Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 995: Light analysis energy column

When the power is at its limit, then superimpose your thoughts on it!

Thinking like this in his heart, Lu Yuan gritted his teeth, resisted the recoil, and continued to move forward.

Finally, just when he felt that even his thoughts were about to be exhausted and reached the edge of the limit, the thunderbolt in his right hand, which was moving forward, suddenly stopped, and the point of the arrow had already hit Luo's basic body's forehead.

However, before Lu Yuan decided to settle down, he followed his right hand and looked at Thunder Arrow, but the picture in front of him surprised him.

Before that, Evelyn Loki, who was still closing her eyes and rested, opened her eyes and showed a charming smile, looking at Lu Yuan in such a vicious manner.

"Unexpectedly, you dare to come over!" Although the guy didn't speak and smiled, she sent these words directly to Lu Yuan's mind.

"If I'm elsewhere, I'm really afraid that you hide, and then I don't know where to trouble me."

"But you actually came here!"

"Hehe, also helped me clean the room by the way, and solve some bugs with big eyes and small bellies."

"In that case, let me repay you!"

What are you going to do?

Lu Yuan wanted to question directly, but found that he couldn't make a sound at all.

Even in Evelyn Loki's smile, the world in front of him swayed again.

That feeling is very similar to the previous times in the time tunnel, but it is slightly different.

The most important difference is that the dizziness is no longer just from the body, but directly from the soul.

In the midst of this illusory shaking, he inadvertently turned his head back and actually saw himself glaringly at him.

At this time, he realized that his consciousness had actually floated out of his body, floating in this light-separated energy beam like a ghost.

No wonder, that dizziness seems to come from the soul.

Turns out it's not like it at all!

At the same time, the attraction from Evelyn Loki's direction is also increasing, changing the previous style of repulsive force.

However, looking at the blue veins on his forehead still, Lu Yuan felt that it was the light beam of light-separated energy that its nature was to repel entities and attract consciousness.

Faintly, he even saw the Luo elementary consciousness behind Evelyn Loki, which had moved down the beam of light first.

And as his position gets lower and lower, Lu Yuan's consciousness is getting bigger and bigger.


Seeing that the structure of the flying saucer itself is becoming more and more blurred, as if being assimilated by light analysis energy, his physical body is still the same. Of course Lu Yuan knows that if this continues, he will have to become the original in Luoyang. Like the outer space above the holy capital.

That is, the Green Mayflower turned into an energy incapable body and disappeared, but his body remained alone.

Last time it was only outer space, this time it was a few hundred meters deep underwater.

Not to mention the air, the pressure of dozens of standard atmospheres at the bottom of the water is enough for him.

Especially after the flying saucer suddenly disappeared, the seawater that was pressed into this area by the surrounding pressure might be able to crush and tear his unconscious body directly.

Although Lu Yuan was curious about what Loki on the opposite side wanted to do, he also knew that if his body was left here, even if his consciousness was immortal, he would eventually have to change a form of existence because of the loss of his body.

Although transforming his consciousness into an electronic life form is a life-sustaining method he has now mastered, but because of the nature of carbon-based organisms, he does not want to say goodbye to his physical body so early.

After all, he was still young, and he was not a dying old man who was physically vulnerable.

So, what should we do now?

Put your body in the portable space? Due to the nature of the portable space, I am afraid that it will directly cause the body to die biologically.

Even if the consciousness returns to the body in the end, I am afraid that it is not like that, but it is essentially a zombie?

If the work space can be opened, then that is the right place. It just so happens that the operating table inside has been upgraded many times, and it has long been functioning as a life support system. It is simply the best way to take care of a body that is essentially a vegetative.

However, the working space cannot be opened.

Lu Yuan's thoughts continued to think backwards, but he inadvertently subconsciously made a gesture of throwing a beacon out of the workspace.

As a result, the workspace beacon, which had been unresponsive for a year, was actually spread out under his feet this time.

Although the opening was not big, and Lu Yuan soon discovered that the opening could only be expanded within the beam of light analysis energy, this sudden change made him overjoyed.

Turns out, is this the same thing?

Vaguely, he seemed to grasp some essence, vaguely understand the reason why the previous workspace beacon could not be deployed.

But it’s not too late to think about that after that. His current goal is to quickly get his body into the working space, and at the same time let the Dwemer spider-shaped Shiafe curled up in his body backpack into the long-lost working space. The main console once again became the logistics manager there.

It's a pity that he only had time to withdraw his body into the working space and give Xiafei an order. Before everything was ready, the stronger and stronger suction there sucked him down.

He had to retract the beacon and, under the control of the suction, gradually pulsed along the beam of light towards the fine gold mine below the flying saucer.

However, when his consciousness approached the Thunderbolt that he had deliberately left in place, he found that as long as he entered here, the suction that seemed to tear his soul into pieces became much softer.

On the contrary, the Thunderbolt, who hadn't moved much before, began to fall downward as if it had endured the suction.

This characteristic is also very similar to the essence of his thinking of using Thunder God's Arrow to explore the consciousness and memory of the Isu people.

As a result, he was relieved to regard Thor as a soul boat, and rushed down in this torrent of souls.

As he walked farther and farther in the beam of light, his rate of decline became faster and faster.

When he was about to approach the fine gold vein, he felt that he and Thor Arrow had already turned into a light arrow.

Perhaps this is not the case, but at the moment of the two-handed fighting, he seemed to hear a puff, as if he had inserted the syringe needle into the patient's skin like a novice nurse.

She and Raytheon, like medicine in a needle, were smoothly pushed into the patient's body by her.

However, after entering this fine gold vein, Lu Yuan realized that the world here was far wider and more peculiar than he had imagined.

If you think of this vein as a blood vessel, Lu Yuan is now a drug or a nano-robot swimming in the blood vessel.

In this blood vessel, there are countless blood cells swimming incessantly.

Not so much blood cells, they are more like snow glass balls, or snow crystal balls.

It's the kind of ornaments that can make cities or villages sealed in a glass ball look like snowflakes floating upside down.

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