Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 994: Ancient Persian Wind God

According to his plan, in the end, these clones who helped him engage in the ontology together will also be dealt with in various ways.

Because of my abilities, I have assigned the original consciousness of these clones to which Isu number 02, and have designed corresponding "liberation methods" for each clone according to their different personalities.

And the only surviving him will become the absolute king of the next generation of green light devil.

I have to say that from this person's memory maze, Lu Yuan can find that this person's vision for the future has even reached the height of faith.

He really thinks that if he does this, he will reach the top.

But the problem is, in Lu Yuan's view, let alone whether he can succeed, even if he succeeds, isn't he afraid that the next generation will do the same?

What's more, Lu Yuan always felt that with the ability and means he showed in his memory, he couldn't be said to be inferior, but the idea of ​​"undercoming superiority" was too perfect.

There is certainly no major problem in his execution, but if he researched it himself, Lu Yuan felt that it was not quite right.

He is more like, more like being taught.

Is it possible that this method is still an iterative method that Ascharotar has in itself?

Is that Evelyn Loki the final winner of the last iteration?

With this question in mind, Lu Yuan carefully checked the memory fragment numbered 02.

It's a pity, perhaps because the impact of the previous use of Thunderbolt to approach the beam of light around Luo's body was too strong, and the memory fragments of this guy were not complete.

The most fortunate thing is that this person's memory probably didn't have to go to find the secret door. He had escaped from the sealed zone by himself before becoming the Isu consciousness of Loki's clone.

The identity of this Isu, number 02, is Vayu, who belongs to the ancient Persian test site.

According to the memory of the Isu people in Fayu, their ancient Persian test site was basically where Aschalotar was attacked at the same time as the Isu in the Mesopotamian Sumer test site was attacked.

In his guess, his number 02 may have something to do with the time when Aschalotar was captured.

On this point, Lu Yuan's experience during the Sumerian flood may be used to prove it. Perhaps, the missing number 01 is the Sumerian Enki.

Sumer's Enki, and this ancient Persian warrior, are not low in the original test site, but they are not the highest kind.

And it is likely that they are a little cautious.

If Ascharotar had just come to the world of the Isu, choosing them as the initial breakthrough would be logical.

The Enki's plot to usurp the throne is an example, and the same is true of the ancient Persian wind god.

Although in the Zoroastrianism of Ancient Persia, the so-called Zoroastrianism, this Vajra is not one of the protagonists of the binary opposition of good and evil, but he was one of the objects of worship of the local humans long before the advent of this religion. .

It is a pity that with the decline of Zoroastrianism, the story of this posterity can only be seen in the Brahmanism, which has a constant relationship with ancient Persia.

Said that this Fengshen is not good or evil, but also good and evil.

Lu Yuan didn't know much about Zoroastrianism in ancient Persia before, but he has been in the plane of Nin for a long time, and he also knows that in fact the creation myth of the plane of Nin has the flavor of this dualism.

For example, after participating in the creation of the world, the last body became the **** of goodness in the mainland and even the "human world", the eight holy spirits.

For example, he didn't participate in the creation of the world, but just watched the annihilation demon gods coldly.

Also, although he participated in the creation of the world, he did not allow his body to turn into a "human world", but ran back to the light world, leaving behind large and small channels into the sun and stars, the magic **** Magnus and his followers NS.

If you refer to the appearance of the plane of Nin, the Zoroastrian **** of wind, who is also good and evil, will have the taste of Magnus or his followers.

Of course, in fact, it is very likely that it should be reversed. Magnus and others existed, borrowing from Fengshen Fayou and his ilk.

Although these are myths and legends, referring to the character relationship between the gods in the mythology and the Isu deity, Lu Yuan speculates that it is precisely because of the nature of this Chuyu that he is controlled by the green light devil. Later, he can break through the memory seal and retrieve his original consciousness.

But this feeling of both righteousness and evil gave Lu Yuan a strong sense of sight.

After he read all the memories of this guy, he sat down and pondered it quietly, only to find that the character of the wind **** Fayou was so similar to Loki, the so-called **** of pranks.

Was it his nature that kept him out of Loki’s seal, or was it because of his similarity to Loki’s personality, which made it impossible for the seal to distinguish those memories with similar personalities, whether it was Fayu’s or Loki’s? Let him find himself?

To this question, perhaps only by getting the memory of Luo Basic Body can there be a clear answer.

But that seems to mean that there will never be such a clear answer.

After all, Lu Yuan's final task now is to quickly get rid of the Luo elementary body and end the distortion of the face by the green light demons.

In this battle, he is unlikely to have the luck to get the memory of the opponent.

From the 02 clone, Isu came out of the consciousness of Vayu, Lu Yuan cleaned up a little messy mood, and went straight to the bridge again.

Although he couldn't find a perfect solution to Luo's basic body from Fayou's memory, Lu Yuan's previous method was recognized to a certain extent.

Using the Asa God Realm Stone Fragment Thunder God Arrow, which is in the same line with the adamantine vein and the light analysis energy, to communicate the beam of light, and then find the Luo elementary consciousness that is indulged in it, is the most feasible solution for Lu Yuan to solve the guy.

Soon, he returned to the bridge door.

The time in the system had only passed by one minute or another when they left, and the surrounding lizardmen patrols were no exception. Seeing this, Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still held the bow, holding the Thunder Arrow in his palm, pushing the door cautiously, and at the same time guarding the Luo basic body that might explode at any time.

When I fully enter, confirm that Loki over there still has the look of closed eyes and meditation. The micro expressions on his face and the posture of the limbs are all exactly the same as before. Although Lu Yuan is still not completely relieved, at least he does not want to be as nervous as before.

That said, come on!

Secretly cheering himself up, Lu Yuan clasped Thor's arrow in his palm and thrust it straight into Luo's forehead at the center of the light beam of light analysis energy.


At the moment when Thunderbolt touched the beam of light, the previous energy shock reappeared.

This time, without the harassment of the conscious memory fragments in Thunder God's Arrow, Lu Yuan could finally continue to rush forward without hesitation.

As his hand holding Thunderbolt drove deeper and deeper, the resistance flowing back in the beam of light became greater and greater.

Soon, his power attribute, which he had never used with all his strength since he was promoted to the second-order traverser, actually reached its limit.

At this time, his right hand was at least a normal distance away from the Luo elementary body in the center of the beam of light.

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