Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 954: Magic stone, sand table, battlefield

"2234! What do you mean? Do you want to go beyond your authority?" 1234, who was getting very upset by the frontline intelligence, just like to catch a gas barrel, handily put a hat on 2234.

Strictly speaking, since the Caiyu monitor lizard is implementing the secret order issued by 1234, it is also reporting to him, and the "magic stone" has also been removed. This subtext in the lizardman legion command system is to seal it, which is equivalent to referring to these. The information is confidential and it is up to 1234 to decide whether or not to report it.

Now 2234 asked directly without saying anything. After 1234 did not answer clearly, he actually chose to use his own dark green energy to temporarily relieve the messenger of the colorful feather monitor lizard that would be completely withered after being picked off the "magic stone", and I also asked the latter directly.

If this behavior has to go online, it is indeed an act of ultra vires or even usurpation, as 1234 said.

Fortunately, the military regulations of the entire Lizardmen Legion are not elaborate or absolute. Instead, they are full of primitive, rough, and just useable flavors.

What's more, although they got the code points 1234 and 2234, they are essentially Loki clones, and although their strengths are different, they have nothing to do with their superiority and inferiority. So under this structure, usurpation is Impossible to exist.

Exceeding one's authority is more of a verbal statement, and the real punishment is nothing more than silence for a period of time.

In fact, it's not much different from swearing on the street and cursing people for a while.

However, the rank of 2234 is obviously higher than the level of being slurred.

He did not respond to the ultra vires accusation on the 1234 side at all, and directly pursued the core issue, "What happened?"

"What annihilated?"

"1234! You are temporarily assigned the position of commander-in-chief by the ontology, but all of us are also clones of the ontology and have the same command power!"

"If you cause all of our troops to suffer a blow to the extent that the entire army is annihilated, we have the right to intervene!"

"If you don't talk about it, or if you find it hard to tell, you can let him come!"

2234 pointed to the colorful feather monitor lizard who had stepped into the ghost gate, but was still indifferent and expressionless.

His remarks not only tied other people to his side, but also implicitly answered 1234's allegations of ultra vires.

He rescued the Caiyu monitor lizard messenger not to go beyond his authority, but to have another channel for obtaining information when 1234 was inconvenient to speak.

A passage, both offensive and defensive, finally has the appearance of a somewhat cunning god.

Facing the 2234 set of combined punches with needles hidden in the cotton, 1234 grimly thought for a while, then slowly walked to the side of the Caiyu monitor lizard, stretched out his hand to grab its feather crown, and stared at 1234 on the opposite side.

In his eyes that seemed to be silently saying "Walk and See", the other hand quickly waved, and the head of the Color Feather Monitor Lizard was cut off from its neck.

"You!" 2234 also didn't expect that they would talk to the other person and kill them directly, and would rather kill the Caiyu monitor lizard than let him have the right to punish intelligence.

However, 2234 seemed to be anxious, but his heart was like a mirror, and he immediately grasped what was wrong.

After all, before 1234 used the color feather monitor lizard to stand up, but directly squeezed the head of a monitor lizard directly, it would not be such an exquisite method of cutting the head with a dagger.

He is doing this now, and there must be fraud in it.

Thinking about it this way, 2234 had no other actions except for the initial sound, even more extreme behaviors.

The only big action was to withdraw the dark green energy in the palm of the hand, and let the headless corpse of the color feather monitor lizard wither instantly into a pile of mud.

Seeing that 2234 was so calm, 1234, who had been staring at him, also curled his lips in a pity. Knowing that the clone on the opposite side was also not low in intelligence, he put away his plan to take the opportunity to harm him. The head of the colorful feather monitor lizard, which had not dripped blood, walked to the sand table.

When he puts his head on the sand table, it is like squeezing a sponge full of water, squeezing out the blood, brain, etc. from the head, and dripping it on the sand table, the base of the sand table actually seems to be alive, directly leaving behind The liquid is sucked dry.

After the remains of the colored feather monitor lizard's skull that was finally thrown on the sand table by 1234 was also swallowed, a more three-dimensional, more detailed three-dimensional holographic battlefield map suddenly appeared on the sand table.

As the units of the arms also appeared on the battlefield images, there was a direct interpretation of the 3D animation movie, which was exactly the scene on the battlefield when the Tyrannosaurus commando raided the spider main battle tank.

This is actually a video of the battlefield based on the dark green magical energy and the main perspective of the lizardman.

However, from the performance point of view, the real recording of these scenes should be a small reconnaissance unit flying only at low altitudes within 50 to 20 meters.

Although the content of his observations is very rich, because the height is not enough, there are not many observations of the battle formation on the rear side of Luyuan.

This is also no way.

Even these small flying reconnaissance units, if they appear directly above the Luyuan Armed Forces, will be cleared by drones.

And without the need for air combat drones, even the 7.62MM-caliber guard defense machine guns placed on the reconnaissance helicopters, they can be cleaned up directly.

They can't lean over to see, and they don't even dare to fly high to see. Flying too high will still be discovered by the reconnaissance troops on the Luyuan side, and the end will be a death.

Therefore, only from this sand table holographic projection animation, we can know that the Lizardmen Legion did not no longer invest in the air force, but after losing air supremacy. The air force can only be used for half of the army, but it is used as the army aviation.

Although the holographic projection does not contain too much content on the far side of the road, just a picture of the conflict on the battlefield is enough for these commanders to find the key to the problem.

"They, there are so many reserve heavy equipment troops?" 3234 represented quite a few avatars, "Wait, have the production lines of these tanks appeared in the bases that the Rangers reported before being destroyed by them?"

"Yes, it seems to be a supply base for ammunition and fuel!"

"In other words, the other side has a secret base for producing tanks, which hasn't been found by us?"

"In this case, was it too impulsive to organize the Tyrannosaurus assault team to rashly counter-attack the opponent's main force?"

"Well, it is impulsive, but now, it should be said that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. After all, without this trial, we might not have discovered until now. There are so many secret production bases hidden in the dark on the opposite side. in stock."

Someone hacks it, and somebody holds it. Some people want to take advantage of the fact that 1234's command is unfavorable, and then get a higher benefit. Some people take the opposite approach for the same purpose.

Watching everyone's analysis of what you said and what you said, 1234 slowly finished scoring everyone in his heart, and then coughed softly, "Everyone, there is something you haven't noticed yet."

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