Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 927: Set of cards

Although Lu Yuan could not fully see the situation on the battlefield, the system information that could jump out three or four kill records in one second was true.

Although the command-type air combat drones directly obeyed the swallows, their tinder box is in Lu Yuan's hands, so the kill record will be counted on Lu Yuan's head.

As for those remote-controlled drones, because they are controlled by command-type drones, the kill records are still far away.

Of course, it should be said that just because Lu Yuan et al. discovered the system's rules about who the kill record belongs to in actual combat, so now the tinder boxes will be unified on Lu Yuan's side.

Because only Lu Yuan can quickly convert these newly obtained points into new weapon power by passing through the store, and then continuously provide reinforcements to the front line.

For example, now, as Yanzi's meat grinder is becoming more and more energetic, Lu Yuan is also using the basic four-machine formation to continue to provide her with new air combat drone reinforcements.

When the first batch joined the battle, Lu Yuan had already sent an entire aviation squadron, with a total of six four-plane formations and 24 fighter planes.

In this way, it is guaranteed that the meat grinder on the swallow side will not be blunt due to the rust of the blade and the efficiency will not be lowered.

Yes, even if the Swallow’s meat grinder is pressing the opponent, after all, people have stumbled and stumbled. Once some flaws in the formation are caught by the opponent, under the huge number of deadly impacts of the opponent, Swallow is here. It is impossible to be unharmed forever.

For this reason, Lu Yuan’s reinforcements are very necessary.

Fortunately, as the battle continues, the drones whose deep learning algorithms in their main control systems are also running continuously, as long as they survive, their combat effectiveness, especially the combat effectiveness that adapts to the current set of tactics, will rise linearly. .

As a result, twenty minutes after the air battle, the drone that initially rushed into the enemy line with the swallows had no more losses.

And as they shared the updated optimal algorithm with the newly added drones that have been connected to the tactical data link on the Yanzi side, the efficiency of the entire meat grinder has more than doubled.

Their efficiency surged, and the situation of the opposing pterodactyl would inevitably deteriorate accordingly.

At this time, the reconnaissance drone that had been given a respite due to the existence of the air combat meat grinder had fled to a relatively safe distance, and began to cooperate with the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft just sent by Lu Yuan to conduct reconnaissance on the battlefield.

Lu Yuan didn't use high-altitude reconnaissance planes before, because this thing itself seemed to be too conspicuous to Aschalotar, who mastered flying saucer technology, by mid- and low-altitude reconnaissance planes.

In addition, if this thing requires high precision, more sophisticated equipment or even larger volume is required.

Although at an altitude of 10,000 meters, there is a high probability that there is no need to worry that those pterodactyls will catch up and attack, but Lu Yuan has never forgotten that the opponent has a flying saucer.

If they didn't use it before, it doesn't mean they will never use it.

Especially in the face of a large-scale high-altitude reconnaissance plane, such a thin-skinned, juicy and nutritious enemy, it is impossible for the opponent to remain indifferent.

So even if the flight altitude of conventional drones is likely to be attacked by the enhanced pterodactyl, Lu Yuan’s initial dispatch is still the same.

But the situation is different now.

The most critical point is that Lu Yuan's reconnaissance mission has been exposed, and even close-range air combat has been conducted for nearly half an hour.

Fearing that as soon as the high-altitude reconnaissance plane was dispatched, Aschalotar, who had been controlled at high altitude, realized that his worries were completely non-existent now.

As for the other party using flying saucers to attack high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, Lu Yuan was even more afraid that they would not come.

To be honest, Yanzi's previous performance far exceeded Lu Yuan's expectations.

The biggest gain, of course, is the large amount of time and space points she has obtained by commanding the fighter group to slaughter the strengthened pterodactyls.

Even though all the aircraft on the battlefield have been shot down, including the two high-altitude reconnaissance planes that were sent out by Lu Yuan not long ago, the space-time points obtained by Lu Yuan will be taken directly from the crossing store. After making up, there is still a balance.

Except for an aircraft.

Or, the people on that aircraft.

That is, the commander-in-chief fighter that Swallows boarded.

The cost of the fighter itself is not high, of course it is much higher than the average air combat drone.

Although its prototype is Lu Yuan’s giant dragon drone that actually uses a full set of dragon skeletons on the plane of Nin as its keel, but in order to reduce its size and cooperate with the drone’s operations, this manned drone does not have it. Use the dragon skeleton.

The keel is composed of a dozen strengthened pterodactyl bones.

In this way, the volume and weight of the whole machine are greatly reduced, and the cost is naturally reduced a lot.

And its rated capacity, except for the additional passenger swallow on the load, and the corresponding system on the electronic equipment that can command the aviation formation composed of hundreds of fighters in real time, it is not much different from other air combat drones. .

Of course, even so, in the case of excessive load, the fighter must be able to achieve its previous performance, and other systems, including the power system, also need to be upgraded.

It's like wanting a sprinter to run 120 pounds when he is 160 pounds, so he can only make his leg muscles more developed than before and more skilled.

All in all, Lu Yuan succeeded in the end, otherwise he would not let Yanzi go to the front line in person.

Moreover, if only observed with the naked eye, the appearance of her fighter plane is almost exactly the same as other air combat drones, except that the former is larger in size.

Anyway, if there is no high-intelligence commander with particularly good eyesight to come to the front line, Lu Yuan does not think that the intelligence displayed by the lizardmen legion can distinguish the swallows.

But now, if the entire formation of fighters is wiped out, the Swallows will naturally be shot down.

This is the main reason why Lu Yuan has fought this air battle to the present.

If the high-altitude reconnaissance plane was sent, even if the flying saucer that Ascharotar had not released until now was brought out, Lu Yuan would not be annoyed by the shooting down of the high-altitude reconnaissance opportunity, but would be directly affected by the flying saucer because of the disguised lowering of the swallow. The chance of an attack is quite relieved.

However, the situation on the battlefield was once again beyond his expectations.

As the new formation of reconnaissance planes completed the reconnaissance near the air combat battlefield, most of the previously misty parts on the real-time dynamic map of the battlefield in front of Lu Yuan were illuminated.

Even the three- and three-layer pterodactyls surrounding the air combat drone meat grinder formation were also marked.

With the support of these battlefield data, Yanzi has always been in a passive defensive meat grinder position, and can also target the gap in the pterodactyl formation to counterattack.

In addition, the two sides have been moving westward, at this time the distance to the East Madre Mountains where the Luyuan ground troops are located is less than 150 kilometers.

It won't take long for Lu Yuan's self-propelled artillery ambushing in the dense forest of the mountains to join the strangulation of the pterodactyl forces.

In other words, it won't be long before the pterodactyl forces will usher in an inevitable failure.

However, at this time, Lu Yuan thought that Aschalotar's UFO hole card in his hand was still not played.

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