But the problem is that Evelyn Loki, who seems to be closing her eyes in a floating chair, is surrounded by a beam of light, the same thickness as the beam mouthpiece that Lu Yuan saw outside that is sucking the veins. , The color is consistent.

Combined with the position of the floating chair on the bridge, it is exactly in the center of the circular cross-section of the flying saucer, which is consistent with the beam mouthpiece outside. Lu Yuan still doesn't know what's going on?

Evelyn Luo's body is the beam mouthpart.

In other words, it was Evelyn Luo's basic body that was constantly absorbing the light analysis energy in the seabed fine gold veins.

However, this is not all.

In addition to the beam of light around her, there is also a circle of Loki clones. Those guys are using various methods to simultaneously process the light energy absorbed by Evelyn Loki.

Seeing this, the Luo elementary body in the center is acting as an oil pump.

Hiding outside the door and watching with a miniature scout spider for a long time, although Lu Yuan felt that the scene in front of him was a bit weird, after all, just looking at it couldn't solve the problem.

In the end, he was still cruel, and at the same time he broke in, he first shot the Thunder Arrow at the surrounding Loki clones, and then drew out the normal broad-blade arrows to start a targeted elimination of others.

Having dealt with 1234, Lu Yuan knew that when these Loki clones were in certain states, the bond between their consciousness and body would be unlocked.

Being taken out of the body by other Loki clones and putting the consciousness into the magic stone is such a state. It is also a kind of state that absorbs the light energy in the fine gold veins by absorbing magic energy like those who are currently sitting and meditating. .

The Thunderbolt that Lu Yuan had just aimed at was a clone in that state.

And when the Thunderbolt passed through its head, a dark green energy body quickly assembled from its body, and was sucked into the Thunderbolt with a swish, which was obviously resolved.

After that, the Thunder Arrow continued to fly forward, hitting the bridge wall and rebounding in another direction, and then flew by the other clone by the way, taking away one person's consciousness again.

After hitting the wall for the second time and changing the direction of flight, after finally passing by the other two leaders, he happened to return to Lu Yuan's side, was caught in his hand by him, and shot out again.

The last two people before, had already woken up, so it was a pity that the consciousness body could not be sucked out by Thunder God Arrow.

But there is no waste, because Lu Yuan's two arrows have been smoothly sent to the top of the two people's heads, and they have contributed some points to him.

The Rocky clones here may have been repeating this kind of manual labor day and night for too long. Each body is like a patient who has just recovered after lying in a hospital bed for half a year. Even if they wake up and get weapons one after another, they can't catch up. Far attack speed.

However, within a few breaths, all eight people in the surrounding circle were taken.

The consciousness of three of them was included in the Thunder God's Arrow, and the remaining five were directly turned into points.

Looking at the four-digit revenue, Lu Yuan realized that most of these guys had intercepted a lot of benefits from this beam of light.

Although his attack was not loud this time, it would certainly not be spread outside, but the people in the house should still be able to hear the brief noise.

But what made him very strange was that even so, the Luo basic body on the floating chair still sat there steadily, as if he didn't even move his eyelids.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yuan simply picked up Thor Arrow again, and went to Evelyn Loki in the center of the beam of light.

When he thinks about it, even if Evelyn Loki is the main body and cannot **** out his, uh, her consciousness, at least it can make Thunder God Yaru in the soul stone mound on the plane of Nin, be able to face these beings. Take a good meal with the light analysis energy pumped up.

However, at the moment he just touched the energy while holding the Thunderbolt, he felt a trance in front of him, and then some messy memory fragments, as if shattered, hit his mind from the direction of Thunderbolt.

He hurriedly retracted his hand and sorted out the memory fragments a bit, and found that it was very similar to the memory of 1234, which was the memory of training in this flying saucer after being created as a clone of Loki.

Basically useless.

Shaking his head, he raised the Thunder Arrow again, ready to do it again, when suddenly a question came to his mind, "Where did those memory fragments come from?"

"That is, number 04?"

"Why are you so forward?"

"Wait, isn't it the clone of Loki who was just received by me in Thor's Arrow, right?"

Thinking of this, he quickly withdrew Thor Arrow. Unwilling to look at Luo's body in the beam of light, he still gritted his teeth and retreated from the bridge.

Finding an unmanned cabin and sneaking in, he quickly sneaked into the Thunder God's Arrow, and wanted to confirm the three consciousnesses inside, hoping that at least they would not be shattered by the previous impact.

But unfortunately, the human bodies formed by the three consciousnesses are all broken and broken. The stumps and arms are scattered all over the wasteland. There are also a group of skeleton warriors who have also been impacted by special energy and have a more abstract appearance.

The brain of one of the conscious bodies was already torn apart, most of which was the number 04 passed to Lu Yuan's memory fragments.

Although the head of the other one is still intact, the limbs and torso are severely damaged, and most of the shapes of the surrounding plasma B-level films are his contributions.

There was only the last one. Although the leg was broken, the whole person was lying on the ground obliquely, as if he was going to die at any time, but there was still a breath after all.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Yuan didn't dare to delay anymore, took out the second God Realm stone fragment, the Bright Ship, and entered this person's consciousness.

After walking through this person's memory with the method used at 1234, Lu Yuan realized that he seemed to have made a big mistake.

Because this person is the number 02 who removed 1234 from the seat of the commander-in-chief of the Yucatan Prairie Defense Zone.

He gathered a bunch of avatars and intercepted the light analysis energy from the dormant body on the bridge, in order to permanently transform the Luo basic body into a part of the Green Mayflower, a functional component, and an oil pump.

In this way, these avatars can get rid of the limitation of the term "clone" and become the real owners of the flying saucer, and even the real Aschalotar.

Therefore, the clones with different techniques that Lu Yuan saw before actually have their own division of labor, some are extracting energy, and some have to put something similar to sleeping pills into the energy stream, so that Luo Ji's body can sleep all the time.

If you count it this way, it seems that Lu Yuan just made a big mistake.

He killed the enemy's enemy.

However, as Lu Yuan continued to explore this person's memory maze, he sighed again.

Sure enough, the enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend.

This number 02, the reason why he summoned other clones to take advantage of the body's "retreat" to murder her, in the final analysis, is to become the next "her", the real "her".

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