Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 992: Roots in the crust

After hanging up the connection with Turner, Lu Yuan carefully looked at the thing that the leech-like UFO mouthpart was sucking. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, and finally exclaimed, "That is, fine gold?"

That's right, the thing that looked like the roots of a tree sucked by that flying saucer was exactly a vein of fine gold with an astonishing amount.

And fine gold is the material and energy source used by the Isu people's light analysis technology.

That is the body of light analysis energy.

Lu Yuan originally guessed that the main base of the green light devil Aschalotar was mostly in the Chicxulub crater, because he believed that the legendary extinction dinosaur was the culprit, and that the dinosaur beast reappeared on the earth. The green light devil must have some connection.

But that is, he thinks more that since the Green Light Devil collected dinosaur materials and modulated them into biochemical beasts, then if they came to this world fifty million years ago, they would definitely not miss this crater.

At most, it's just a suspicion that this crater brings some extraterrestrial object, or energy source, that will be coveted by the green light devil.

The most thought-provoking kind of speculation is just to make up for the meteorite itself, whether it was the mothership of the Green Light Devil.

Their mothership fell and exterminated the dinosaur, but at the same time the escape capsule or transport aircraft on the mothership, that is, the Green Mayflower UFO, escaped from the mothership before it was crushed and evaporated by the impact. By the way, dinosaurs that have not yet been extinct were collected.

So when they want to come back, they will go back to the original point, back to this era, and use some of the remaining things on the mothership to open up a new timeline from this surface again.

To be honest, Lu Yuan himself thought that the last brain hole was too big, and there were too many loopholes, so he didn't take it seriously.

But what he never expected was that reality was even more mysterious than he had guessed.

It turned out that the meteorite that hit the earth was likely to destroy a generation of living things. It didn't bring anything by itself, but it almost penetrated the crust at the same time, exposing the fine gold veins buried deep underground.

Judging from the shape of the exposed veins, the fine gold mines still buried underground are much larger.

No wonder the Green Mayflower will lie here motionless, and will not participate in the war outside.

No wonder there will be a three-month period, Evelyn-Loki will let those Loki clones only stop themselves for three months!

These three months were either the time it took for the Green May Flower UFO to drain the veins, or it was the time it took to absorb enough energy to open up a new timeline.

Judging from the ability of the Isu people's light analysis technology, this kind of thing is not impossible for the green light devil who has sufficient fine gold mines.

In this way, many of my previous doubts and confusions have been answered.

Even the question about how the Isu people developed such a strange and partial civilization has now been answered.

If everything is built on this fine gold mine with special properties, it also makes sense.

As for why this thing is rare on the ground, it seems that humans in normal planes will preferentially thrive near temperate rivers. The first Isu and the first test sites were probably built near this open-air fine gold mine.

With the proliferation of the Isu people, the things that are easy to mine on the surface have all become the light analysis tools of the Isu people, and naturally they will not be left to future generations of humans.

Wanting to understand this, Lu Yuan also slowly unloaded his bulky diving power armor, revealing the inner diving suit that can only withstand the deep water pressure for a few minutes at this time, like a fish swimming in the sea, quickly leaning towards the black flying saucer.

With previous experience of diving into this thing in outer space, Lu Yuan is even more familiar with it this time.

First, build an airtight cabin near the entrance and exit, and then use a compressed air tank to drain the seawater in the cabin and replace it with normal air at about atmospheric pressure. Then, manually open the door of the flying saucer and dispatch a miniature spy robot spider.

After confirming that the air pressure inside and outside were the same, and there was no danger on the opposite side, Lu Yuan also got in by himself.

It's easy to say, Lu Yuan has been busy for more than a few weeks in order to prepare this set of things.

Unknowingly, he actually prepared the tools for future landing warfare against large enemy ships in outer space.

To say that he has never been to that era, how does he know?

Because he made this set of things and sold it to Chuan-chu Store, and he just bought it back from Chuan-Tai Store.

However, this time, crossing the store unexpectedly failed to collect his money.

The reason is that his thing is actually very popular in the crossing store, especially those who were born in the plane before the interstellar age, but want to go to the interstellar age, especially like him.

How to say it, if you keep squeezing your core capitalist, someday you will be given a bonus for a certain project, indicating that the profiteer has made a lot of money on that project.

Lu Yuan asked curiously. The cost of the materials consumed before and after his set was nearly a thousand points, but in the end, the price was only two hundred points, how hot it sold.

After hesitating twice through the store, he finally sent him a document. The data in it showed that in less than two months from Luyuan to the store, the item has been sold for tens of thousands. set.

Even if each set can only earn ten points, and 100,000 points are transferred across the store, Lu Yuan is exempted from the repurchase fee of only 100 points, which is nothing at all.

But the way to build this thing from scratch is far clear, and a profiteer earns far more than ten points per set. I'm afraid it has a hundred points.

With emotion, it is always the capitalists who make the big heads, and the craftsmen can only eat far away. They can only turn grief and indignation into motivation, and cast their anger on the main base of Aschalotar in front of them.

However, everything that happened in front of him soon caused him to suppress the hostility he was eager to vent.

It has nothing to do with the apparently decorated cabin structure.

It wasn't because of the failure to patrol back and forth in the corridor. From the original black armored warrior to the current lizardman infantry guards, they were all wearing colorful feather-bone armor.

It’s because when Lu Yuan found the central control command room-the bridge where the black armor leader Mike Cole was based on the location in his memory, and found Evelyn Loki sitting on the same floating chair. , But found that the guy's current situation is actually quite bad.

Before, on the outer road, I only saw the Green Mayflower flying saucer like a blood-sucking flea, lying on the fine gold veins exposed by the meteorite and constantly sucking. He thought it was the ability of the Green Mayflower itself.

After all, a round hole is exposed in the center of the flying saucer chassis, and it is very common in flying saucers to launch a traction beam to the outside.

This time it was used as a beam mouthpart for sucking gold veins, and there was nothing abnormal.

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