu Yuan felt that he had to humbly learn from other people's successful experiences, imitating the methods of outstanding students, and gave them a unified name from the very beginning, vows and victories.

As long as you are willing to be this jian, you can continue to win through oaths~

If you break the vow and grow something, such as conscience, it will be a bad dish~

(Ahem, seems to be a good learner of Jian, and another chapter has been filled with private goods~)

Eliza's personal abilities far surpassed Helena, the mercenary "Huntress" when she was in Los Santos, because she recently completed a set of oaths.

Because she kept the oath, her power of knowledge increased sharply, and her basic attributes were greatly improved.

However, even though Lu Yuan asked about the content of this vow, Eliza kept stubbornly blushing instead.

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