Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 932: The beginning of the war

With that said, this 1234 raised his eyes and looked at 4234, whose face was a little ugly.

"However, 4234 is right. This opponent is different. I am afraid that those big Isu who claim to be the gods of wisdom are not as difficult to deal with as him."

"Alas, as the ontology said, even the lowest-level space-time travelers may cause us great trouble."

"Furthermore, even if we beat him for a while, we are not sure if we really killed him completely."

"It would be more troublesome if you let him run away and turn into him in the dark and I am in the light."

"As a last resort, we'd better not be stuck with this kind of brown candy."

"So," 1234 turned his head back and looked at the other Loki clones, "We still have the sole goal of completing the tasks issued by the ontology. Don't make too much trouble, do anything superfluous, and of course, don't do anything less!"

"We, as long as we hold him for another three months, that's enough!"


Time flies.

Three, cough cough, unfortunately, not three months later, not even three weeks later, but only three days later.

"Are you ready? Everyone?" Looking at the plain or the endless sea of ​​lizards on the grassland, Lu Yuan slightly controlled the eagerness in his heart, clenched his fists, and asked in the team channel.

"Reload the troops, ready." Turner will always be the most timely one.

"Firepower camp, preparations are complete." Jiyong also followed closely.

After that was Eliza, "Machine Infantry Battalion, Air Defense Battalion, Mortar Battalion, preparations are complete."

Yanzi, "A team of air combat, preparations are complete."

Rosecuff, "The Second Air Combat Team, preparations are complete."

Based on the last accident, Lu Yuan used most of the points he harvested to double the number of air combat drones.

As a result, this exceeded the current upper limit of real-time command in the swallow battlefield, so Rosecuff had to be sent out alone to personally command the second aviation group.

"Rocket Camp, ready to go."

After Rosecroft, Siafi also spoke.

"Very good." Lu Yuan nodded, and immediately linked all the data of the people to the chain of command, and at the same time shared with them the real-time data of the various reconnaissance units in his hands.

Looking at the mechanized troops scattered throughout the rainforest of the East Madre Mountains that stretch for hundreds of kilometers, Lu Yuan has a sense of grandeur that I have in the world.

Especially after seeing the small half of the eastern foot of the mountain range destroyed by the previous fire, this sense of arrogance became even stronger.

However, he still controlled his mood as much as possible. After making some real-time adjustments, he confirmed that the units in the tactical data link were fully in place before he told everyone, "The logistics unit is on standby, and the reconnaissance unit is all normal."

"Then Swallow, Rosecuff, get ready. Siafi, let's get started, say hello to those guys opposite!"

"Yes, sir!"

As the chief logistics officer of Lu Yuandi, Siafee had previously been the direct commander of the logistics and reconnaissance forces.

However, he was also the actual operator of the artillery in Luyuan's workspace.

So this time, Lu Yuan needed him to command another army first.

That's the launch vehicle unit mentioned before, from Luyuan's booster rockets reversely modified back to return to the proper use of 122mm rockets.

And most of the warheads of these rockets are napalm, the culprit of the fire on the eastern foothills of East Madre, which is still burning.

After all, Lu Yuan has explored several oil mines on the Mesa Plateau, and gasoline is a relatively well-refined material.

In addition, the rainforest on the south side of the Mesa Plateau, the forest on the north side, and the lush vegetation varieties are complete. Even the gelling agent for the gelation of gasoline can be refined and refined locally, which saves this amount.

Compared with the fragmented warheads that use low-expensive but not cheap TNT Hexogen and other high-explosive pre-loaded iron pieces, these napalm warheads are almost the same as the ones picked up for nothing.

In addition, their actual combat effectiveness in the current hot weather and rich vegetation environment is not low, Lu Yuan will of course choose them as the main force.

The only problem is that the fire caused by using them will inevitably spread quickly to the surroundings in this dry day.

After the fire spread, it was naturally likely to be blocked in front of Lu Yuan's troops.

This must not be overlooked.

However, that is for the future.

Following Lu Yuan’s order, the burning open-air grill in the northern section of the East Madre Mountains, which is the eastern foothills of the mountains, is on the west side, almost near the western ridge, and the rockets are like hail. The series shot out and flew to the eastern grassland dozens of kilometers away.

On the 40-unit rocket launcher, the rockets gush out at a rate of about three shots in two seconds. Even if some direction adjustments are made from time to time in the middle, it takes only one or two minutes before and after, and the 40-unit launcher is enough. Has been emptied.

However, after emptying the preloaded ammunition, these launch vehicles, which were also six-claw spider mechanical leg chassis, did not stop. Instead, they jumped back to the jungle under the mountains on the west side to find their respective predetermined logistics positions.

With the help of the robotic arm there, the newly-built rockets that had just been unloaded there by the logistics supply vehicle were loaded one by one into the launcher.

The classic 122mm rocket used by the BM-21 is designed to take into account the problem of manpower reloading, so even ordinary human soldiers can quickly master the total weight of reloading alone after a little training. But about 70 kilograms of ammunition.

Of course, in fact, in order to improve the overall efficiency, it is the best way to load in pairs.

Since ordinary manpower can do it, the reloading robot arm that Lu Yuan has improved with the industrial robot arm is naturally easier to do.

At least its actual controllable load is much higher than 70 kg, and it is not afraid of exhaustion or not accurate enough.

Soon, of course, it was not as fast as the launch time. About four minutes later, the 40-unit launcher of this rocket launcher was filled with rockets again.

At this time, when it retreated and refilled, another batch of launch vehicles that had just climbed the ridge from the western valley had just finished firing their own ammunition and were about to descend.

So just like four minutes ago, it was these launch vehicles that had retired before to take over the units that had taken their place before.

This is just a fragment.

Enlarged to the entire area, that is the rockets in this mountain range, really like hail in the midsummer torrential rainy day, falling continuously and endlessly.

Judging from the launching position, I felt that the number of these rockets and the high launch frequency were quite shocking.

So, what is their target?

Well, from the picture sent back by the reconnaissance helicopter, Lu Yuan has the feeling of rushing back to Mesopotamia during the Great Flood.

It's the feeling of looking up, the world is full of water.

The sky is a cloudy cloud that rains all the time, and there is no land at all on the ground. It is a vast expanse of ocean.

Now, the water is replaced by napalm, or napalm that is burning or about to burn.

That is, a sea of ​​fire and rain.

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