Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 928: Paleocene and Eocene extreme heat events

Lu Yuan did not believe that Evelyn Loki had no such vehicles that had appeared in Los Santos.

Even if there are not many, there should still be one or two.

But she hasn't played this card until now. What could be the reason?

Is there other tasks, and now the clone is lacking?

Or does the opponent think it is not the time to play such an important hole card?

"Which one is it?"

Looking at the battle on the real-time dynamic picture, Lu Yuan whispered thoughtfully.

However, his thoughts are destined not to have any results in a short time, not to mention that a voice will soon pull him out of his thoughts.

"Ni (g), um, sir? The enemy has entered the coverage of my air defense firepower, do you want to attack?"

Eliza, who is in charge of the self-propelled artillery, said so.

"What?" Lu Yuan hurriedly took a closer look at the map, and found that the pterodactyls surrounding the outermost circle of the meat grinder air combat formation had entered the attack range of the self-propelled artillery.

In other words, these guys flying at an altitude of about 1,500 meters are less than ten kilometers away from the ground forces ambushing in the dense forest of the mountains.

However, this is only the outermost pterodactyl, and the swallow's meat grinder formation is still dozens of kilometers away.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan chose to let Eliza hide for a while.

Not only that, as early as the beginning of the air battle, he had ordered the main ground troops to withdraw from the periphery of the mountains, as far as possible from the plains of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Because so far he has only exposed his own air force.

Once the ground troops also attacked the pterodactyl, it was equivalent to taking the initiative to give away the position of their large troops.

Although Lu Yuan doubted that the other party would dare to send ground troops into the mountains and dense forests to fight against him, Lu Yuan didn't think it was necessary to take this risk.

Moreover, he has not forgotten that point, that is Aschalotar, in their language, means the son of the jungle.

These green lizards call themselves the sons of the dense forest, which shows that they are familiar with this landform.

Lu Yuan’s troops were able to keep pressing against each other. Apart from the fact that the spider-chassis chariot's movement speed in the dense forest was not low, the most important reason was that Lu Yuan had never relaxed its movement.

Until not long ago.

Therefore, he did not want to expose his main force position to the opponent because of a momentary negligence, even if it was some pterodactyls who seemed to have a bad brain.

However, the situation on the battlefield afterwards seemed to say to him, you think too much.

When Yanzi's commander-in-chief fighter also entered the coverage of the self-propelled artillery, Lu Yuan finally signaled that Eliza could attack.

After sharpening her knives in the forest for a long time, Eliza, who had just been waiting for the self-propelled antiaircraft artillery heat engine, which had just been expanded to nearly a hundred by Lu Yuan, immediately launched a fierce attack on the pterodactyl troops in the air.

Although these anti-aircraft guns are not as powerful as the airborne coil guns, they have a large number and a fast rate of fire. One serve can’t be compared, ten rounds are almost the same, hundreds of rounds are barely enough, but what if it’s a few thousand rounds?

With the firepower of the quadruple-mounted 40mm anti-aircraft cannon, as long as the opponent is within the range, let alone these pterodactyls, the true keel dragon drones far away will not be able to get any benefits. Take out the firing range before the armor is pierced.

As a result, those pterodactyls that surrounded the swallows were killed for less than half a minute.

At this time, Yanzi obviously also connected the data link with Eliza, and under the cooperation of the two parties, they even developed the original meat grinder blade array into a space-ground one.

It gave Lu Yuan the feeling that this meat grinder had only a secondary blade on the top position before, but now it has also added a pair of blades on the bottom.

The most nonsense is that the two meat grinder blades also use a linkage mechanism, which not only does not interfere with each other, but also cooperates with each other to make the efficiency skyrocket again.

As a result, just a minute later, the sky near the East Madre Mountains ushered in a clear sky.

And when the ground troops of the Lizardmen Legion rushed from the foot of the mountain, the swallow's air combat drones had already been recovered by the launch vehicle. Under the cover of Eliza's support troops, they quickly retreated towards the Mesa Plateau.

The only one waiting for the ground troops of the Lizardmen Legion was the napalm mine that Eliza left in this dense forest when she left.

This thing sounds quite bluff, but it is not much troublesome to make than ordinary anti-infantry mines.

The biggest feature is that the warhead has been replaced from high-explosive fragments to napalm.

Of course, in order to maximize the power, a process is added to it, that is, after the enemy triggers the landmine fuze, the napalm is first spread as evenly as possible to a larger area, and then an open flame is emitted to ignite the fuel in the air. .

Speaking of it, it is similar to the cloud explosive bomb and thermobaric bomb.

It's just that the cost of napalm is lower.

With the number of napalm mines left by Eliza, it was enough to burn the rainforest on the east side of the East Madre Mountains.

If it were not for a large area at the highest point of the mountain that was free of combustibles, and the trees at the low junction were fired in advance by Lu Yuan, perhaps the fire could ignite the entire mountain.

Even so, when the ground forces of the Lizardmen Legion set off mines, the forest on the east side instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames and became a living **** on earth.

Well, according to the normal timeline, there is no human in this era. Naturally, there is no concept of the human world, or hell.

Then call it, open-air grill box, um, lizard special edition.

And because of the weather or temperature, this barbecue box will not go out for a long time.

The Eocene, 50 million years ago, was the second generation of the Paleogene.

The boundary between it and the first generation, the Paleocene, is the famous Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM).

In this event that occurred 55.5 million years ago and lasted no more than 200,000 years, the average temperature of the entire earth increased by 5 to 8 degrees Celsius.

According to the research of later generations of humans, the cause of this extreme heat event can definitely be related to volcanism and uplift, but the specific proportion is still uncertain.

What is certain is that, to put it simply, the proportion of carbon in the ocean and the land has been greatly reduced during this period.

Then the corresponding carbon elements should be transformed into gaseous state into the atmosphere.

The simplest and most stable form of carbon in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, but some people believe that there were also a large number of methane gas clathrates (combustible ice) that were buried deep at the bottom of the ocean in this event. Release into the atmosphere.

In short, the large-scale emission of these greenhouse gases in a short period of time is considered to be the main cause of the greenhouse effect and the extreme heat event.

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