Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 929: What's for dinner?

So, how hot is it?

Well, the polar regions of later generations are places where the temperature is usually below minus 30 degrees, and minus 50 degrees is normal. There is actually a part of the temperature between minus fifteen degrees and minus 25 degrees all year round.

The temperature unit is degrees Celsius without special instructions.

The hot and humid tropical rain forest has even extended to around 45 degrees north latitude.

If it's not intuitive enough, maybe imagine the northeast region of China, not the "Changbai Mountain" covered with snow and coniferous forests, but a tropical rain forest in the Amazon River basin.

If tropical rain forests have appeared at 45 degrees north latitude, then the northernmost latitude is 21.6 degrees north, and the southernmost latitude is 15.9 degrees north. What will happen to the Yucatan Peninsula in the tropical zone between 23 degrees north latitude?

No, let alone the Yucatan Peninsula in the south, it is the Mesa Plateau itself. This area between 33 degrees north latitude and 16 degrees north latitude is mostly within the later tropical divisions. What would it be like?

Well, one thing needs to be said again. As mentioned before, although North America and South America were separated from Asia, Europe and Africa in the east, 50 million years ago, they have not yet squeezed together.

In other words, the mountains near the boundary between North and South America in later generations have not yet appeared. Instead, there is a vast ocean.

And the area between the two is not as short as the strait. If you ignore the middle group of islands that will basically surface but are still under the water, the distance between the two continents is even shorter than that of China. The distance from the capital to the southernmost point is still great.

So correspondingly, although the latitude of each region at this time is not too far from the later generations, there is still some.

In addition, because the western mountains of North America were formed during this period, the new Mesa Plateau, where Luyuan traveled most of the time, has a high altitude.

As a result, although the overall temperature is still hot, it is not unbearable.

At least for the far away side who has air conditioning in the vehicle and only four flesh and blood in the entire team, it is not unbearable.

However, in the four seasons of the year (if this is also called four seasons), the average minimum temperature can also hover around 25 degrees, and the maximum temperature can easily exceed 35 degrees. If it were not for the presence of flourishing vegetation, the temperature would have been even higher.

But will it not be uncomfortable if the temperature does not continue to rise?

how come.

Because of the dense rain forest, it can leave a lot of moisture in the air. The relative humidity of the air is above 95% all year round. A relative humidity of 100% means that the water in the air has reached saturation.

Deep in this environment, the experience can never be called good.

And this is because later generations of mountains on the east and west sides of the plateau blocked the entry of clouds into this area, which caused a significant drop in precipitation, which has not yet reached the height of later generations.

Otherwise, with the relative decrease in precipitation, some areas are afraid it will be even hotter.

However, this is the climate on the Mesa Plateau, which has a relatively high altitude.

As for the eastern part of the plateau, the low and flat Yucatan peninsula predecessor, and its southern highlands, the Mesoamerican volcanoes that appeared only after the compression of the Cocos plate and the Caribbean plate that appeared 27 million years later Band, it naturally does not appear now.

So this flat area is called a north-south transparency. Coupled with the relationship of latitude, the northeast trade wind keeps blowing all the year round.

Blocked by mountains, the trade wind from the Northeast Sea will bring massive precipitation.

That's how the rainforests on the Mesa Plateau came from behind Lu Yuan.

But if the north-south is transparent, the water in the sky has not found the time to drop, it will be taken away from the mainland by the wind behind him.

As a result, in this flat and low area, the vegetation is not as dense as the mountains.

However, in addition to the trade winds, the warm north equatorial current from the east also acts on this area.

Therefore, this flat Yucatan will not become a tropical desert, and it can generally support a tropical grassland.

And the most affected by this warm current of warming and humidification from east to west, I am afraid that it abruptly appeared in front of it, preventing it from further westward East Madre Mountains.

As a result, this mountain foothill has almost become the area with the most precipitation nearby.

Yes, Luyuan set up a napalm mine to create an area with a special version of an open-air grill for lizards.

However, it is obvious that there is so much precipitation here, why do you still say that the fire in the barbecue box will not go out for a long time?

Well, it seems like why the rainforest fires in later South America can burn for two or three weeks.

First, a warm and humid environment is suitable for both vegetation and microorganisms.

In the lower layer of densely-vegetated rainforest, there is an environment similar to swamp full of biogas.

And this fire was ignited by the "criminal" guy Lu Yuan with napalm.

The combination of napalm and the accumulation of biogas from the rainforest can easily allow the first wave of fire to burn the wet rainforest into more flammable dry coke.

According to the observation of Luyuan UAV, before the first wave of napalm was completely consumed, a considerable part of the rainforest vegetation had already been dried and participated in the combustion.

The rainforest vegetation is so, those lizardmen who were burned to death can not escape the fate of the second wave of burning.

As a result, this fire has a tendency to burn for several weeks.

At this time, I had already retreated to Luyuan on the west side of the mountain range. Watching the video footage sent back by the reconnaissance helicopter on the command vehicle screen, there was not only the success of the strategy, the triumph of the chasing army, but the joy of successfully rescuing the swallows. .

But deep in my heart, there was also some shock, maybe, there was also a trace of fear of the magnitude of the disaster he could cause.

It's a bit like the fear of just piercing the other person's skull with a punch when he is only fighting on the street.

When it comes to fire and burn things in the woods, it's not that he has never done it.

In the swamp on the main plane of Swallow, he used this method to kill the real bodies of three witches.

However, the fire that time was incomparable to this time.

If we only burned a pond last time, or only a few hundred acres of artificial lake, then this time, I am afraid that it will directly burn a piece of sea. Although it is only the size of the Bohai Sea, it is also a sea.

Moreover, there were only some stinky fish and shrimps in the pond last time, and no large animals were seen.

This time, only the lizardmen directly photographed by the front reconnaissance aircraft, counted as many as thousands.

And this, I am afraid that there is not even one percent of the total.

However, since it was the enemy and the fellow's accomplice, Lu Yuan's fear of life originating from the instinct of life was quickly dispelled or suppressed.

At the same time, looking at the burnt roasted lizards, Lu Yuan suddenly felt a familiar smell, like roasted bullfrogs on a barbecue stall in summer.

"Okay, have a grilled lizard for dinner! It was so happily decided!" Lu Yuan muttered, swallowing his saliva unconsciously, as if recalling some kind of pleasant experience.

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