On the other side, the Lizardmen Legion Grassland Observatory Command Center.

Time goes back to a few hours ago, 359:21:00:XX.

The front line between the mechanized troops and the Lizardmen Legion changed from a stalemate to eastward, that is, the Lizardmen Legion retreated steadily.

"Can't go on like this! With their advancing speed, let's not talk about spending three months with them, or three days!" The Rocky clone 4234 in front of the command table sand table was the first to speak.

Seeing someone speak first, the avatar staff also immediately agreed.

"Yeah, yeah, their advancing speed is too fast, this has to be guarded!"

"Oh! Who would have thought that their troops could be replenished so quickly? Could it be that those metal shrapnel could grow out of the soil?"

"Yes, if we don't solve this problem, no matter how many troops we pile up, as long as we can't quickly smash their front lines, the advantages will still be wiped out by them a little bit!"

"The messenger!" Standing in the main position, 1234, coldly watching the other clones, you "analyze the battle situation" every word and every word, and I know that the influence of squeezing the head of a color feather monitor lizard to rise to power is mostly dissipated. , While continuing to make new calculations, he also roared loudly.

"My Lord God Envoy!" Soon, another Caiyu monitor lizard walked in from the door and answered on one knee beside him.

Seeing that the sand table that was noisy as a vegetable market just now finally calmed down, the avatars looked at themselves with different expressions, as if the color feather monitor lizard that came in evoked the memory of the last time. 1234's mouth could not help but slightly cocked, thinking about these bastards. Sure enough, it still needs to be beaten.

But he didn't waste too much time. After looking around for a week, he immediately asked the Caiyu monitor lizard messenger, "How is the situation on the Mesa Plateau?"

As soon as these words came out, the avatars in front of the sand table became confused again. However, this time it can be found that the performance of several clones is clearly divided into two categories.

One kind is quiet and calm, as if in the chest. Probably not knowing the inside story early, but also guessing.

The other group was surprised and whispered together and wanted to discuss a result, but probably because there was no news channel, and their own intelligence and ability were not enough, they still had nothing to gain.

It can also be seen from this that although these guys are clones of Loki, the **** of deception and fraud, each individual's abilities, especially IQ, still have high and low levels.

Although the high one does not see how high it is, the low one really makes people unable to see where else is like a **** of fraud.

But thinking about it, it can be understood that since someone speaks a Hokkien accent and claims to be a judicial civil servant in the capital to commit phone fraud, they can actually swindle money. It can be seen that even the gods of fraud are not necessarily smart enough.

"Yes, sir." Amidst the avatars or their confidence or uncertainty, the Color Feather Monitor Lizard ordered the soldier to take out a stone or gem material prop with gleaming green light from his waist, fiddle with it a few times, and then recovered. .

"My lord, according to the latest report by the Rangers 40 minutes ago, they have cleared 46 hidden factories hidden by the enemy in the rainforest of the Mesa Plateau and 17 Long Yan, uh, oil extraction site."

Although Caiyu Lizard was a little unfamiliar with the metric unit used by the so-called **** envoys for reporting, it quickly adapted to it.

"During this period, 37 sets of various tank production lines (mainly responsible for large parts and overall assembly) were destroyed, 184 sets of ammunition production lines, 831 various parts, 3210 tons of ammunition, and 670 barrels of oil."

"At present, the clearance area has reached two-thirds of the entire Mesa Plateau. I believe that by dawn tomorrow, all the enemy's logistics supply lines in the Mesa Plateau can be destroyed!"


At this time, the clone with the lowest IQ also understood what was going on, and the sand table became noisy again.

However, this time it changed the worry and anxiety before, instead it was filled with the cheerful atmosphere of victory right in front of him, and also mixed with some compliments to 1234's forward-looking plan.

In this sound, although several people had already noticed something wrong, they looked at the faces of the people around them, and looked at the complacency that 1234 could not conceal even if they tried their best to control them. Finally, they swallowed their words again. .

Anyway, it shouldn't be long before these guys will discover the problem.

In fact, the situation is changing faster than everyone expected.

Because they didn't know, the color feather monitor lizard messenger who had just come to report on the completion of the "bottom draw" mission on the Mesa Plateau took away another secret order issued by 1234 when he left.

That is, summon all the large and heavy armored dinosaurs of the Tyrannosaurus family nearby, and organize a medium-sized dinosaur cavalry regiment of the Trisaurus family to cover, launch a counterattack against the enemy's mechanized forces, and strive to directly overwhelm the opponent's main line of troops.

In this way, because most of its logistics supply base on the Mesa Plateau has been cleared, enemies who cannot complete the supply in a short time will not only withdraw for a thousand miles because of the collapse of the front, but also will be flanked by the east and west sides of the Lizardmen Legion.

Then the avatars dragged Lu Yuan and the others to the task, and they could finish their work in one go and directly overfulfill them.

In the main seat, 1234, with a calm face that can't hide his joy, half of that complacent look comes from this longing for the future.

However, only half an hour later, as another Caiyu monitor lizard came to report in a hurry, the spring breeze on the face of 1234 immediately became a black pot bottom.

"What did you say?"

"completely annihilated?"

"How can it be?!"

"Isn't the tyrannosaurus gathered enough? The assault team composed of nearly two hundred has been wiped out like this?" 1234 couldn't believe it.

"My lord, this is the site information sent back earlier." The colorful feather monitor hurriedly took out a large gem that was similar to the one in the previous hand, and also sprinkled with dark green light.

When the monitor lizard fiddled with the dark emerald jewels, looking for related information, 1234 waved his hand and snatched the jewel directly, crushed it and swallowed it in his mouth, closing his eyes at the same time.

Soon, he quickly read the information in the dark emerald in this way, and figured out what was going on ahead.

The performance of the Lizardmen Legion is not bad, at least it perfectly executed the task orders issued by 1234.

But it turned out that our side lost again.

The reason was that the opponent had a reserve team, and it was timely added to the gap that was broken by the assault team.

However, it was clear that the opponent's supply base on the Mesa Plateau had been cleared two-thirds by his own Rangers.

And most of the remaining third is still far away from the northwestern area of ​​the Mesa Plateau.

Why can the opponent have so many reserve teams?

"What the **** is going on?" Seeing 1234 silently, the other clones couldn't bear to ask.

At the same time, because the dark green gem was damaged by 1234, the color-feathered monitor lizard squatting on the ground was already trembling, and starting from its feet, it seemed to be withering and aging.

Obviously, the dark green gems not only have the function of recording information, but they are also some kind of energy supply device for these colorful feather monitor lizards.

Fortunately, in order for it to answer the question above, 2234, who asked the question, condensed a dark green energy ball in the palm of his hand, approached the dying color-feather monitor lizard, temporarily used his magic power to power it, while his eyes were burning. Look at it, motioning for it to answer.

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