Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 991: Five hundred thousand to three thousand, the advantage lies in me

"What does it look like!"

"Is this scared?"

"No matter how terrible the enemy's firepower is, the total number of combat vehicles can be three thousand?"

"Even if you don’t count the entire Campeche defense zone, it’s Karakmul. There are 10,000 behemoths equipped with God’s Punishment Artillery. There are nearly 100,000 cold-blooded beasts, plus the lizard infantry. Five hundred thousand army!"

"Be timid before fighting, what kind of style is it!"

The local commander numbered 17, this time with the support of his boss, he quickly took the opportunity to shake his majesty and erect his majesty. Otherwise, just like the people under his team, he would lose no matter how he fought this battle. It would be better to just retreat.

Someone has to sing a blushing face, and someone has to sing a blushing face.

Soon, a senior staff officer who came with the commander-in-chief stood up from the conference table and walked to the sand table.

"Allow me to explain a little bit."

"The current spoiler's troops have managed to break through the Yucatan grassland defense zone, but the overall situation has not changed."

"The three-month goal of blocking the enemy requested by Lord Ontology has not become an impossible task because of this."

"Before Chicxulub, I still had Uxmal, Chichen Itza, Campeche fortresses, and several lines of defense such as Karakmul."

"As long as layers of defense are fortified, step by step refusal, and holding the opponent in Karakmul for at least one month, even if it takes three weeks, I will still be able to complete the task smoothly."

After that, the faces of the Rocky clones who were frightened by the deterrence of the firepower in the previous video materials slowly eased.

Seeing a commander and a staff officer in front, a foreign minister approaching a minister, the spirits of everyone in the command center have been mobilized under repeated beatings, and the commander-in-chief 03 in the main position also slowly stood up.

"Since the establishment of the Campeche defense zone, there have been no fewer than fifty wars, both large and small."

"It's hard to talk about merits and demerits."

"But one thing we know is that this is our last line of defense."

"Our clan has risen and fallen, and our mission is all based on this."

"At the time the ontology came to this world, it was like Campeche lays down the foundation for me."

"On the second day after the completion of the Calakmul base, the entire native beasts and birds of the Yucatan Peninsula will be the blood for the growth of our lizards."

"The next rainy season, it was here that I personally led one hundred thousand grass species to expand outward, turning the Yucatan grassland into a lizard pasture."

"I don't understand why everyone is there today, panicking and silent, as if this Karakmul base is destined to be more ill-fortuned for us."

"Twenty years ago, I embarked on an expedition from Karakmul and started my second northward grazing. The entire continent was in my clan's hands."

"Wherever this clan goes, the cold-blooded species once again dominates the earth,"

"It can be said to have taken up all the time!"

"The realm of vigor and vitality is still in sight."

"After just 20 years, is this place changed, and is it my burial place?"

"No matter what you say, the strength of the two sides is 500,000 to 3,000, and the advantage lies with me!"

The Loki avatar below is facing each other, with a lot of words in his chest, and finally only turns into one sentence, "See you all!"

If according to Lu Yuan’s previous suggestion, Turner led the army to hide back to the Mesa Plateau, although it may make the Lizardmen Legion think that they are retreating on their own initiative, and then wait even more languidly for the arrival of the March period, but there will always be people who are suspicious. Will doubt their motives.

After all, the command system of the Yucatan grassland defense zone was completely wiped out, and the troops in the defense zone had no leader, like lambs to be slaughtered.

In this case, instead of chasing after the victory, but retreating the same way, there is always something unreasonable.

What's more, the Campeche defense area has no pressure, and it is likely to follow the attack on the guards that occurred near the Chicxulub teleportation array and directly overtake the road far.

It was equivalent to Lu Yuan's attack on the Green Light Devil's Base Camp while also acting as a bait for Turner and others in the rear.

How can this kind of tactics be carried out by Turner, who is the tactical commander of the traverser team.

In his opinion, he is the one who should provide cover for Lu Yuan.

After he changed his tactics for this, he really attracted the highest vigilance of the Rocky clones in Campeche's defense area.

Although he took advantage of the mechanical legion to unilaterally pursue the slaughter-like chasing of the remnant lizards and dragons scattered by birds and beasts, he did scare many local commanders who had not yet fought him, but the feeling of powerlessness would eventually come after the real fight. , Was quickly smoothed out by the reality of the battle.

At that time, there is still a tough battle waiting for Turner.

However, it is also true that the commanders of the Campeche defense area are attracted.

As a result, there were a few small things near the Chicxulub Teleportation Array that the whereabouts of the guards were unknown, and no one cared.

As for the **** carnival of the giant aquatic beasts in the nearby sea, it was directly regarded by the patrol guards as fighting for food every day. The worst, that is, the few guards who disappeared, became a fresh meal that attracted them.

The power of Luyuan's underwater ultrasonic generator is indeed not small, but not much can be transmitted to the surface of the water after considering the attenuation in the water.

For those torpedoes that specialize in hunting large creatures, the warheads are specially made high-kinetic fragments, similar to bullet mines, so the explosion power itself is not too large. As long as the water depth is higher than two meters during the explosion, there will be no special splashes on the water surface. .

Therefore, the guards did not specifically come to check it out, and it was unlikely that Lu Yuan was doing things in the water.

As a result, two details that may have been exposed were ignored, and the other two suspicious things combined, turned out to be negative and positive, and they were easily overlooked.

And this, in exchange for Lu Yuan's second half of the diving journey, only needs to consider dealing with those mosasaurs, and does not need to be distracted to deal with possible guard patrols.

But even so, when traveling under water at a depth of tens of meters, two types of enemy attacks must be carried out simultaneously, and the speed of Lu Yuan is not much faster.

Without Turner's attracting firepower, he would definitely not be able to go to the present.

Therefore, when he contacted Turner and found that a new action plan was used there, he did not object to it, but repeatedly told Turner and the others to be careful and protect themselves.

However, what Turner didn't tell him was that the enemy in Campeche's defense area had already been engaged over there. Although they were still using firepower to suppress the opponent, the speed of the opponent's defeat was obviously much slower than that of the remnants who had not been led before.

This is destined to be a tough battle.

And Lu Yuan didn't tell the other side that he had already seen the thing and tracked it for a long time, the UFO, the Green Mayflower, which may have been felt for hundreds of years.

The huge flying vehicle with dark green flashes in the black armor of the overall dish shape was so steadily attached to the center of the crater.

From some special angles, it looked like a giant leech or a flea.

Because, in the center of the lower part directly opposite, in the bottom of the sea, there is a rough and thick thing that looks like a root of a tree.

On the flying saucer attached to the upper side, the beam of light exposed in the center of the chassis is inserted into it like a mouthpart, constantly sucking something.

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