Because Zhang Tianle had penetrated her in advance.

If she wants to drive people away, Qian Chen may do something to her.

Hence these arrangements.

Just as she was relieved, she heard a commotion at the door.

There are also the sounds of fighting, tearing, and swearing.

Anyway, it's a lot of commotion.

The confused night smiled.

It seems that the drama she arranged finally allowed Qian Chen to catch up.

Thinking of this, she walked over to the cat's eye and looked out.

I saw Qian Chen being beaten by a group of women.

The one who tears the clothes tears the clothes, the one who pulls the hair pulls the hair, the one who pinches the arms and the one who scratches the face.

There was chaos outside.

Under the extreme combat power of that group of girls, Qian Chen, who originally had a slight upper hand, was quickly defeated.

And ran to the confused night, trying to use his fingerprint to pick the lock, and enter the room to avoid the beating of the crazy women.

It's just that what makes him desperate is that the confused night directly locks the door.

His fingerprints couldn't be opened at all.

"Baby, if you open the door, I'm going to be beaten to death by these crazy women. Open the door!

No matter how Qian Chen yelled, he didn't open the door in the confused night.

In the live broadcast room.

All the sailors were dumbfounded.

Although they had seen the operation of the confused night before.

But now that it happened, they couldn't help but shudder.

When this girl loves a man, it is really deep in her bones.

But for those men who betrayed her, her methods are enough to play people to death.

Not to mention others, at least the people who saw Qian Chen in the entire live broadcast room would definitely not believe Qian Chen.

Who the would dare to believe the words of a man who stepped on a dozen boats and was married.

[This stinky man deserves it!

[This kind of scumbag should be dealt with like this! ] 【

Good job! Little girl! The

confused night glanced at the barrage, smiled far-fetched, and then greeted Zhang Tianle: "Thank you anchor!"

If it weren't for Zhang Tianle's suggestion, she would still be coaxed by Qian Chen, a big scumbag, and stubbornly believe that this scumbag really likes herself.

It's ridiculous to think about it now.

Only now it's all over.

"Hmm." Zhang Tianle nodded: And don't think that everything is over like this. He's not one to give up easily. "

Anchor, I know him better than you. I know how to deal with him. Confused Night smiled meaningfully.

When she loves him, she can pamper him all.

When she doesn't love him, she knows all his weaknesses and knows how to hit him, the most painful.

"Still, I suggest you spend five hundred dollars to buy a peace charm."

He saw her half a month later, she was hit by Qian Chen, who had lost everything, and died on the spot, and Qian Chen was also arrested for intentional homicide.

When I hesitated in the confused night, I happened to see the barrage of sailors in the live broadcast room.

[Sister, don't hesitate! Buy it, buy it, buy it! The anchor's peace charm, that's simply a life amulet! The anchor asked you to buy it, it is definitely what life danger you will encounter, but because of some mysterious forces, you can't say, you buy it quickly! It can really save your life! 【

Yes! Many sailors in the live broadcast room have bought it, and they will save their lives in the end! See

these barrages.

The first reaction of the confused night is not to buy without a brain.

is wondering, these people should be Zhang Tianle's entrustment, right?

But in the end, out of trust in Zhang Tianle, she said to Zhang Tianle: "Then please trouble the anchor to give me a peace charm!" "

The peace charm of five hundred yuan is a little expensive.

But just think of it as more than 500 yuan, and recognize the true face of a scumbag!

"I have sent you a WeChat and private message, you pay attention to check." Zhang Tianle said to the confused night.

He has too many private messages the day after tomorrow, and he can't read them at all.

So he directly gave his WeChat to the confused night.

In the confused night, he directly brushed Zhang Tianle with an extra spaceship: "Anchor, this should be regarded as Fu Qian." I'll add the anchor's WeChat later, and send the address to the anchor. I won't continue to delay the anchor to show others. After

saying that, the confused night hung up the microphone.

[Ahh This young lady is so brave! dared to hang up the anchor's microphone directly!

[Am I the only one who wants to buy the anchor's peace charm? Do you have any brothers like me?

[I also want to buy a peace charm! [

Want to buy a peace charm +1]

The sailors in the entire live broadcast room are brushing up on the peace charm that wants to buy Zhang Tianle.

They really want to buy.

Before the gourd baby saved his grandfather, and the policeman, they all picked up a life because of Zhang Tianle's peace charm.

This made them realize that Zhang Tianle's peace charm was really something.

Therefore, some unlucky sailors in the live broadcast room want to buy Zhang Tianle's peace charm, and maybe they can save their dog's life at a critical moment.

[Kneel down and beg the anchor, the link to the selling charm! ]

[One person blood book! ] 【

Ten Thousand Blood Books! Zhang

Tianle glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

I was amused by this group of sailors.

"It seems that everyone likes my peace charm, but I don't want to put it on the Internet for the time being, because I don't have a lot of stock. In this way, I hang a hundred peace charms every day. What do you think?

"Although there are more monks and less meat, it is better than nothing! I asked, when will the anchor hang? "

In the Xianyin live broadcast, you can directly hang links and sell your own small goods.

They can't wait for Zhang Tianle to hang up now.

They can just grab it.

"Wait until the live broadcast is over." Zhang Tianle looked at the water friends who couldn't wait, and explained with a smile.

And just when Zhang Tianle explained to the sailors, a hundred spaceships were immediately brushed in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Tianle looked fixedly.

The striking thing about brushing the spaceship is "I say I'm one, I'm one."

I said I was one, and I was one: "Thank you anchor for saving my dad's life!" A small gift is not a tribute! Anchor, don't you mind connecting with me, right?

Zhang Tianle saw that no one wanted to tell the hexagram for the time being, so he said "I said I am one, I am one" and connected the microphone.

As soon as the microphone was connected, the exotic face of "I said I am one, I am one" appeared on the live broadcast screen.

At this moment, she said to Zhang Tianle excitedly: "Anchor, thanks to your guidance this time, I saved my father."

According to Zhang Tianle's guidance, she was in a foreign country, and when she saw her father, her father was about to lose weight.

And I was still having a high fever at the time.

If she hadn't arrived in time, she really wouldn't have dared to think about what symptoms her dad would have.

After rescuing her father, her father's physical condition was not very good, and it was not until yesterday that her father completely woke up and turned the corner.

So as soon as her father got better, she went to the live broadcast room to give Zhang Tianle a gift.

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