However, he quickly calmed himself down, shook his head and threw the missing ones out of his mind, thinking carefully about a few strange places in this battle.

At present, although the tropical grasslands of the Yucatan Peninsula are not as rich as the rainforest, they have been turned into a grazing base for the Lizardmen Legion by Ascharlotar because of the flat terrain.

In this way, it happens to be able to defend the Chicxulub Meteor Crater at the northwestern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula with a massive army of lizardmen.

For Lu Yuan's air combat troops, they also prepared a large number of reinforced pterodactyls for defense here.

Moreover, even if the latter’s combat tactics are quite primitive, it seems to Lu Yuan that a few low-cost improvements can double its performance, but it’s such a primitive reinforced pterodactyl unit that also gives the swallows. The air force caused great pressure.

At the same time, Lu Yuan was 100% sure that the opponent's high-altitude high-speed saucer-shaped aircraft's bottom card was still not playing.

This makes the Yanzi Air Force's hidden pressure at least an order of magnitude higher.

Moreover, if the opponent has already reached this level of pterodactyl's reinforcement, and with that daunting number, Lu Yuan does not believe that the opponent will still make no progress in the ground troops.

The combination of several issues made Lu Yuan's next move full of uncertainty.

No, it should be said that the risk will increase exponentially. This is already certain.

What is uncertain is how high the risk will be.

The most troublesome thing is from the East Madre Mountains to the Chicxulub Crater. Even if you take the shortest land route, you can walk an arc along the plain or grassland coastline, which is not only a thousand kilometers away, but also a whole There is no risk to defend a map of Pingchuan on the road.

This is a good thing for the mobilization of troops within the country, but it is a mixed blessing in combat.

Because of such convenient transportation, the speed of our side was increased, and the speed of the enemy's march was also increased.

If you add that this is the base camp of the Lizardmen Legion, and the amount of Lizardmen Legion along the way is like a shadow, then the terrain of Yimapingchuan is simply a disaster on the far side.

What's more, the reason why Luyuan’s previous sports battles were quite impressive was largely because most of the ground vehicles were installed with spider-type mechanical leg chassis, which allowed them to be in the soft and wet rain forest with dense vegetation. Maintained the advantage of mobility.

In the open and flat grassland landscape, the off-road ability of the spider's mechanical leg chassis is greatly restricted, but the problem of not being fast enough will become prominent. Its maximum travel speed is not even comparable to that of a crawler type, let alone a wheeled type.

It can be said that as long as it leaves the dense forest on the plateau, Lu Yuan's entire mechanized unit will lose most of its advantages, which is tantamount to voluntarily falling into the encirclement of the enemy.

Lu Yuan really needs to plan carefully how this battle will be fought next.


the other side.

Later, in the outskirts of La Venta, a small town in the southwest of Coatzacuarques, Veracruz, near the Olmec Temple where the smoking mirror was held in the 15th century.

A stone observatory that is at least 30% similar to the Olmec Temple, several tall humanoids wearing leather armor and a crown, who look exactly the same, are arguing fiercely on the top of the observatory.

"I told you a long time ago that that guy is by no means a rash man who fought his life in the dark world only by brute force! He has definitely guessed the position of his body long ago!"

"Otherwise, it is impossible for him not to go to places like Liberty City or Sin City, instead he has been dangling in the Mesa Plateau!"

"He is clearly building up his strength in order to one day break through the Yucatan Peninsula!"

One of them shouted angrily.

"If you had listened to me long ago, even if you fight with him, you will have to grab important strategic resources in the Mesa Plateau. Even if he can rush here now, he can't have such a huge army!"

"Look at the fire, there is our entire vanguard army, an entire army of 100,000! At least half of our strength on the Western Prairie! Was it roasted in such an instant?"

"If these troops only need to face him alone, even if you count the sporadic teammates around him, just stand there and let him chop casually, not to mention that he is similar, and he can directly chop until our mission is completed!"

"But now, hum!"

"What's the use of saying this now? 4234? Shows you smart? Didn't you agree to the previous battle plan?" The other person snorted coldly.

"Furthermore, when the vanguard troops rushed into the mountains, you were the happiest. Have you ever said that you should be alert to traps?"

"Now let's talk about it, making it clear that I want to shirk responsibility? Is it interesting?"

"2234, what did you say?" The first person glared at him immediately, as if he was about to draw his sword at the next moment.

"Alright, okay, you two will not say a few words," the third person hurriedly stopped the two people who were about to fight at any time, and turned to the fourth person, "1234, you are the boss, you say, now we what to do?"

"As we discussed before," the boss called 1234 thought casually, "Judging from the fact that that guy has sent so many reconnaissance units, he is probably ready to attack the mountain at any time."

"But fortunately, in the air battle just now, although we lost a little bit more, it could scare him more or less for a while."

"At least, I can wait for the first two batches of new units sent above."

"Moreover, we only show this degree of combat power, and we won't be so scared that he dare not attack again, and instead think of other ways to slip over."

"Or maybe come up with something new."

"Hey, this guy is really strong in hands-on ability. The body has pulled the battlefield to this era, and actually let him build a mechanized army, which has evened out our advantage in the cold-blooded legion."

"That's why you insisted on losing two entire tribes of pterodactyls and not letting them use the second form to attack?" 4234 over there asked thoughtfully.

"Not bad." 1234 nodded.

"As for those vanguard troops, the loss is lost. There is no need to care about the cannon fodder that can grow in less than ten days."

"In fact, if he can take the initiative to come out of the mountain, it will be more beneficial to our ground forces. It's a pity that our mission is not to annihilate his troops."

"However, fortunately, our task is not to annihilate him..."

"So?" the other person asked with some impatience.

"Haha, be patient, 3234," the boss chuckled lightly, "I heard from the guy next to the ontology, and it was killed by the guy on the other side, even if it was us, I can't reappear."

"The same goes for being killed by his men."

"In other words, we will die, just like the dozen or so people he killed before."

"That's why we didn't forcibly rush into the Mesa plateau before."

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